import * as net from 'wasi_net' import * as httpx from 'wasi_http' import { TextDecoder } from 'util' import { Buffer } from 'buffer' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import process from 'process' import { validatePort } from 'internal/validators' import { Readable, Writable } from "stream"; import { isTypedArray } from 'util/types' const URL = httpx.URL; export class Request { constructor(input, init = {}) { let parsedURL if (input instanceof Request) { parsedURL = new URL(input.url) } else { parsedURL = new URL(input) input = {} } this.url = parsedURL; if (parsedURL.username !== '' || parsedURL.password !== '') { throw new TypeError(`${parsedURL} is an url with embedded credentails.`) } let method = init.method || input.method || 'GET' this.method = method.toUpperCase(); let headers = init.headers || input.headers || {} if (!headers.has('Accept')) { headers.set('Accept', '*/*') } this.headers = headers } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'Request' } clone() { return new Request(this) } } export class Response { #chunked = false; #chunkBuff = null; #bodyUsed = false constructor(resp, buffer, reader, option = {}) { this.response = resp this.buffer = buffer this.reader = reader this.url = option.url this.headers = resp.headers this.statusText = resp.statusText this.status = resp.status if (typeof (resp.bodyLength) === "number") { this.#chunked = false } else { this.#chunked = true this.#chunkBuff = buffer this.buffer = new httpx.Buffer() } this.onChunk = undefined; } get chunked() { return this.#chunked } get ok() { return this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300; } get bodyUsed() { return this.#bodyUsed } async #readChunk() { while (true) { let chunk = this.#chunkBuff.parseChunk(); if (chunk === undefined) { let data = await if (data === undefined) { throw new Error('socket is shutdown') } this.#chunkBuff.write(data) continue } else if (chunk === null) { // end return null } else if (chunk instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return chunk } else { throw chunk } } } async #readBody() { while (true) { if (this.buffer.byteLength >= this.response.bodyLength) { let buf = this.buffer.buffer; this.buffer.clear(); return buf; } let data = await if (data === undefined) { let buf = this.buffer.buffer; this.buffer.clear(); return buf; } this.buffer.write(data) } } async arrayBuffer() { this.#bodyUsed = true; if (this.#chunked) { while (true) { let chunk = await this.#readChunk(); if (chunk === null) { let buf = this.buffer.buffer; this.buffer.clear(); return buf; } this.buffer.write(chunk) if (typeof this.onChunk === 'function') { let onChunk = this.onChunk; onChunk(chunk) } } } else { let body = await this.#readBody() if (typeof this.onChunk === 'function') { let onChunk = this.onChunk; onChunk(body) } return body } } async text() { return new TextDecoder().decode(await this.arrayBuffer()) } async json() { return JSON.parse(await this.text()) } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'Response' } } async function wait_response(reader, url) { let buf = new httpx.Buffer() let resp = undefined while (true) { let buff = await if (buff == undefined && resp == undefined) { throw new TypeError('Illegal response') } buf.append(buff) resp = buf.parseResponse() if (resp instanceof httpx.WasiResponse) { return new Response(resp, buf, reader, { url }) } } } export async function fetch(input, init = {}) { let url = new httpx.URL(input) if (url.username !== '' || url.password != '') { throw new TypeError(`${input} is an url with embedded credentails.`) } let method = init.method || 'GET' method = method.toUpperCase(); let headers = init.headers || {} if (!headers['Accept']) { headers['Accept'] = '*/*' } if (!headers['Host']) { headers['Host'] = } let addr = net.nsloopup(, `${url.port}`)[0]; let s = await net.WasiTcpConn.connect(addr) let req = new httpx.WasiRequest() req.version = init.version || 'HTTP/1.1' req.headers = headers let path = url.path let query = url.query if (query != undefined) { req.uri = `${path}?