use std::sync::mpsc; use std::thread; use std::time::Duration; extern crate enocean; fn main() { // Just to show how much enocean serial packets were received let mut nb_received = 0; // For now, this variable is hardcoded let port_name = "/dev/ttyUsb300".to_string(); //Get this from env? // Communication channels based on MPSC (1 to send, 1 to receive esp3 packets) let (enocean_emiter, enocean_event_receiver) = mpsc::channel(); let (enocean_command_receiver, enocean_commander) = mpsc::channel(); // Create a thread to interact (both ways) with serial port // The interaction is achieved thanks to 2 channels (std::sync lib) let _enocean_listener = thread::spawn(move || { enocean::communicator::start(port_name, enocean_emiter, enocean_commander).expect("Unable to start communicator thread"); }); let f602_emulate_close = enocean::eep::create_f60201_telegram( enocean::eep::F602EmulateCommand::MoveBlindClosed, ) .unwrap(); let f602_emulate_open = enocean::eep::create_f60201_telegram( enocean::eep::F602EmulateCommand::MoveBlindOpen, ) .unwrap(); let _command_emiter = thread::spawn(move || loop { match enocean_command_receiver.send(f602_emulate_close.clone()) { Ok(_t) => {} Err(e) => eprintln!("erreur lors de l'envoi : {:?}", e), } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); match enocean_command_receiver.send(f602_emulate_open.clone()) { Ok(_t) => {} Err(e) => eprintln!("erreur lors de l'envoi : {:?}", e), } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(2000)); }); // Loop to check if we received something. If everything went well during "send phase", // we should receive a Reponse type ESP3 packet with ReturnCode 0 each time we send a command. loop { let message = enocean_event_receiver.try_recv(); match message { Ok(esp3_packet) => { println! {"Received ESP3 packet : {}", esp3_packet}; nb_received = nb_received + 1; println!("---> RECEIVED : {}", nb_received); } Err(ref e) if e == &std::sync::mpsc::TryRecvError::Empty => (), Err(e) => eprintln!("{:?}", e), } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(10)); } }