use embedded_nano_mesh::{ ExactAddressType, LifeTimeType, Node, NodeConfig, NodeString, SendError, }; use platform_millis_linux::{ms, LinuxMillis}; use platform_serial_linux::{ configure_serial, CharSize, FlowControl, LinuxSerial, Parity, PortSettings, StopBits, }; fn main() -> ! { configure_serial( "/dev/ttyUSB0".to_string(), PortSettings { baud_rate: serial_core::BaudRate::Baud9600, char_size: CharSize::Bits8, parity: Parity::ParityNone, stop_bits: StopBits::Stop1, flow_control: FlowControl::FlowNone, }, ); let mut mesh_node = Node::new(NodeConfig { device_address: ExactAddressType::new(1).unwrap(), listen_period: 150 as ms, }); match mesh_node.send_to_exact( NodeString::from("This is the message to be sent").into_bytes(), ExactAddressType::new(2).unwrap(), 10 as LifeTimeType, true, ) { Ok(()) => { println!("Packet sent"); } Err(SendError::SendingQueueIsFull) => { println!("Sending queue is full"); } } loop { let _ = mesh_node.update::(); } }