use eframe::epaint::Vec2; use eframe::NativeOptions; use egui::{vec2, CentralPanel, Frame, Image, Rect, ScrollArea, Sense, Ui}; use serde::Deserialize; use egui_thumbhash::ThumbhashImage; fn col(ui: &mut Ui, items: &[GalleryItem]) { let width = ui.available_width(); ui.set_width(width); for item in items { // If you don't know the image size beforehand, you can use // `thumbhash::thumb_hash_to_approximate_aspect_ratio` to get an estimate // of the aspect ratio let image_size = vec2(item.width, item.height); // Calculate the target image size based on the column width let image_size = image_size * (width / image_size.x); // Only render images if they are visible (this is basically lazy loading) if ui.is_rect_visible(Rect::from_min_size(ui.next_widget_position(), image_size)) { // Since the egui image doesn't know it's size until it's loaded, and seems to ignore // fit_to_exact_size while loading, it's easiest to use add_sized to set the image to a fixed size. // If this is not done, the thumbhash size might not fit the final image size. ui.add_sized( image_size, ThumbhashImage::new( Image::new(format!( "{}.webp", )).show_loading_spinner(false), item.thumbhash.as_ref().unwrap(), ).rounding(8.0), ); } else { ui.allocate_exact_size(image_size, Sense::hover()); } } } fn main() -> eframe::Result<()> { let items = include_str!("../../../fancy-example/src/gallery/index.json"); let items = serde_json::from_str::>(items).unwrap(); eframe::run_simple_native( "Thumbhash Demo", NativeOptions::default(), move |ctx, _frame| { egui_extras::install_image_loaders(ctx); egui_thumbhash::register(ctx); CentralPanel::default() .frame(Frame::central_panel(& .show(ctx, |ui| { if ui.button("Reload").clicked() { ui.ctx().forget_all_images(); ui.ctx().clear_animations(); } ui.spacing_mut().item_spacing = Vec2::splat(16.0); ScrollArea::vertical().show(ui, |ui| { let cols = (ui.available_width() / 300.0).ceil() as usize; let skip = items.len() / cols; ui.horizontal(|ui| { let width = ui.available_width() + ui.spacing().item_spacing.x; for i in 0..cols { let items = &items[i * skip..(i + 1) * skip]; ui.vertical(|ui| { ui.set_max_width( (width) / cols as f32 - ui.spacing().item_spacing.x, ); col(ui, items); }); } }); }); }); }, ) } #[allow(dead_code)] #[derive(Debug, Deserialize)] struct GalleryItem { id: i32, title: String, #[serde(rename = "imageUrl")] image_url: String, thumbhash: Option>, width: f32, height: f32, }