use emerald::{ rendering::components::{ColorRect, Sprite}, *, }; pub fn main() { let game = MouseExample { rect: ColorRect::new(BLACK, 0, 0), transform: Transform::default(), background: ColorRect::new(BLACK, 0, 0), screen_center: Translation::default(), world: World::new(), }; emerald::start(Box::new(game), GameSettings::default()) } pub struct MouseExample { rect: ColorRect, transform: Transform, background: ColorRect, screen_center: Translation, world: World, } impl Game for MouseExample { fn initialize(&mut self, mut emd: Emerald) { emd.set_asset_folder_root(String::from("./examples/assets/")); if let Ok(sprite) = emd.loader().sprite("bunny.png") { .spawn((sprite, Transform::from_translation((16.0, 16.0)))); } emd.touches_to_mouse(true); } fn update(&mut self, mut emd: Emerald) { let mouse = emd.input().mouse(); let (width, height) = emd.screen_size(); let translation = screen_translation_to_world_translation( (width, height), &mouse.translation, &, ); self.transform.translation.x = translation.x; self.transform.translation.y = translation.y; let mut color = Color::new(0, 0, 0, 255); let mut flash = Color::new(128, 128, 128, 128); if mouse.left.is_pressed { color.r = 255; } if mouse.left.is_just_pressed() { flash.r = 192; } if mouse.middle.is_pressed { color.g = 255; } if mouse.middle.is_just_pressed() { flash.g = 192; } if mouse.right.is_pressed { color.b = 255; } if mouse.right.is_just_pressed() { flash.b = 192; } println!("Color should be {:?}", color); self.rect = ColorRect::new(color, 40, 40); self.screen_center = Translation::new(width as f32 / 2.0, height as f32 / 2.0); self.background = ColorRect::new(flash, width as u32, height as u32); for (_, (transform, _)) in<(&mut Transform, &mut Sprite)>().iter() { // It's important to convert coordinates to the physical world space. *transform = self.transform; } } fn draw(&mut self, mut emd: Emerald) {; .draw_color_rect(&self.background, &Transform::default()) .ok(); .draw_color_rect(&self.rect, &self.transform) .ok();;; } }