${query}` } else { req.uri = path } req.method = method req.body = init.body || '' s.write(req.encode()) return await wait_response(s, url) } const STATUS_CODES = { 100: 'Continue', // RFC 7231 6.2.1 101: 'Switching Protocols', // RFC 7231 6.2.2 102: 'Processing', // RFC 2518 10.1 (obsoleted by RFC 4918) 103: 'Early Hints', // RFC 8297 2 200: 'OK', // RFC 7231 6.3.1 201: 'Created', // RFC 7231 6.3.2 202: 'Accepted', // RFC 7231 6.3.3 203: 'Non-Authoritative Information', // RFC 7231 6.3.4 204: 'No Content', // RFC 7231 6.3.5 205: 'Reset Content', // RFC 7231 6.3.6 206: 'Partial Content', // RFC 7233 4.1 207: 'Multi-Status', // RFC 4918 11.1 208: 'Already Reported', // RFC 5842 7.1 226: 'IM Used', // RFC 3229 10.4.1 300: 'Multiple Choices', // RFC 7231 6.4.1 301: 'Moved Permanently', // RFC 7231 6.4.2 302: 'Found', // RFC 7231 6.4.3 303: 'See Other', // RFC 7231 6.4.4 304: 'Not Modified', // RFC 7232 4.1 305: 'Use Proxy', // RFC 7231 6.4.5 307: 'Temporary Redirect', // RFC 7231 6.4.7 308: 'Permanent Redirect', // RFC 7238 3 400: 'Bad Request', // RFC 7231 6.5.1 401: 'Unauthorized', // RFC 7235 3.1 402: 'Payment Required', // RFC 7231 6.5.2 403: 'Forbidden', // RFC 7231 6.5.3 404: 'Not Found', // RFC 7231 6.5.4 405: 'Method Not Allowed', // RFC 7231 6.5.5 406: 'Not Acceptable', // RFC 7231 6.5.6 407: 'Proxy Authentication Required', // RFC 7235 3.2 408: 'Request Timeout', // RFC 7231 6.5.7 409: 'Conflict', // RFC 7231 6.5.8 410: 'Gone', // RFC 7231 6.5.9 411: 'Length Required', // RFC 7231 6.5.10 412: 'Precondition Failed', // RFC 7232 4.2 413: 'Payload Too Large', // RFC 7231 6.5.11 414: 'URI Too Long', // RFC 7231 6.5.12 415: 'Unsupported Media Type', // RFC 7231 6.5.13 416: 'Range Not Satisfiable', // RFC 7233 4.4 417: 'Expectation Failed', // RFC 7231 6.5.14 418: 'I\'m a Teapot', // RFC 7168 2.3.3 421: 'Misdirected Request', // RFC 7540 9.1.2 422: 'Unprocessable Entity', // RFC 4918 11.2 423: 'Locked', // RFC 4918 11.3 424: 'Failed Dependency', // RFC 4918 11.4 425: 'Too Early', // RFC 8470 5.2 426: 'Upgrade Required', // RFC 2817 and RFC 7231 6.5.15 428: 'Precondition Required', // RFC 6585 3 429: 'Too Many Requests', // RFC 6585 4 431: 'Request Header Fields Too Large', // RFC 6585 5 451: 'Unavailable For Legal Reasons', // RFC 7725 3 500: 'Internal Server Error', // RFC 7231 6.6.1 501: 'Not Implemented', // RFC 7231 6.6.2 502: 'Bad Gateway', // RFC 7231 6.6.3 503: 'Service Unavailable', // RFC 7231 6.6.4 504: 'Gateway Timeout', // RFC 7231 6.6.5 505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported', // RFC 7231 6.6.6 506: 'Variant Also Negotiates', // RFC 2295 8.1 507: 'Insufficient Storage', // RFC 4918 11.5 508: 'Loop Detected', // RFC 5842 7.2 509: 'Bandwidth Limit Exceeded', 510: 'Not Extended', // RFC 2774 7 511: 'Network Authentication Required' // RFC 6585 6 }; const METHODS = [ 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'CONNECT', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE', 'PATCH' ]; function chunkToU8(chunk) { if (typeof chunk === "string") { return Buffer.from(chunk); } if (isTypedArray(chunk)) { return Buffer.from(chunk); } return chunk; } class ClientRequest extends Writable { body = null; constructor(opts, cb) { super(); this.opts = opts; this.cb = cb this.body = new httpx.Buffer() } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any _write(chunk, _enc, cb) { this.body.write(chunkToU8(chunk)?.buffer) cb() } async _final() { try { const opts = { body: this.body, method: this.opts.method, headers: this.opts.headers }; const mayResponse = await fetch(this._createUrlStrFromOptions(this.opts), opts) const res = new IncomingMessageForClient(mayResponse); this.emit("response", res); this.cb?.(res); } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e) } } abort() { this.destroy(); } _createCustomClient() { return Promise.resolve(undefined); } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any _createUrlStrFromOptions(opts) { if (opts.href) { return opts.href; } else { const { auth, protocol, host, hostname, path, port, } = opts; return `${protocol}//${auth ? `${auth}@` : ""}${host ?? hostname}${port ? `:${port}` : ""}${path}`; } } get [Symbol.toStringTag]() { return 'Request' } } export class IncomingMessageForClient extends Readable { constructor(response) { super(); this.response = response; } async _read(_size) { try { this.response.onChunk = (chunk) => { this.push(Buffer.from(chunk)); } const _ = await this.response.arrayBuffer(); this.emit('end') } catch (e) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any this.destroy(e); } } get headers() { if (this.response) { return Object.fromEntries(this.response.headers.entries()); } return {}; } get trailers() { return {}; } get statusCode() { return this.response?.status || 0; } get statusMessage() { return this.response?.statusText || ""; } } export class ServerResponse extends Writable { statusCode = undefined; statusMessage = undefined; #headers = {}; headersSent = false; #conn; #firstChunk = null; #_end = false; constructor(conn) { super({ autoDestroy: true, defaultEncoding: "utf-8", emitClose: true, write: (chunk, _encoding, cb) => { if (!this.headersSent) { if (this.#firstChunk === null) { this.