Emerald offline wallet command line interface. Usage: emerald mnemonic emerald server [--chain=] [--port=] [--host=] [--base-path=] [-v | --verbose] [-q | --quite] emerald new [--chain=] ([[--security-level=] [--name=] [--description=]] | --raw ) emerald list [--chain=] [--show-hidden] emerald hide [--chain=]
emerald unhide [--chain=] ([-a | --all] |
) emerald strip [--chain=]
emerald import [--chain=] [-a | --all] [-f | --force] emerald export [--chain=] ([-a | --all] |
) emerald update [--chain=]
[--name=] [--description=] emerald transaction [--chain=] [--gas=] [--gas-price=] [--data=]\ (--nonce= | --upstream=) (--raw [ | - ]) emerald balance
[--upstream=] emerald -V | --version emerald -h | --help Options: -a, --all Apply action to all accounts -c, --chain= Chain name -f, --force Override existing keystore file -h, --help Show this message -V, --version Show current version -r, --raw Use raw input as value (ex.: private key, rlp-encoded signed transaction) -q, --quiet Only errors printed to the output -v, --verbose Verbose output --data= Optional data included in a transaction --name= Account name --description= Account description --host= Listen host [default:] --port= Listen port [default: 1920] --base-path= Base directory path, if omitted default os-specific value will be used: + Mac OS X: ~/Library/Emerald + Linux: ~/.emerald + Windows: %USERDIR%\.emerald --security-level= Level of security for cryptographic operations [default: ultra] --show-hidden Include hidden keyfiles --upstream= URL to ethereum node --gas= Gas limit for transaction, hex-encoded value in `wei` --gas-price= Gas price for transaction, hex-encoded value in `wei` --nonce= Transaction count of sender