#ifdef GL_ES precision mediump float; #endif uniform sampler2D u_sampler; #if defined(GL_ES) || __VERSION__ < 140 varying vec4 v_rgba; varying vec2 v_tc; #else in vec4 v_rgba; in vec2 v_tc; out vec4 f_color; #endif #ifdef GL_ES // 0-255 sRGB from 0-1 linear vec3 srgb_from_linear(vec3 rgb) { bvec3 cutoff = lessThan(rgb, vec3(0.0031308)); vec3 lower = rgb * vec3(3294.6); vec3 higher = vec3(269.025) * pow(rgb, vec3(1.0 / 2.4)) - vec3(14.025); return mix(higher, lower, vec3(cutoff)); } vec4 srgba_from_linear(vec4 rgba) { return vec4(srgb_from_linear(rgba.rgb), 255.0 * rgba.a); } #if __VERSION__ < 300 // 0-1 linear from 0-255 sRGB vec3 linear_from_srgb(vec3 srgb) { bvec3 cutoff = lessThan(srgb, vec3(10.31475)); vec3 lower = srgb / vec3(3294.6); vec3 higher = pow((srgb + vec3(14.025)) / vec3(269.025), vec3(2.4)); return mix(higher, lower, vec3(cutoff)); } vec4 linear_from_srgba(vec4 srgba) { return vec4(linear_from_srgb(srgba.rgb), srgba.a / 255.0); } #endif #endif #ifdef GL_ES void main() { #if __VERSION__ < 300 // We must decode the colors, since WebGL doesn't come with sRGBA textures: vec4 texture_rgba = linear_from_srgba(texture2D(u_sampler, v_tc) * 255.0); #else // The texture is set up with `SRGB8_ALPHA8`, so no need to decode here! vec4 texture_rgba = texture2D(u_sampler, v_tc); #endif /// Multiply vertex color with texture color (in linear space). gl_FragColor = v_rgba * texture_rgba; // We must gamma-encode again since WebGL doesn't support linear blending in the framebuffer. gl_FragColor = srgba_from_linear(v_rgba * texture_rgba) / 255.0; // WebGL doesn't support linear blending in the framebuffer, // so we apply this hack to at least get a bit closer to the desired blending: gl_FragColor.a = pow(gl_FragColor.a, 1.6); // Empiric nonsense } #else void main() { // The texture sampler is sRGB aware, and OpenGL already expects linear rgba output // so no need for any sRGB conversions here: #if __VERSION__ < 140 gl_FragColor = v_rgba * texture2D(u_sampler, v_tc); #else f_color = v_rgba * texture(u_sampler, v_tc); #endif } #endif