use egui_sdl2_event::DpiMode; /// This is a mix of the rust-sdl2 opengl example, /// the skia-safe gl window example: /// and the egui-sdl2-event example: #[cfg(feature = "gl")] fn main() { extern crate gl; extern crate sdl2; use egui_sdl2_event::EguiSDL2State; use sdl2::event::{Event, WindowEvent}; use sdl2::keyboard::Keycode; use sdl2::video::{GLProfile, Window}; use skia_safe::gpu::gl::FramebufferInfo; use skia_safe::gpu::{BackendRenderTarget, SurfaceOrigin}; use skia_safe::{Color, ColorType, Surface}; use egui_skia::EguiSkia; let sdl_context = sdl2::init().unwrap(); let mut event_pump = sdl_context.event_pump().unwrap(); let video_subsystem =; let gl_attr = video_subsystem.gl_attr(); gl_attr.set_context_profile(GLProfile::Core); gl_attr.set_context_version(3, 3); let window = video_subsystem .window("Window", 800, 600) .opengl() .resizable() .allow_highdpi() .build() .unwrap(); // Unlike the other example above, nobody created a context for your window, so you need to create one. let _ctx = window.gl_create_context().unwrap(); debug_assert_eq!(gl_attr.context_profile(), GLProfile::Core); debug_assert_eq!(gl_attr.context_version(), (3, 3)); gl::load_with(|name| video_subsystem.gl_get_proc_address(name) as *const _); let interface = skia_safe::gpu::gl::Interface::new_load_with(|name| { if name == "eglGetCurrentDisplay" { return std::ptr::null(); } video_subsystem.gl_get_proc_address(name) as *const _ }) .expect("Could not create interface"); let mut gr_context = skia_safe::gpu::DirectContext::new_gl(Some(interface), None).unwrap(); let fb_info = { let mut fboid = 0; unsafe { gl::GetIntegerv(gl::FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &mut fboid) }; FramebufferInfo { fboid: fboid.try_into().unwrap(), format: skia_safe::gpu::gl::Format::RGBA8.into(), } }; fn create_surface( window: &Window, fb_info: &FramebufferInfo, gr_context: &mut skia_safe::gpu::DirectContext, ) -> Surface { let (width, height) = window.drawable_size(); let backend_render_target = BackendRenderTarget::new_gl((width as i32, height as i32), 0, 8, *fb_info); Surface::from_backend_render_target( gr_context, &backend_render_target, SurfaceOrigin::BottomLeft, ColorType::RGBA8888, None, None, ) .unwrap() } let mut surface = create_surface(&window, &fb_info, &mut gr_context); let mut egui_sdl2_state = EguiSDL2State::new(&window, &video_subsystem, DpiMode::Auto); let mut egui_skia = EguiSkia::new(); let mut demo_ui = egui_demo_lib::DemoWindows::default(); 'running: loop { for event in event_pump.poll_iter() { match &event { Event::Quit { .. } | Event::KeyDown { keycode: Some(Keycode::Escape), .. } => { break 'running; } Event::Window { window_id, win_event: WindowEvent::SizeChanged(_width, _height) | WindowEvent::Resized(_width, _height), .. } => { if *window_id == { surface = create_surface(&window, &fb_info, &mut gr_context); } } _ => {} } egui_sdl2_state.sdl2_input_to_egui(&window, &event) } let (_duration, full_output) =, |ctx| { demo_ui.ui(ctx); }); egui_sdl2_state.process_output(&window, &full_output); let canvas = surface.canvas(); canvas.clear(Color::BLACK); egui_skia.paint(canvas); surface.flush(); window.gl_swap_window(); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "gl"))] fn main() { println!("This example requires the `gl` feature to be enabled."); }