# embedded-text [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/embedded_text.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/embedded_text) [![docs.rs](https://docs.rs/embedded-text/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/embedded-text/) ![Rust](https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-text/workflows/Rust/badge.svg) TextBox for embedded-graphics. This crate provides a configurable `TextBox` to render multiline text inside a bounding `Rectangle` using [embedded-graphics]. `TextBox` supports the common text alignments: - Horizontal: - `Left` - `Right` - `Center` - `Justified` - Vertical: - `Top` - `Middle` - `Bottom` `TextBox` also supports some special characters not handled by embedded-graphics' `Text`: - non-breaking space (`\u{200b}`) - zero-width space (`\u{a0}`) - soft hyphen (`\u{ad}`) - carriage return (`\r`) - tab (`\t`) with configurable tab size `TextBox` also supports text coloring using [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code) via the `Ansi` plugin. ### Example The examples are based on [the embedded-graphics simulator]. The simulator is built on top of `SDL2`. See the [simulator README] for more information. ![embedded-text example](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-text/master/assets/paragraph_spacing.png) ![embedded-text example with colored text](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-text/master/assets/plugin-ansi.png) ```rust use embedded_graphics::{ mono_font::{ascii::FONT_6X10, MonoTextStyle}, pixelcolor::BinaryColor, prelude::*, primitives::Rectangle, }; use embedded_graphics_simulator::{ BinaryColorTheme, OutputSettingsBuilder, SimulatorDisplay, Window, }; use embedded_text::{ alignment::HorizontalAlignment, style::{HeightMode, TextBoxStyleBuilder}, TextBox, }; fn main() { let text = "Hello, World!\n\ A paragraph is a number of lines that end with a manual newline. Paragraph spacing is the \ number of pixels between two paragraphs.\n\ Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when \ an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book."; // Specify the styling options: // * Use the 6x10 MonoFont from embedded-graphics. // * Draw the text fully justified. // * Use `FitToText` height mode to stretch the text box to the exact height of the text. // * Draw the text with `BinaryColor::On`, which will be displayed as light blue. let character_style = MonoTextStyle::new(&FONT_6X10, BinaryColor::On); let textbox_style = TextBoxStyleBuilder::new() .height_mode(HeightMode::FitToText) .alignment(HorizontalAlignment::Justified) .paragraph_spacing(6) .build(); // Specify the bounding box. Note the 0px height. The `FitToText` height mode will // measure and adjust the height of the text box in `into_styled()`. let bounds = Rectangle::new(Point::zero(), Size::new(128, 0)); // Create the text box and apply styling options. let text_box = TextBox::with_textbox_style(text, bounds, character_style, textbox_style); // Create a simulated display with the dimensions of the text box. let mut display = SimulatorDisplay::new(text_box.bounding_box().size); // Draw the text box. text_box.draw(&mut display).unwrap(); // Set up the window and show the display's contents. let output_settings = OutputSettingsBuilder::new() .theme(BinaryColorTheme::OledBlue) .scale(2) .build(); Window::new("TextBox example with paragraph spacing", &output_settings).show_static(&display); } ``` ## Cargo features * `plugin` (*experimental*): allows implementing custom plugins. * `ansi`: enables ANSI sequence support using the `Ansi` plugin. [embedded-graphics]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/ [the embedded-graphics simulator]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/tree/master/simulator [simulator README]: https://github.com/embedded-graphics/embedded-graphics/tree/master/simulator#usage-without-sdl2 ## Development setup ### Minimum supported Rust version The minimum supported Rust version for embedded-text is 1.61.0 or greater. Ensure you have the latest stable version of Rust installed, preferably through https://rustup.rs. ### Installation For setup in general, follow the installation instructions for [embedded-graphics]. To install SDL2 on Windows, see https://github.com/Rust-SDL2/rust-sdl2#windows-msvc ## Attribution The last paragraph of the example text is copied from https://www.lipsum.com