
A Uniform and Programmatic approach to theming Egui Applications

## Table of Contents - [About](#about) - [Install](#install) - [Usage](#usage) - [Maintainers](#maintainers) - [License](#license) ## About This library is my answer to theming egui. There are other libraries, and approaches. I like this method because it is trait based, so many themes could be added to this crate for everyone to use. ### Default themes > The library ships with the following themes if default features are left on. > These should look great on Mac, Windows and Linux alike. 1. Standard Dark - Based off of the [Gnome Adwaita color palette]( 2. Standard Light - Based off of the [Gnome Adwaita color palette]( ### Other themes > There are plenty of other themes that can be specified through features 1. Carl Dark - Based off of the [Kde plasma theme]( 2. Nord (Light and Dark) - Based off the [ popular Nord theme]( 3. Tokyo Night (Dark and Storm) - Based off the [VSCode Extension]( 4. Catpuccin - TODO ### Checkout the results
Screen Shots

Standard Dark theme on Kde Plasma

Standard Dark

Standard Light theme on Kde Plasma

Standard Light

Carl Dark theme Kde on Plasma

Standard Light

Nord Dark

Nord Dark

Nord Light

Nord Light

Tokyo Night

Tokyo Night

Tokyo Night Sorm

Tokyo Night Storm
## Install The library is very flexible and doesn't force you to include themes you don't want. > This includes default features which is the Aesthetix trait, and > the StandardDark and StandardLight themes ```toml egui-aesthetix = "0.2.4" ``` > Only includes the Aesthetix trait, no themes will be included ```toml egui-aesthetix = { version = "0.2.4", default-features = false } ``` > Include all the themes ```toml egui-aesthetix = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["all_themes"] } ``` > Only include standard themes and a specified theme (here carl is used as the specified theme) ```toml egui-aesthetix = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["standard", "carl" ] } ``` > Only include nord themes ```toml egui-aesthetix = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["nord"] } ``` > Only include tokyo night themes ```toml egui-aesthetix = { version = "0.2.4", features = ["tokyo_night"] } ``` ## Usage Here is the [dashboard template from the above screenshots]( using this crate for its themes. The code is straight forward to read. Reading the `egui-aesthetix` source code and the dashboard code should give you more than enough information and context to use it in your own applications as well as implement your own custom themes using the `Aesthetix` trait. **Happy Theming!!** ## Maintainers [@thebashpotato]( PRs accepted. Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the [standard-readme]( specification. ## License MIT © 2023 Matt Williams