use std::env::set_var; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::Duration; use env_watcher::{Error, Subscribe, sub_env_snapshot, init_env_watch}; /// In this case, we get a reference to the values, when the environment variable changes, there is a change in the reference. /// Analogous to [`examples/`] fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { set_var("key.key", "vvv"); init_env_watch!(Duration::from_millis(25 * 10))?; let sub = Subscribe::Envs(vec!["key.key".to_string()]); let env = sub_env_snapshot!(sub)?; assert_eq!(Some(&String::from("vvv")),"key.key")); set_var("key.key", "hello"); sleep(Duration::from_millis(500)); assert_eq!(Some(&String::from("hello")),"key.key")); Ok(()) }