mod utils; use utils::{ test_fixture, test_fixture_exclude_output, test_fixture_valid, test_fixture_valid_custom, }; #[test] fn valid() { test_fixture_valid(""); } #[test] fn preamble_start_malformed() { test_fixture("", "missing initial"); } #[test] fn preamble_end_malformed() { test_fixture("", "missing trailing"); } #[test] fn preamble_has_required_fields() { test_fixture("", "missing EIP"); test_fixture("", "missing title"); test_fixture("", "missing author"); test_fixture( "", "missing discussions-to", ); test_fixture("", "missing status"); test_fixture("", "missing type"); test_fixture("", "missing category"); test_fixture_valid(""); } #[test] fn preamble_unknown_field() { test_fixture("", "unknown preamble field"); } #[test] fn preamble_malformed_field() { test_fixture("", "malformed field"); } #[test] fn preamble_malformed_eip() { test_fixture( "", "EIP should be an unsigned integer", ); test_fixture( "", "EIP should be an unsigned integer", ); } #[test] fn preamble_title_too_long() { test_fixture("", "exceeds max length"); } #[test] fn preamble_invalid_discussions_to() { test_fixture("", "must be a URL"); } #[test] fn preamble_status() { test_fixture_valid_custom("", "draft: 1"); test_fixture_valid_custom("", "review: 1"); test_fixture_valid_custom("", "last_call: 1"); test_fixture_valid_custom("", "final: 1"); test_fixture_valid_custom("", "stagnant: 1"); test_fixture_valid_custom("", "withdrawn: 1"); test_fixture_valid_custom("", "living: 1"); test_fixture("", "unknown status"); } #[test] fn preamble_type() { // TODO: ensure type is *actually* represented properly test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture("", "unknown type"); } #[test] fn preamble_category() { // TODO: ensure category is *actually* represented properly test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture("", "unknown category"); } #[test] fn preamble_last_call_deadline() { test_fixture( "", "malformed last-call-deadline", ); } #[test] fn preamble_created() { test_fixture("", "malformed created"); } #[test] fn preamble_updated() { test_fixture("", "malformed updated"); } #[test] fn preamble_requires() { test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture_valid(""); test_fixture( "", "EIP should be an unsigned integer", ); test_fixture("", "ascending order"); test_fixture( "", "comma-separated values", ); test_fixture( "", "comma-separated values", ); } #[test] fn preamble_author() { test_fixture( "", "unmatched email delimiter", ); test_fixture( "", "unmatched handle delimiter", ); test_fixture( "", "can't include both an email and handle", ); test_fixture( "", "trailing information after email", ); test_fixture( "", "trailing information after handle", ); test_fixture("", "malformed email"); test_fixture("", "malformed handle"); } #[test] fn preamble_only_error_not_missing_field() { test_fixture_exclude_output("", "missing"); } #[test] fn preamble_description_too_long() { test_fixture( "", "description exceeds max length", ); }