use egui::{self, DragValue}; use egui_modal::{Icon, Modal, ModalStyle}; struct ExampleApp { modal_style: ModalStyle, modal_title: String, modal_body: String, nested_modal_text: String, include_title: bool, include_body: bool, include_buttons: bool, close_on_outside_click: bool, dialog_icon: Option, } impl Default for ExampleApp { fn default() -> Self { Self { modal_style: ModalStyle::default(), modal_title: "a modal".to_string(), modal_body: "here is the modal body".to_string(), nested_modal_text: String::new(), include_title: true, include_body: true, include_buttons: true, close_on_outside_click: false, dialog_icon: Some(Icon::Info), } } } impl eframe::App for ExampleApp { fn update(&mut self, ctx: &egui::Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { egui::Window::new("egui-modal").show(ctx, |ui| { // you can put the modal creation and show logic wherever you want // (though of course it needs to be created before it can be used) let nested_modal = Modal::new(ctx, "nested_modal"); let modal = Modal::new(ctx, "modal") .with_style(&self.modal_style) .with_close_on_outside_click(self.close_on_outside_click || !self.include_buttons); // the show function defines what is shown in the modal, but the modal // won't actually show until you do|ui| { // these helper functions are NOT mandatory to use, they just // help implement some styling with margins and separators // you can put whatever you like in here if self.include_title { modal.title(ui, &mut self.modal_title); } // the "frame" of the modal refers to the container of the icon and body. // this helper just applies a margin specified by the ModalStyle modal.frame(ui, |ui| { if self.include_body { modal.body(ui, &self.modal_body); } }); if self.include_buttons { modal.buttons(ui, |ui| { if modal.button(ui, "close").clicked() || (self.close_on_outside_click && modal.was_outside_clicked()) { // all buttons created with the helper functions automatically // close the modal on click, but you can close it yourself with // ['modal.close()'] println!("hello world!") } modal.caution_button(ui, "button, but caution"); if modal.suggested_button(ui, "open another modal").clicked() { // always close your previous modal before opening a new one otherwise weird // layering things will happen. again, the helper functions for the buttons automatically // close the modal on click, so we don't have to manually do that here; } }) } }); // a dialog is useful when you have a one-time occurance and you want to relay information to the user let mut dialog_modal = Modal::new(ctx, "dialog_modal").with_style(&self.modal_style); // make sure you don't forget to show the dialog! dialog_modal.show_dialog(); ui.with_layout(egui::Layout::top_down_justified(egui::Align::Min), |ui| { if ui.button("open modal").clicked() {; } if ui.button("open dialog").clicked() { // [`.dialog()`] can be used to both set the visual info for the dialog // and open it at the same time let mut dialog_builder = dialog_modal .dialog() .with_title("this is a dialog") .with_body("this helps for showing information about one-time events"); if let Some(dialog_icon) = self.dialog_icon.clone() { dialog_builder = dialog_builder.with_icon(dialog_icon); }; } ui.separator(); // to prevent locking the example window without any way to close the modal :) // remember to implement this yourself if you don't use buttons in your modal let mut cooc_enabled = self.close_on_outside_click || !self.include_buttons; ui.add_enabled_ui(self.include_buttons, |ui| { if ui .checkbox(&mut cooc_enabled, "close if click outside modal") .clicked() { self.close_on_outside_click = !self.close_on_outside_click }; }); ui.checkbox(&mut self.include_title, "include title"); ui.checkbox(&mut self.include_body, "include body"); ui.checkbox(&mut self.include_buttons, "include buttons"); ui.separator(); egui::Grid::new("options_grid") .min_col_width(200.) .striped(true) .show(ui, |ui| { ui.label("title"); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.modal_title); ui.end_row(); ui.label("body"); ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.modal_body); ui.end_row(); let mut has_height = self.modal_style.default_height.is_some(); let mut has_width = self.modal_style.default_width.is_some(); if ui.checkbox(&mut has_height, "default height").changed() { if has_height { self.modal_style.default_height = Some(100.) } else { self.modal_style.default_height = None } } if let Some(modal_height) = self.modal_style.default_height.as_mut() { let modal_height = DragValue::new(modal_height).range(0..