#![cfg(feature = "network")] #![cfg(feature = "turmoil06")] use std::{sync::Arc, time::Duration}; use tokio::sync::Notify; use toml::toml; use tracing::info; use elfo::{prelude::*, time::Interval, topology, Topology}; mod common; #[test] fn simple() { common::setup_logger(); #[message] struct SimpleMessage(u64); #[message] struct ProducerTick; fn producer() -> Blueprint { ActorGroup::new().exec(move |mut ctx| async move { ctx.attach(Interval::new(ProducerTick)) .start(Duration::from_secs(1)); let mut counter = 0; while let Some(envelope) = ctx.recv().await { msg!(match envelope { ProducerTick => { let res = ctx.send(SimpleMessage(counter)).await; info!("sent message #{counter} => {res:?}"); counter += 1; } }) } }) } fn consumer(notify: Arc) -> Blueprint { ActorGroup::new().exec(move |mut ctx| { let notify = notify.clone(); async move { let mut nos = vec![]; while let Some(envelope) = ctx.recv().await { msg!(match envelope { SimpleMessage(no) => { info!("received message #{no}"); nos.push(no); if no == 2 { turmoil::partition("server", "client"); tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(1)).await; turmoil::repair("server", "client"); } else if no == 8 { break; } } }) } assert!(nos == [0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8] || nos == [0, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8]); // Terminate the test. // TODO: expose `system.init` and use `send(TerminateSystem)` instead. notify.notify_one(); } }) } let mut sim = turmoil::Builder::new() // TODO: We don't actually use I/O, but otherwise the test panics with: // "there is no signal driver running" // Need to detect availability of the signal driver in the `Signal` source. .enable_tokio_io() .tick_duration(Duration::from_millis(100)) .build(); sim.host("server", || async { let topology = Topology::empty(); let configurers = topology.local("system.configurers").entrypoint(); let network = topology.local("system.network"); let producers = topology.local("producers"); let consumers = topology.remote("consumers"); producers.route_to(&consumers, |_, _| topology::Outcome::Broadcast); network.mount(elfo::batteries::network::new(&topology)); configurers.mount(elfo::batteries::configurer::fixture( &topology, toml! { [system.network] listen = ["turmoil06://"] ping_interval = "1s" idle_timeout = "1s" }, )); producers.mount(producer()); Ok(elfo::init::try_start(topology).await?) }); sim.client("client", async { let topology = Topology::empty(); let configurers = topology.local("system.configurers").entrypoint(); let network = topology.local("system.network"); let consumers = topology.local("consumers"); network.mount(elfo::batteries::network::new(&topology)); configurers.mount(elfo::batteries::configurer::fixture( &topology, toml! { [system.network] discovery.predefined = ["turmoil06://server"] ping_interval = "1s" idle_timeout = "1s" }, )); let notify = Arc::new(Notify::new()); consumers.mount(consumer(notify.clone())); Ok(elfo::_priv::do_start(topology, false, |_, _| async move { notify.notified().await; }) .await?) }); sim.run().unwrap(); }