# EML-REPLICATOR 🤖 This tool read all the EML (RFC822 / RFC2822) in a directory and copy them in a IMAP folder on the mailbox of your choice. Usage: ``` eml-replicator 0.1.4 Maël Naccache Tüfekçi A tool that read EML files and copy them to a IMAP mailbox. USAGE: eml-replicator.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information --random-message-id Randomize the Message-ID in the emls before sending them. -r, --recursive Goes through the directory recursively to find EML files. -s, --follow-symlink Follow symlink when crawling the directory recursively. -V, --version Prints version information OPTIONS: -f, --folder IMAP Folder in which to put the EMLs. [default: INBOX] -l, --login login of the mailbox. [default: ] -p, --password password of the mailbox. [default: ] --port Port to connect to the imap server. [default: 993] ARGS: IMAP server to connect to. Directory in which to get the EML files. [default: .] ```