use std::fmt::Debug; use eframe::{egui, NativeOptions}; use egui::{CentralPanel, Frame, Window}; use egui_suspense::EguiSuspense; // You can customize the loading and error uis by just placing a global function somewhere in your project. fn custom_suspense(sus: EguiSuspense) -> EguiSuspense { sus.loading_ui(|ui| { ui.label("My custom loading ui!"); ui.spinner(); }) .error_ui(|ui, error, state| { Frame::dark_canvas(, |ui| { ui.label("My custom error ui!"); ui.label(error); if ui.button("My custom retry button").clicked() { state.reload(); } }); }) } pub fn main() -> eframe::Result<()> { let mut suspenses = Vec::new(); eframe::run_simple_native( "Custom Suspense Example", NativeOptions::default(), move |ctx, _frame| { CentralPanel::default().show(ctx, |ui| { Window::new("Main Window").show(ui.ctx(), |ui| { ui.label("Hello World!"); if ui.button("Load").clicked() { // Then simply wrap the call where you create the suspense with your custom function. let suspense = custom_suspense(EguiSuspense::reloadable(|cb| { dbg!("Loading data..."); std::thread::spawn(move || { std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(1)); cb(if rand::random() { Ok("Hello".to_string()) } else { Err("OOPSIE WOOPSIE!".to_string()) }); }); })); suspenses.push(suspense); } }); suspenses.iter_mut().enumerate().for_each(|(i, suspense)| { Window::new(i.to_string()).show(ui.ctx(), |ui| { suspense.ui(ui, |ui, data, _state| { ui.label(format!("Data: {data:?}")); }); }); }); }); }, ) }