//! Recursive Directory Listing Example. //! //! ```bash //! $ cargo run --example list_dir -- /dev/mmcblk0 //! Compiling embedded-sdmmc v0.5.0 (/Users/jonathan/embedded-sdmmc-rs) //! Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.20s //! Running `/Users/jonathan/embedded-sdmmc-rs/target/debug/examples/list_dir /dev/mmcblk0` //! Listing / //! README.TXT 258 2018-12-09 19:22:34 //! EMPTY.DAT 0 2018-12-09 19:21:16 //! TEST 0 2018-12-09 19:23:16 <DIR> //! 64MB.DAT 67108864 2018-12-09 19:21:38 //! FSEVEN~1 0 2023-09-21 11:32:04 <DIR> //! Listing /TEST //! . 0 2018-12-09 19:21:02 <DIR> //! .. 0 2018-12-09 19:21:02 <DIR> //! TEST.DAT 3500 2018-12-09 19:22:12 //! Listing /FSEVEN~1 //! . 0 2023-09-21 11:32:22 <DIR> //! .. 0 2023-09-21 11:32:04 <DIR> //! FSEVEN~1 36 2023-09-21 11:32:04 //! $ //! ``` //! //! If you pass a block device it should be unmounted. No testing has been //! performed with Windows raw block devices - please report back if you try //! this! There is a gzipped example disk image which you can gunzip and test //! with if you don't have a suitable block device. //! //! ```bash //! zcat ./tests/disk.img.gz > ./disk.img //! $ cargo run --example list_dir -- ./disk.img //! ``` mod linux; use linux::*; use embedded_sdmmc::{ShortFileName, VolumeIdx}; type Error = embedded_sdmmc::Error<std::io::Error>; type Directory<'a> = embedded_sdmmc::Directory<'a, LinuxBlockDevice, Clock, 8, 4, 4>; type VolumeManager = embedded_sdmmc::VolumeManager<LinuxBlockDevice, Clock, 8, 4, 4>; fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { env_logger::init(); let mut args = std::env::args().skip(1); let filename = args.next().unwrap_or_else(|| "/dev/mmcblk0".into()); let print_blocks = args.find(|x| x == "-v").map(|_| true).unwrap_or(false); let lbd = LinuxBlockDevice::new(filename, print_blocks).map_err(Error::DeviceError)?; let volume_mgr: VolumeManager = VolumeManager::new_with_limits(lbd, Clock, 0xAA00_0000); let volume = volume_mgr.open_volume(VolumeIdx(0))?; let root_dir = volume.open_root_dir()?; list_dir(root_dir, "/")?; Ok(()) } /// Recursively print a directory listing for the open directory given. /// /// The path is for display purposes only. fn list_dir(directory: Directory<'_>, path: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { println!("Listing {}", path); let mut children = Vec::new(); directory.iterate_dir(|entry| { println!( "{:12} {:9} {} {}", entry.name, entry.size, entry.mtime, if entry.attributes.is_directory() { "<DIR>" } else { "" } ); if entry.attributes.is_directory() && entry.name != ShortFileName::parent_dir() && entry.name != ShortFileName::this_dir() { children.push(entry.name.clone()); } })?; for child_name in children { let child_dir = directory.open_dir(&child_name)?; let child_path = if path == "/" { format!("/{}", child_name) } else { format!("{}/{}", path, child_name) }; list_dir(child_dir, &child_path)?; } Ok(()) } // **************************************************************************** // // End Of File // // ****************************************************************************