# embedinator A simple utility to embed resources such as icons or manifests into a Windows executable from a cargo build script. The advantage of crate over others such as `windres` is that this crate directly outputs a linkable library file instead of relying on, possibly missing, platform tools such as `rc.exe` and `cvtres.exe`. Additionally, this crate has no other dependencies. ## Example ```rust #[cfg(windows)] fn main() { embedinator::ResourceBuilder::from_env() .add_manifest(std::fs::read_to_string("assets/app.manifest").unwrap()) .add_icon(32512, Icon::from_png_bytes(std::fs::read("app.png").unwrap())) .finish(); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=app.manifest"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=app.png"); } ```