// The MIT License (MIT) // Copyright (c) 2019 David Haig // Demo websocket client connecting to localhost port 1337. // This will initiate a websocket connection to path /chat. The demo sends a simple "Hello, World!" // message and expects an echo of the same message as a reply. // It will then initiate a close handshake, wait for a close response from the server, // and terminate the connection. // Note that we are using the standard library in the demo and making use of the framer helper module // but the websocket library remains no_std (see client_full for an example without the framer helper module) use embedded_websocket_embedded_io::{ framer::{Framer, FramerError, ReadResult}, WebSocketClient, WebSocketCloseStatusCode, WebSocketOptions, WebSocketSendMessageType, }; use std::{error::Error, net::TcpStream}; fn main() -> Result<(), FramerError> { // open a TCP stream to localhost port 1337 let address = ""; println!("Connecting to: {}", address); let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(address).map_err(FramerError::Io)?; println!("Connected."); let mut read_buf = [0; 4000]; let mut read_cursor = 0; let mut write_buf = [0; 4000]; let mut frame_buf = [0; 4000]; let mut websocket = WebSocketClient::new_client(rand::thread_rng()); // initiate a websocket opening handshake let websocket_options = WebSocketOptions { path: "/chat", host: "localhost", origin: "http://localhost:1337", sub_protocols: None, additional_headers: None, }; let mut framer = Framer::new( &mut read_buf, &mut read_cursor, &mut write_buf, &mut websocket, ); framer.connect(&mut stream, &websocket_options)?; let message = "Hello, World!"; framer.write( &mut stream, WebSocketSendMessageType::Text, true, message.as_bytes(), )?; while let ReadResult::Text(s) = framer.read(&mut stream, &mut frame_buf)? { println!("Received: {}", s); // close the websocket after receiving the first reply framer.close( &mut stream, WebSocketCloseStatusCode::NormalClosure, Some("Done chatting"), )?; println!("Sent close handshake"); } println!("Connection closed"); Ok(()) }