.. _testing: Testing ======= .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 local_stats Envoy Mobile strives to have a high standard of code quality and test coverage for the entire project. All unit tests are in the various ``library/`` directories of the repository, and are run on CI for all PRs and merges to main. Tests may be run locally as outlined below. .. note:: The overall project testing strategy is being revisited as part of :issue:`#197 <197>`. ---------- Java tests ---------- To run the entire Java unit test suite locally, use the following Bazel command: ``bazel test --test_output=all --build_tests_only //library/java/test/...`` ------------ Kotlin tests ------------ To run the entire Kotlin unit test suite locally, use the following Bazel command: ``bazel test --test_output=all --build_tests_only //library/kotlin/test/...`` ----------- Swift tests ----------- To run the entire Swift unit test suite locally, use the following Bazel command: ``bazel test --test_output=all --build_tests_only //library/swift/test/...``