.. _hello_world: Hello World =========== The "hello world" example projects start Envoy Mobile and use it to make network requests on a 1-second timer, displaying a collection of responses in a list. The demos and building instructions are available below in the following languages: - `Java`_ - `Kotlin`_ - `Objective-C`_ - `Swift`_ ---- Java ---- First, build the :ref:`android_aar` artifact. Next, make sure you have an Android simulator running. Run the :repo:`sample app ` using the following Bazel build rule: ``bazel mobile-install //examples/java/hello_world:hello_envoy --fat_apk_cpu=`` You should see a new app installed on your simulator called ``Hello Envoy``. Open it up, and requests will start flowing! ------ Kotlin ------ First, build the :ref:`android_aar` artifact. Next, make sure you have an Android simulator running. Run the :repo:`sample app ` using the following Bazel build rule: ``bazel mobile-install //examples/kotlin/hello_world:hello_envoy_kt --fat_apk_cpu=`` You should see a new app installed on your simulator called ``Hello Envoy Kotlin``. Open it up, and requests will start flowing! ----------- Objective-C ----------- First, build the :ref:`ios_framework` artifact. Next, run the :repo:`sample app ` using the following Bazel build rule: ``bazel run //examples/objective-c/hello_world:app --config=ios`` This will start a simulator and open a new app. You should see requests start flowing! ----- Swift ----- First, build the :ref:`ios_framework` artifact. Next, run the :repo:`sample app ` using the following Bazel build rule: ``bazel run //examples/swift/hello_world:app --config=ios`` This will start a simulator and open a new app. You should see requests start flowing!