#!/usr/bin/env xonsh import tomli from os.path import dirname,abspath,exists from fire import Fire import platform from humanize import naturalsize from os import stat,makedirs,replace import tarfile PWD = dirname(abspath(__file__)) cd @(PWD) p".xonshrc".exists() && source .xonshrc @Fire def main(): system = platform.system().lower() ext = '' if system == 'windows': os_name = 'win' machine = 'x86_64' os = f'{machine}-pc-windows-msvc' ext = '.exe' else: machine = platform.machine() if system == 'darwin': os_name = 'osx' os = f'{machine}-apple-{system}' elif system == 'linux': os_name = 'linux' os = f'{machine}-unknown-linux-gnu' $RUSTFLAGS="-C target-feature=+crt-static -C link-self-contained=yes" # -l static=stdc++" TARGET=f'{os}' with open(join(PWD,"Cargo.toml"),"rb") as f: toml = tomli.load(f) pkg = toml['package'] app = pkg['name'] exe = app+ext version = pkg['version'] cargo build \ --release \ --target @(TARGET) \ -Z build-std=std,panic_abort \ # -Z build-std-features=panic_immediate_abort # 这一句有时候会导致问题,出问题了可以注释掉 out=f"target/{TARGET}/release/{exe}" strip @(out) if system!='windows': ./sh/upx.sh upx --best --lzma @(out) print(naturalsize(stat(out).st_size)) dir = 'target/txz' makedirs(join(PWD,dir),exist_ok=True) if machine == 'x86_64': machine = 'x64' txz = join(dir,app+f".{version}.{os_name}.{machine}.txz") with tarfile.open(txz, "w:xz") as tar: tar.add(out,arcname=exe) print(txz)