## Links * Crates.io: https://crates.io/crates/egui-themes * docs.rs: https://docs.rs/egui-themes * Github: https://github.com/Resonanz/egui-themes ## What is egui-themes egui-themes is a crate that provides super-simple color theming capability for egui projects. The current theme colors are taken from Catppuccin (https://crates.io/keywords/catppuccin). Additional color themes may be added. Please submit your own and I may incorporate them into this crate. Please submit an issue on Github if you have suggestions or improvements. ## Usage In ```Cargo.toml``` add the following dependency: ``` [dependencies] egui-themes = 0.1.0 <--- The latest version number can be found on Crates.io. ``` Or you could use the following if developing locally: ``` [dependencies] egui-themes = { path = "/Github/egui-themes/" } ``` ### The following asumes you are using eframe_template: In ```app.rs``` import the crate using: ```use egui_themes::{StateMachine, MOCHA};``` Using the ```TemplateApp``` struct, define a ```run_once``` boolean and a ```StateMachine``` variable to hold the current theme: ``` pub struct TemplateApp { run_once: bool, my_theme: StateMachine, } impl Default for TemplateApp { fn default() -> Self { Self { run_once: false, my_theme: egui_themes::StateMachine::new(), } } } ``` Inside ```fn update...``` set the startup theme state using the ```run_once``` boolean: ``` fn update(&mut self, ctx: &Context, _frame: &mut eframe::Frame) { if self.run_once == false { self.run_once = true; self.my_theme.set_theme(ctx, &MOCHA); } ``` Then in the main loop: ``` // Theme cycle button let b = ui.add(egui::Button::new("☀🌙").sense(Sense::click())); if b.clicked() { self.my_theme.rotate_theme(&ctx); } else if b.hovered() { b.on_hover_text("Click for next theme..."); } ``` ## Video https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/ddcfce39-8377-440f-bce6-b98e7945c441