This folder contains (at this moment partial) ports of the Hoard Benchmarks released with [Hoard 3.13]( As such, they are available under the [GPLv2](, like the files they are derived from. Hoard was originally presented in: ``` @inproceedings{Berger:2000:HSM:378993.379232, author = {Berger, Emery D. and McKinley, Kathryn S. and Blumofe, Robert D. and Wilson, Paul R.}, title = {Hoard: a scalable memory allocator for multithreaded applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ninth international conference on Architectural support for programming languages and operating systems}, series = {ASPLOS-IX}, year = {2000}, isbn = {1-58113-317-0}, location = {Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States}, pages = {117--128}, numpages = {12}, url = {}, doi = {}, acmid = {379232}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, } ```