=1000); ui.add_sized(ui.available_rect_before_wrap().size(), modal_height); } ui.end_row(); if ui.checkbox(&mut has_width, "default width").changed() { if has_width { self.modal_style.default_width = Some(100.) } else { self.modal_style.default_width = None } } if let Some(modal_width) = self.modal_style.default_width.as_mut() { let modal_width = DragValue::new(modal_width).range(0..=1000); ui.add_sized(ui.available_rect_before_wrap().size(), modal_width); } ui.end_row(); ui.label("body margin"); let body_margin = DragValue::new(&mut self.modal_style.body_margin).range(0..=20); ui.add_sized(ui.available_rect_before_wrap().size(), body_margin); ui.end_row(); ui.label("frame margin"); let frame_margin = DragValue::new(&mut self.modal_style.frame_margin).range(0..=20); ui.add_sized(ui.available_rect_before_wrap().size(), frame_margin); ui.end_row(); ui.label("icon margin"); let icon_margin = DragValue::new(&mut self.modal_style.icon_margin).range(0..=20); ui.add_sized(ui.available_rect_before_wrap().size(), icon_margin); ui.end_row(); ui.label("icon size"); let icon_size = DragValue::new(&mut self.modal_style.icon_size).range(8..=48); ui.add_sized(ui.available_rect_before_wrap().size(), icon_size); ui.end_row(); ui.label("dialog icon"); let mut use_icon = self.dialog_icon.is_some(); ui.horizontal(|ui| { if ui.checkbox(&mut use_icon, "use a dialog icon").clicked() { if use_icon { self.dialog_icon = Some(Icon::Info); } else { self.dialog_icon = None; } } if let Some(icon) = self.dialog_icon.as_mut() { ui.selectable_value(icon, Icon::Info, "info"); ui.selectable_value(icon, Icon::Warning, "warning"); ui.selectable_value(icon, Icon::Success, "success"); ui.selectable_value(icon, Icon::Error, "error"); } }); ui.end_row(); ui.label("body alignment"); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.selectable_value( &mut self.modal_style.body_alignment, egui::Align::Min, "min", ); ui.selectable_value( &mut self.modal_style.body_alignment, egui::Align::Center, "center", ); ui.selectable_value( &mut self.modal_style.body_alignment, egui::Align::Max, "max", ); }); ui.end_row(); ui.label("overlay color"); ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.overlay_color); ui.end_row(); ui.label("caution button (fill, text)"); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.caution_button_fill); ui.color_edit_button_srgba( &mut self.modal_style.caution_button_text_color, ); }); ui.end_row(); ui.label("suggested button (fill, text)"); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.suggested_button_fill); ui.color_edit_button_srgba( &mut self.modal_style.suggested_button_text_color, ); }); ui.end_row(); ui.label("icon colors (info, warning, success, error)"); ui.horizontal(|ui| { ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.info_icon_color); ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.warning_icon_color); ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.success_icon_color); ui.color_edit_button_srgba(&mut self.modal_style.error_icon_color); }); ui.end_row(); }); }); // why is this down here?? just wanted to show that you can put // the modal's [`.show()`] anywhere but we could have put this above // modal if we wanted|ui| { nested_modal.frame(ui, |ui| { nested_modal.body(ui, "hello there!"); // you can put textboxes in here. ui.text_edit_singleline(&mut self.nested_modal_text); }); nested_modal.buttons(ui, |ui| { nested_modal.button(ui, "close"); }) }); }); } } fn main() { let _ = eframe::run_native( "egui-modal example", eframe::NativeOptions::default(), Box::new(|_cc| Ok(Box::new(ExampleApp::default()))), ); }