
entitled-exe is a CLI tool to programmatically generate executables that open your repository on GitHub in the user's browser.

[![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/entitled-exe.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/entitled-exe) ![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/crates/dv/entitled-exe/0.3.1) ### Quick Links * [Installation](#installation) * [crates.io/entitled-exe](https://crates.io/crates/entitled-exe) ### Usage
Relevant image - do `cargo install entitled-exe` - do `cd ` - run `entitled-exe` - Enter repository name: `` - Select compilation targets with `jk` and `space` - generating binaries... - zipping binaries... - done! - cd `builds` - upload `builds` to GitHub releases - script kiddie downloads `-X.Y.Z-.zip` - extracts to `.exe` or just `` on unix - runs `./` - browser opens `https://github.com//` - *cries*
### Installation You'll need Rust, Cargo, and rustup to install this. You'll also need the toolchains you choose to compile to; e.g. building for arm-linux-androidabi requires `rustup target add arm-linux-androideabi`. After that, just install with cargo: ``` $ cargo install entitled-exe ```