#firstChunk = chunk; if (!this.#_end) { this.respond(false, this.#firstChunk); this.#firstChunk = null; } return cb(); } else { this.respond(false, this.#firstChunk); this.#firstChunk = null; } } this.#conn.write(chunk); return cb(); }, final: (cb) => { if (this.#firstChunk) { this.respond(true, this.#firstChunk); } else if (!this.headersSent) { this.respond(true); } if (this.#conn.connection == 'close') { this.#conn.close() } else { this.#conn.end(); } return cb(); }, destroy: (err, cb) => { // if (err) { // controller.error(err); // } return cb(null); }, }); this.#conn = conn; } setHeader(name, value) { this.#headers[name.toLowerCase()] = value; return this; } getHeader(name) { return this.#headers[name.toLowerCase()]; } removeHeader(name) { return delete this.#headers[name.toLowerCase()]; } getHeaderNames() { return Array.from(Object.keys(this.#headers)); } hasHeader(name) { return this.#headers[name.toLowerCase()] != undefined; } writeHead(status, headers) { this.statusCode = status; for (const k in headers) { this.#headers[k.toLowerCase()] = headers[k]; } return this; } #ensureHeaders(singleChunk) { if (this.statusCode === undefined) { this.statusCode = 200; this.statusMessage = "OK"; } if (typeof singleChunk === "string" && !this.hasHeader("content-type")) { this.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); } } respond(final, singleChunk) { this.headersSent = true; this.#ensureHeaders(singleChunk); if (final) { this.#conn.respondWith( singleChunk, { headers: this.#headers, status: this.statusCode, statusText: this.statusMessage, } ).catch(() => { // ignore this error }); } else { this.#conn.chunk({ headers: this.#headers, status: this.statusCode, statusText: this.statusMessage, }); this.#conn.write(singleChunk) } } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any end(chunk, encoding, cb) { if (!this.headersSent) { if (!chunk && this.hasHeader("transfer-encoding")) { // FIXME(bnoordhuis) Node sends a zero length chunked body instead, i.e., // the trailing "0\r\n", but respondWith() just hangs when I try that. this.setHeader("content-length", "0"); this.removeHeader("transfer-encoding"); } } this.#_end = true; // @ts-expect-error The signature for cb is stricter than the one implemented here return super.end(chunk, encoding, cb); } } export class IncomingMessageForServer extends Readable { #req; url; constructor(req, conn) { // Check if no body (GET/HEAD/OPTIONS/...) let value = req.body; super({ autoDestroy: true, emitClose: true, objectMode: false, read: async function (_size) { if (!value) { this.push(null); } else { this.push(Buffer.from(value)); value = null; } }, destroy: (err, cb) => { conn.close(); cb(err); }, }); this.#req = req; this.url = req.uri; } get aborted() { return false; } get httpVersion() { return this.#req.version; } get headers() { return this.#req.headers; } get method() { return this.#req.method; } } class HttpConn { #chunk = undefined; #connection = 'close'; #version = "HTTP/1.1"; #chunkBuffer = undefined; #respHeaders; constructor(socket) { this.socket = socket } get connection() { return this.#connection; } get version() { return this.#version } async nextRequest() { let buffer = new httpx.Buffer(); while (true) { let d = await; if (d == undefined || d.byteLength <= 0) { return null; } buffer.append(d); try { let req = buffer.parseRequest(); if (req instanceof httpx.WasiRequest) { this.#version = req.version; if (this.#version == "HTTP/1.1") { this.#connection = (req.getHeader('connection') ?? "keep-alive").toLowerCase() } else if (this.#version == "HTTP/1.0") { this.#connection = (req.getHeader('connection') ?? "close").toLowerCase() } return req } } catch (e) { return null; } } } respondWith(body, resp_header) { if (!this.socket) { return } if (body) { body = chunkToU8(body)?.buffer; } let resp = new httpx.WasiResponse() resp.version = this.#version; resp.headers = resp_header.headers; resp.status = resp_header.status; resp.statusText = resp_header.statusText; this.socket.write(resp.encode(body)) } chunk(resp_header) { if (this.#version == "HTTP/1.1") { let resp = new httpx.WasiResponse() resp.version = this.#version; resp.headers = resp_header.headers; resp.status = resp_header.status; resp.statusText = resp_header.statusText; this.#chunk = resp.chunk(this.socket) } else { this.#chunkBuffer = new httpx.Buffer(); this.#respHeaders = resp_header; } } write(chunk) { if (chunk) { let conn = this.#chunkBuffer ?? this.#chunk ?? this.socket; conn?.write(chunkToU8(chunk).buffer); } } end(chunk) { if (this.#chunk) { this.#chunk.end(chunk) this.#chunk = undefined return } if (this.