use std::time::Duration; use btleplug::api::{Central as _, Manager as _, Peripheral as _, ScanFilter}; use ember_mug::EMBER_ASSIGNED_NUMBER; use tokio::time; #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")] async fn main() -> Result<(), color_eyre::Report> { tracing_subscriber::fmt() .with_line_number(true) .with_file(true) .pretty() .init(); color_eyre::install()?; run().await } async fn run() -> Result<(), color_eyre::Report> { let manager = btleplug::platform::Manager::new().await?; let adapters = manager.adapters().await?; if adapters.is_empty() { tracing::error!("no adapters found"); } for adapter in adapters { tracing::info!("Starting scan on {}...", adapter.adapter_info().await?); adapter .start_scan(ScanFilter::default()) .await .expect("Can't scan BLE adapter for connected devices..."); time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)).await; let peripherals = adapter.peripherals().await?; if peripherals.is_empty() { tracing::warn!("->>> BLE peripheral devices were not found, sorry. Exiting..."); } else { // All peripheral devices in range for peripheral in &peripherals { let properties = peripheral .properties() .await? .ok_or_else(|| color_eyre::eyre::eyre!("oops"))?; if !properties .manufacturer_data .keys() .any(|&i| i == EMBER_ASSIGNED_NUMBER) { continue; } let is_connected = peripheral.is_connected().await?; let local_name = properties .local_name .as_deref() .unwrap_or("(peripheral name unknown)"); tracing::info!( "Peripheral {:?} is connected: {:?}\n{:?}", local_name, is_connected, properties ); if !is_connected { tracing::info!("Connecting to peripheral {:?}...", &local_name); match time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(2), peripheral.connect()).await { Ok(Ok(_)) => (), Err(e) => { tracing::error!(error = %e, "couldn't connect."); continue; } Ok(Err(e)) => { tracing::error!(error = %e, "Error connecting to peripheral, skipping"); continue; } } } let is_connected = peripheral.is_connected().await?; tracing::info!( "Now connected ({:?}) to peripheral {:?}...", is_connected, &local_name ); peripheral.discover_services().await?; tracing::info!("Discover peripheral {:?} services...", &local_name); for service in { tracing::info!( "Service UUID {}, primary: {}", service.uuid, service.primary ); for characteristic in service.characteristics { tracing::info!(" {:?}", characteristic); } } if is_connected { tracing::info!("Disconnecting from peripheral {:?}...", &local_name); peripheral .disconnect() .await .expect("Error disconnecting from BLE peripheral"); } } } } Ok(()) }