import path, { relative } from 'path'; import fs, { writeFileSync } from 'fs'; import test from 'ava' import fg from 'fast-glob'; import MagicString, { Bundle } from 'magic-string'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; export const currentDir = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); test('bundle of expected magic-string result', (t) => { const paths = fg.sync("fixtures/bundle/**/input.js", { cwd: currentDir, absolute: true }); const get_relative_path = (dir, path) => { return relative(dir, path).replace(/\\/g, '/'); } paths.forEach((inputPath) => { const dir = path.dirname(inputPath); const modulesDir = path.join(path.dirname(inputPath), 'modules'); const modules = fs.readdirSync(modulesDir).map((module) => { return path.join(modulesDir, module) }) const moduleContents = modules.filter(m => m.endsWith(".js")).map((module) => { return { path: get_relative_path(dir, module), content: fs.readFileSync(module, 'utf-8') } }); const inputContent = fs.readFileSync(inputPath, 'utf-8'); const input = new MagicString(inputContent, { filename: get_relative_path(dir, inputPath) }); const bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.addSource(input); moduleContents.forEach((module) => { const m = new MagicString(module.content, { filename: module.path }); m.prepend("/* module */"); m.append("/* end of module */"); bundle.addSource(m); }); bundle.prepend("/* header */\n"); bundle.append("//#"); const output = bundle.toString(); const map = bundle.generateMap({ includeContent: true }); writeFileSync(inputPath.replace('input.js', 'output.js'), output); writeFileSync(inputPath.replace('input.js', ''), map.toString());, true); }); })