/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ use eipw_lint::lints::markdown::JsonSchema; use eipw_lint::reporters::Text; use eipw_lint::Linter; #[tokio::test] async fn invalid_json() { let src = r#"--- header: value1 --- ```hello { ``` "#; let reports = Linter::>::default() .clear_lints() .deny( "markdown-json-schema", JsonSchema { language: "hello", additional_schemas: vec![], schema: "{}", help: "see https://example.com/schema.json", }, ) .check_slice(None, src) .run() .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); assert_eq!( reports, r#"error[markdown-json-schema]: code block of type `hello` does not contain valid JSON | 5 | ```hello | ^^^^^^^^ EOF while parsing an object at line 2 column 0 | "# ); } #[tokio::test] async fn empty_schema() { let src = r#"--- header: value1 --- ```hello {} ``` "#; let reports = Linter::>::default() .clear_lints() .deny( "markdown-json-schema", JsonSchema { language: "hello", additional_schemas: vec![], schema: "{}", help: "see https://example.com/schema.json", }, ) .check_slice(None, src) .run() .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); assert_eq!(reports, ""); } #[tokio::test] async fn single_schema_valid() { let src = r#"--- header: value1 --- ```hello {"a": "b"} ``` "#; let reports = Linter::>::default() .clear_lints() .deny( "markdown-json-schema", JsonSchema { language: "hello", additional_schemas: vec![], help: "see https://example.com/schema.json", schema: r#"{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "Root", "type": "object", "required": ["a"], "properties": { "a": { "type": "string" } } }"#, }, ) .check_slice(None, src) .run() .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); assert_eq!(reports, ""); } #[tokio::test] async fn single_schema_invalid() { let src = r#"--- header: value1 --- ```hello {"a": 3} ``` "#; let reports = Linter::>::default() .clear_lints() .deny( "markdown-json-schema", JsonSchema { language: "hello", additional_schemas: vec![], help: "see https://example.com/schema.json", schema: r#"{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "Root", "type": "object", "required": ["a"], "properties": { "a": { "type": "string" } } }"#, }, ) .check_slice(None, src) .run() .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); assert_eq!( reports, r#"error[markdown-json-schema]: code block of type `hello` does not conform to required schema | 5 | ```hello | ^^^^^^^^ 3 is not of type "string" | = help: see https://example.com/schema.json "# ); } #[tokio::test] async fn additional_schema_invalid() { let src = r#"--- header: value1 --- ```hello {"a": "3"} ``` "#; let reports = Linter::>::default() .clear_lints() .deny( "markdown-json-schema", JsonSchema { language: "hello", additional_schemas: vec![( "http://example.com/additional.json", r#"{ "type": "integer" }"#, )], help: "see https://example.com/schema.json", schema: r#"{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "Root", "type": "object", "required": ["a"], "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "http://example.com/additional.json" } } }"#, }, ) .check_slice(None, src) .run() .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); assert_eq!( reports, r#"error[markdown-json-schema]: code block of type `hello` does not conform to required schema | 5 | ```hello | ^^^^^^^^ "3" is not of type "integer" | = help: see https://example.com/schema.json "# ); } #[tokio::test] async fn additional_schema_valid() { let src = r#"--- header: value1 --- ```hello {"a": 3} ``` "#; let reports = Linter::>::default() .clear_lints() .deny( "markdown-json-schema", JsonSchema { language: "hello", additional_schemas: vec![( "http://example.com/additional.json", r#"{ "type": "integer" }"#, )], help: "see https://example.com/schema.json", schema: r#"{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "title": "Root", "type": "object", "required": ["a"], "properties": { "a": { "$ref": "http://example.com/additional.json" } } }"#, }, ) .check_slice(None, src) .run() .await .unwrap() .into_inner(); assert_eq!(reports, ""); }