use std::f32::consts::PI; use embree4_rs::{ geometry::{UserGeometry, UserGeometryImpl}, Device, Scene, }; use anyhow::Result; use embree4_sys::RTCRay; use glam::{vec3, Vec3}; fn main() -> Result<()> { let config = Some("verbose=1"); let device = Device::try_new(config)?; let scene = Scene::try_new(device, Default::default())?; // For user geometry, the underlying data must outlive the scene. let sphere = Sphere { center: vec3(0.0, 0.0, 5.0), radius: 1.0, }; let geom = UserGeometry::try_new(&scene.device, &sphere)?; scene.attach_geometry(&geom)?; let scene = scene.commit()?; // Trace rays through each pixel. // We use an orthographic camera with the image plane at z=5. // We count the hits to estimate pi. let width = 4096; let height = 4096; let cam_dist =; let rays = width * height; let mut hits = 0; let t0 = std::time::Instant::now(); for x in 0..width { for y in 0..height { let u = (x as f32 + 0.5) / width as f32; let v = (y as f32 + 0.5) / height as f32; let target = vec3(u * 2.0 - 1.0, v * 2.0 - 1.0, 5.0); let direction = cam_dist * Vec3::Z; let origin = target - direction; // construct a ray let ray = RTCRay { org_x: origin.x, org_y: origin.y, org_z: origin.z, dir_x: direction.x, dir_y: direction.y, dir_z: direction.z, ..Default::default() }; let hit = scene.intersect_1(ray, None)?; if hit.is_some() { hits += 1 } } } let elapsed = t0.elapsed(); let hit_fraction = hits as f32 / rays as f32; println!("hit_fraction: {}", hit_fraction); let approx_pi = hit_fraction * 4.0; println!(" approx_pi: {}", approx_pi); let err = (approx_pi - PI).abs(); let err_percent = err / PI * 100.0; println!(" err: {} ({:.5}%)", err, err_percent); let rays_per_sec = (rays as f32 / elapsed.as_secs_f32()) as usize; println!("rays_per_sec: {}", rays_per_sec); Ok(()) } struct Sphere { center: Vec3, radius: f32, } impl UserGeometryImpl for Sphere { fn bounds(&self) -> embree4_sys::RTCBounds { embree4_sys::RTCBounds { lower_x: - self.radius, lower_y: - self.radius, lower_z: - self.radius, align0: Default::default(), upper_x: + self.radius, upper_y: + self.radius, upper_z: + self.radius, align1: Default::default(), } } fn intersect( &self, geom_id: u32, prim_id: u32, ctx: &embree4_sys::RTCRayQueryContext, ray_hit: &mut embree4_sys::RTCRayHit, ) { let o = vec3(ray_hit.ray.org_x, ray_hit.ray.org_y, ray_hit.ray.org_z); let d = vec3(ray_hit.ray.dir_x, ray_hit.ray.dir_y, ray_hit.ray.dir_z); let oc = o -; let a =; let b = 2.0 *; let c = - self.radius * self.radius; let discriminant = b * b - 4.0 * a * c; // If we have no intersection, we can exit early if discriminant < 0.0 { return; } let t1 = (-b - discriminant.sqrt()) / (2.0 * a); let t2 = (-b + discriminant.sqrt()) / (2.0 * a); let t = t1.min(t2); ray_hit.ray.tfar = t; let n = (o + t * d -; ray_hit.hit.Ng_x = n.x; ray_hit.hit.Ng_y = n.y; ray_hit.hit.Ng_z = n.z; // calculate uv coordinates let p = o + t * d; let phi = p.z.atan2(p.x); let theta = p.y.asin(); let u = 1.0 - (phi + PI) / (2.0 * PI); ray_hit.hit.u = u; let v = (theta + PI / 2.0) / PI; ray_hit.hit.v = v; ray_hit.hit.instID = ctx.instID; ray_hit.hit.geomID = geom_id; ray_hit.hit.primID = prim_id; } }