#chunkBuffer && chunk) { this.#chunkBuffer.write(chunk) } if (this.#chunkBuffer) { this.respondWith(this.#chunkBuffer, this.#respHeaders); this.#chunkBuffer = null; } } close() { this.end() this.socket = undefined } } export function Server(handler) { return new ServerImpl(handler); } function _normalizeArgs(args) { let arr; if (args.length === 0) { arr = [{}, null]; return arr; } const arg0 = args[0]; let options = {}; if (typeof arg0 === "object" && arg0 !== null) { // (options[...][, cb]) options = arg0; } else { // ([port][, host][...][, cb]) options.port = arg0; if (args.length > 1 && typeof args[1] === "string") { = args[1]; } } const cb = args[args.length - 1]; if (typeof cb !== "function") { arr = [options, null]; } else { arr = [options, cb]; } return arr; } class ServerImpl extends EventEmitter { #httpConnections = new Set(); #listener = undefined; #listening = false; constructor(handler) { super(); if (handler !== undefined) { this.on("request", handler); } } listen(...args) { // TODO(bnoordhuis) Delegate to net.Server#listen(). const normalized = _normalizeArgs(args); const options = normalized[0]; const cb = normalized[1]; if (cb != null) { // @ts-ignore change EventEmitter's sig to use CallableFunction this.once("listening", cb); } let port = 0; if (typeof options.port === "number" || typeof options.port === "string") { validatePort(options.port, "options.port"); port = options.port | 0; } // TODO(bnoordhuis) Node prefers [::] when host is omitted, // we on the other hand default to // const hostname = ?? ""; this.#listener = new net.WasiTcpServer(port); this.#listening = true; this.#listenLoop(); return this; } async #listenLoop() { const go = async (httpConn) => { try { for (; ;) { let request = null; try { // Note: httpConn.nextRequest() calls httpConn.close() on error. request = await httpConn.nextRequest(); } catch { // Connection closed. // TODO(bnoordhuis) Emit "clientError" event on the http.Server // instance? Node emits it when request parsing fails and expects // the listener to send a raw 4xx HTTP response on the underlying // net.Socket but we don't have one to pass to the listener. } if (request === null) { break; } const req = new IncomingMessageForServer(request, httpConn); const res = new ServerResponse(httpConn); this.emit("request", req, res); } } finally { this.#httpConnections.delete(httpConn); httpConn.close() } }; const listener = this.#listener; if (listener !== undefined) { this.emit("listening"); try { while (this.#listening) { let tcp_conn = await listener.accept(); try { let httpConn = new HttpConn(tcp_conn); this.#httpConnections.add(httpConn); go(httpConn); } catch { continue; } } } catch (e) { this.emit('error', e) } finally { this.listening = false } } } get listening() { return this.#listening !== undefined; } close(cb) { const listening = this.#listening; if (typeof cb === "function") { if (listening) { this.once("close", cb); } else { this.once("close", function close() { cb(new ERR_SERVER_NOT_RUNNING()); }); } } process.nextTick(() => this.emit("close")); if (listening) { this.#listener.close(); this.#listener = undefined; this.#listening = false; for (const httpConn of this.#httpConnections) { try { httpConn.close(); } catch { // Already closed. } } this.#httpConnections.clear(); } return this; } get listening() { return this.#listener } address() { const addr = this.#listener.addr; return { port: addr.port, address: addr.hostname, }; } } Server.prototype = ServerImpl.prototype; export function createServer(handler) { return Server(handler); } function urlToHttpOptions(url) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const options = { protocol: url.protocol, hostname: typeof url.hostname === "string" && url.hostname.startsWith("[") ? url.hostname.slice(1, -1) : url.hostname, path: url.path, href: url.href, }; if (url.port !== "") { options.port = url.port; } if (url.username || url.password) { options.auth = `${url.username}:${url.password}`; } return options; } export function request(...args) { let options = {}; if (typeof args[0] === "string") { options = urlToHttpOptions(new URL(args.shift())); } else if (args[0] instanceof URL) { options = urlToHttpOptions(args.shift()); } if (args[0] && typeof args[0] !== "function") { Object.assign(options, args.shift()); } args.unshift(options); return new ClientRequest(args[0], args[1]); } export function get(...args) { const req = request(args[0], args[1], args[2]); req.end(); return req; } export default { ClientRequest, STATUS_CODES, METHODS, createServer, Server, IncomingMessage: IncomingMessageForServer, ServerResponse, request, get, };