use eframe::{egui, NativeOptions}; use egui::{Align2, Area, CentralPanel, Frame, Id, Vec2}; use ehttp::Request; use egui_inbox::{UiInbox, UiInboxSender}; use egui_pull_to_refresh::PullToRefresh; pub fn main() -> eframe::Result<()> { let mut joke: Option = None; let mut loading = true; let inbox = UiInbox::new(); load_joke(inbox.sender()); eframe::run_simple_native( "Pull to refresh dad jokes", NativeOptions::default(), move |ctx, _frame| { CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { // Disable text selection, so it doesn't interfere with the drag gesture ui.style_mut().interaction.selectable_labels = false; ui.style_mut().interaction.multi_widget_text_select = false; if let Some(j) = { joke = j; loading = false; } let size = ui.available_size(); let response = PullToRefresh::new(loading).ui(ui, |ui| { // We have to set the height here so we can scroll everywhere on the screen ui.set_height(size.y); ui.vertical_centered(|ui| { ui.allocate_space(Vec2::new(0.0, size.y / 4.0)); ui.label("Dad Jokes"); Frame::group(, |ui| { ui.set_max_width(ui.available_width().min(400.0)); if let Some(joke) = joke.as_ref() { ui.heading(joke); } }); ui.label("Pull to get a new joke!"); if ui.button("Or click me!").clicked() { load_joke(inbox.sender()); loading = true; } }); }); if response.should_refresh() { load_joke(inbox.sender()); loading = true; } }); Area::new(Id::new("attribution")) .anchor(Align2::LEFT_BOTTOM, Vec2::new(8.0, -8.0)) .show(ctx, |ui| { ui.hyperlink_to( "Jokes from", "", ); }); }, ) } fn load_joke(tx: UiInboxSender>) { let mut request = Request::get(""); request .headers .insert("Accept".to_string(), "text/plain".to_string()); ehttp::fetch(request, move |response| { let response = response.unwrap(); let joke = response.text().unwrap(); tx.send(Some(joke.to_string())).ok(); }); }