# Embedded-COTOutf8 [![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/embedded_cotoutf8)](https://crates.io/crates/embedded_cotoutf8) ![LOGO](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unknownK19/Embedded-COTOutf8/88ca46a2b651e36d1d0443971bee8efec4134a55/Logo.svg) COTO is derived from the Gujarati word કોતો, meaning 'engrave.' It refers to a concept where data sizes are fixed. COTO is a library that translates numerical primitives into readable ASCII UTF-8 arrays. ## Example󰙨 Convert primitives data type to specific Byte(character) array for str ```rust // for i8 let num: i8 = -127; let binding = num.coto_utf8(); let result = core::str::from_utf8(&binding).unwrap(); assert_eq!(result, "-127") // for f32 let num: f32 = 1524.001; let binding = num.coto_utf8(); let result = core::str::from_utf8(&binding).unwrap(); println!("{}", result); // OUTPUT:` 1524.024` ``` Debug or Display for ufmt _By default ufmt feature enabled_ or fmt ```rust let num = DebugODisplay(44245.12f32); println!("{}", num); ufmt::uwriteln!(serial, "{}", num); // for ufmt ``` implemented for `i8`,`i16`,`132`,`i64`,`u8`,`u16`,`u32`,`f32`,`f64`