// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 #ifndef __RTC_DEVICE_ISPH__ #define __RTC_DEVICE_ISPH__ #include "rtcore_common.isph" /* Opaque device type */ typedef uniform struct RTCDeviceTy* uniform RTCDevice; /* Creates a new Embree device. */ RTC_API RTCDevice rtcNewDevice(const uniform int8* uniform config); /* Retains the Embree device (increments the reference count). */ RTC_API void rtcRetainDevice(RTCDevice device); /* Releases an Embree device (decrements the reference count). */ RTC_API void rtcReleaseDevice(RTCDevice device); /* Device properties */ enum RTCDeviceProperty { RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION = 0, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_MAJOR = 1, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_MINOR = 2, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_VERSION_PATCH = 3, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_NATIVE_RAY4_SUPPORTED = 32, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_NATIVE_RAY8_SUPPORTED = 33, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_NATIVE_RAY16_SUPPORTED = 34, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_BACKFACE_CULLING_CURVES_ENABLED = 63, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_RAY_MASK_SUPPORTED = 64, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_BACKFACE_CULLING_ENABLED = 65, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_FILTER_FUNCTION_SUPPORTED = 66, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_IGNORE_INVALID_RAYS_ENABLED = 67, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_COMPACT_POLYS_ENABLED = 68, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_TRIANGLE_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED = 96, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_QUAD_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED = 97, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_SUBDIVISION_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED = 98, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CURVE_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED = 99, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_USER_GEOMETRY_SUPPORTED = 100, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_TASKING_SYSTEM = 128, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_JOIN_COMMIT_SUPPORTED = 129, RTC_DEVICE_PROPERTY_PARALLEL_COMMIT_SUPPORTED = 130 }; /* Gets a device property. */ RTC_API uniform intptr_t rtcGetDeviceProperty(RTCDevice device, uniform RTCDeviceProperty prop); /* Sets a device property. */ RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceProperty(RTCDevice device, const uniform RTCDeviceProperty prop, uniform intptr_t value); /* Error codes */ enum RTCError { RTC_ERROR_NONE = 0, RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN = 1, RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 2, RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION = 3, RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 4, RTC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CPU = 5, RTC_ERROR_CANCELLED = 6 }; /* Returns the error code. */ RTC_API uniform RTCError rtcGetDeviceError(RTCDevice device); /* Error callback function */ typedef unmasked void (*uniform RTCErrorFunction)(void* uniform userPtr, uniform RTCError code, const uniform int8* uniform str); /* Sets the error callback function. */ RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(RTCDevice device, uniform RTCErrorFunction error, void* uniform userPtr); /* Memory monitor callback function */ typedef uniform bool (*uniform RTCMemoryMonitorFunction)(uniform intptr_t bytes, uniform bool post); /* Sets the memory monitor callback function. */ RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCDevice device, RTCMemoryMonitorFunction memoryMonitor, void* uniform userPtr); #endif