use {egui_miniquad as egui_mq, miniquad as mq}; struct Stage { egui_mq: egui_mq::EguiMq, show_egui_demo_windows: bool, egui_demo_windows: egui_demo_lib::DemoWindows, color_test: egui_demo_lib::ColorTest, prev_egui_zoom_factor: f32, zoom_factor: f32, mq_ctx: Box, } impl Stage { fn new() -> Self { let mut mq_ctx = mq::window::new_rendering_backend(); Self { egui_mq: egui_mq::EguiMq::new(&mut *mq_ctx), show_egui_demo_windows: true, egui_demo_windows: Default::default(), color_test: Default::default(), prev_egui_zoom_factor: 1.0, zoom_factor: 1.0, mq_ctx, } } } impl mq::EventHandler for Stage { fn update(&mut self) {} fn draw(&mut self) { self.mq_ctx.clear(Some((1., 1., 1., 1.)), None, None); self.mq_ctx .begin_default_pass(mq::PassAction::clear_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); self.mq_ctx.end_render_pass(); let dpi_scale = mq::window::dpi_scale(); // Run the UI code: *self.mq_ctx, |_mq_ctx, egui_ctx| { if self.show_egui_demo_windows { self.egui_demo_windows.ui(egui_ctx); } // zoom factor could have been changed by the user in egui using Ctrl/Cmd and -/+/0, // but it could also be in the middle of being changed by us using the slider. So we // only allow egui's zoom to override our zoom if the egui zoom is different from what // we saw last time (meaning the user has changed it). let curr_egui_zoom = egui_ctx.zoom_factor(); if self.prev_egui_zoom_factor != curr_egui_zoom { self.zoom_factor = curr_egui_zoom; } self.prev_egui_zoom_factor = curr_egui_zoom; egui::Window::new("egui ❤ miniquad").show(egui_ctx, |ui| { egui::widgets::global_dark_light_mode_buttons(ui); ui.checkbox(&mut self.show_egui_demo_windows, "Show egui demo windows");|ui| { ui.label("Physical pixels per each logical 'point':"); ui.label(format!("native: {:.2}", dpi_scale)); ui.label(format!("egui: {:.2}", ui.ctx().pixels_per_point())); ui.label("Current zoom factor:"); ui.add( egui::Slider::new(&mut self.zoom_factor, 0.75..=3.0).logarithmic(true), ) .on_hover_text("Override egui zoom factor manually (changes effective pixels per point)"); if ui.button("Reset").clicked() { self.zoom_factor = 1.0; } ui.label("By default, egui allows zooming with\nCtrl/Cmd and +/-/0"); // Creating a checkbox that directly mutates the egui context's options causes a // freeze so we copy the state out, possibly mutate it with the checkbox, and // then copy it back in. let mut zoom_with_keyboard = egui_ctx.options(|o| o.zoom_with_keyboard); ui.checkbox(&mut zoom_with_keyboard, "Allow egui zoom with keyboard"); egui_ctx.options_mut(|o| o.zoom_with_keyboard = zoom_with_keyboard ); }); #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] { if ui.button("Quit").clicked() { std::process::exit(0); } } }); // Don't change zoom while dragging the slider if !egui_ctx.is_using_pointer() { egui_ctx.set_zoom_factor(self.zoom_factor); } egui::Window::new("Color Test").show(egui_ctx, |ui| { egui::ScrollArea::both() .auto_shrink([false; 2]) .show(ui, |ui| { self.color_test.ui(ui); }); }); }); // Draw things behind egui here self.egui_mq.draw(&mut *self.mq_ctx); // Draw things in front of egui here self.mq_ctx.commit_frame(); } fn mouse_motion_event(&mut self, x: f32, y: f32) { self.egui_mq.mouse_motion_event(x, y); } fn mouse_wheel_event(&mut self, dx: f32, dy: f32) { self.egui_mq.mouse_wheel_event(dx, dy); } fn mouse_button_down_event(&mut self, mb: mq::MouseButton, x: f32, y: f32) { self.egui_mq.mouse_button_down_event(mb, x, y); } fn mouse_button_up_event(&mut self, mb: mq::MouseButton, x: f32, y: f32) { self.egui_mq.mouse_button_up_event(mb, x, y); } fn char_event(&mut self, character: char, _keymods: mq::KeyMods, _repeat: bool) { self.egui_mq.char_event(character); } fn key_down_event(&mut self, keycode: mq::KeyCode, keymods: mq::KeyMods, _repeat: bool) { self.egui_mq.key_down_event(keycode, keymods); } fn key_up_event(&mut self, keycode: mq::KeyCode, keymods: mq::KeyMods) { self.egui_mq.key_up_event(keycode, keymods); } } fn main() { #[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))] { // Log to stdout (if you run with `RUST_LOG=debug`). tracing_subscriber::fmt::init(); } let conf = mq::conf::Conf { high_dpi: true, window_width: 1200, window_height: 1024, ..Default::default() }; mq::start(conf, || Box::new(Stage::new())); }