name: emerald about: Command-line interface for Emerald platform settings: - [ArgRequiredElseHelp, GlobalVersion] args: - version: short: V long: version help: Display version - verbose: short: v multiple: true help: Sets the level of verbosity - base-path: short: p long: base-path help: Set path for chain storage takes_value: true - chain: short: c long: chain help: Sets a chain name default_value: mainnet takes_value: true subcommands: - server: about: Start local RPC server args: - host: help: Host for RPC server takes_value: true default_value: "" - port: help: Port for RPC server takes_value: true default_value: "1920" - balance: about: Request account's balance from ethereum node through RPC args: - address: help: Account address required: true takes_value: true - upstream: short: u long: upstream help: Network address for a remote ethereum node with RPC endpoint takes_value: true - mnemonic: about: Create mnemonic phrase according to BIP39 spec - nonce: about: Get `nonce` value for selected address args: - address: help: Address of account required: true takes_value: true - upstream: short: u long: upstream help: Network address for a remote ethereum node with RPC endpoint required: true takes_value: true - hex: help: Print nonce in hexadecimal format - transaction: about: Transaction related commands subcommands: - new: about: Build new transaction args: - from: help: Senders address required: true takes_value: true - to: help: Receiver address required: true takes_value: true - value: help: Amount ot send required: true takes_value: true - gas: help: Gas limit for transaction takes_value: true - gas-price: help: Gas price takes_value: true - data: help: Transation data takes_value: true - nonce: help: Nonce value for sender takes_value: true - send: about: Send raw rlp-encoded transaction args: - signed-tx: help: Signed RLP-encoded transaction takes_value: true - upstream: short: u long: upstream help: Network address for a remote ethereum node with RPC endpoint required: true takes_value: true - account: about: Account related commands subcommands: - list: about: List account from `Keyfile` storage args: - show-hidden: help: Show hidden accounts long: show-hidden global: false - new: about: Create new account args: - name: short: n long: name help: Name for a new account takes_value: true - description: short: d long: description help: Description for a new account takes_value: true - security-level: short: s long: security-level help: Specify security level(key derivation depth) for Keyfile encryption.Higher value requires more CPU time takes_value: true multiple: true possible_values: [normal, high, ultra] - raw: help: Create new account from a hex encoded private key short: r long: raw - update: about: Update `name` and `description` for selected account args: - address: help: Address of account to be updated required: true takes_value: true - name: short: n long: name help: Name for a new account takes_value: true - description: short: d long: description help: Description for a new account takes_value: true - hide: about: Hide selected account from being listed args: - address: help: Address of account to be hided takes_value: true - all: help: Unhide all accounts short: a long: all global: false conflicts_with: - address - unhide: about: Unhide selected account from being listed args: - address: help: Address of account to be unhided takes_value: true - all: help: Unhide all accounts short: a long: all global: false conflicts_with: - address - strip: about: Extract private key from a keyfile args: - address: help: Address of account to be striped required: true takes_value: true - import: about: Import keyfile(s) into storage args: - path: help: Path to keyfile to be imported into keystore, or folder with keyfiles. required: true takes_value: true - force: help: Force to overwrite existing keyfiles(s) with a new one short: f global: false - export: about: Export keyfile(s) from keystore args: - path: help: Export folder path required: true takes_value: true - all: help: Export all accounts short: a global: false