# Envoy Security Process Email Templates This is a collection of email templates to handle various situations the security team encounters. ## Upcoming security release to envoy-security-announce@googlegroups.com ``` Subject: Upcoming security release of Envoy $VERSION To: envoy-security-announce@googlegroups.com Cc: envoy-announce@googlegroups.com, envoy-security@googlegroups.com, envoy-maintainers@googlegroups.com Hello Envoy Community, The Envoy security team would like to announce the forthcoming release of Envoy $VERSION. This release will be made available on the $ORDINALDAY of $MONTH $YEAR at $PDTHOUR PDT ($GMTHOUR GMT). This release will fix $NUMDEFECTS security defect(s). The highest rated security defect is considered $SEVERITY severity. No further details or patches will be made available in advance of the release. Thanks, $PERSON (on behalf of the Envoy security team and maintainers) ``` ## Upcoming security release to cncf-envoy-distributors-announce@lists.cncf.io ``` Subject: [CONFIDENTIAL] Upcoming security release of Envoy $VERSION To: cncf-envoy-distributors-announce@lists.cncf.io Cc: envoy-security@googlegroups.com Hello Envoy Distributors, The Envoy security team would like to provide advanced notice to the Envoy Private Distributors List of some details on the pending Envoy $VERSION security release, following the process described at https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/master/SECURITY.md. This release will be made available on the $ORDINALDAY of $MONTH $YEAR at $PDTHOUR PDT ($GMTHOUR GMT). This release will fix $NUMDEFECTS security defect(s). The highest rated security defect is considered $SEVERITY severity. Below we provide details of these vulnerabilities under our embargo policy (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/master/SECURITY.md#embargo-policy). This information should be treated as confidential until public release by the Envoy maintainers on the Envoy GitHub. We will address the following CVE(s): * CVE-YEAR-ABCDEF (CVSS score $CVSS, $SEVERITY): $CVESUMMARY - Link to the appropriate section of the CVE writeup document with gh-cve-template.md content. ... We intend to make candidates release patches available under embargo on the $ORDINALDAY of $MONTH $YEAR, which you may use for testing and preparing your distributions. Please direct further communication amongst private distributors to this list or to envoy-security@googlegroups.com for direct communication with the Envoy security team. Thanks, $PERSON (on behalf of the Envoy security team and maintainers) ``` ## Candidate release patches to cncf-envoy-distributors-announce@lists.cncf.io ``` Subject: [CONFIDENTIAL] Further details on security release of Envoy $VERSION To: cncf-envoy-distributors-announce@lists.cncf.io Cc: envoy-security@googlegroups.com Hello Envoy Distributors, Please find attached candidate patches for CVE-YEAR-ABCDEF. You may use the attached patches for testing and preparing your distributions. The patches can be applied with "git am". Patches starting with "$VERSION" should be applied against the $OLDVERSION release. Patches starting with "master-" should be applied against commit $COMMIT. As a reminder, these patches are under embargo until $ORDINALDAY of $MONTH $YEAR at $PDTHOUR PDT ($GMTHOUR GMT). The information below should be treated as confidential and shared only on a need-to-know basis. The rules outline in our embargo policy (https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/blob/master/SECURITY.md#embargo-policy) still apply, and it is extremely important that any communication related to these CVEs are not forwarded further. No fixes should be made publicly available, either in binary or source form, before the aforementioned disclosure date. We would appreciate any feedback on these patches. Please direct further communication amongst private distributors to this list or to envoy-security@googlegroups.com for direct communication with the Envoy security team. Thanks, $PERSON (on behalf of the Envoy security team and maintainers) ``` ## Security Fix Announcement ``` Subject: Security release of Envoy $VERSION is now available To: envoy-security-announce@googlegroups.com Cc: envoy-announce@googlegroups.com, envoy-security@googlegroups.com, envoy-maintainers@googlegroups.com Hello Envoy Community, The Envoy security team would like to announce the availability of Envoy $VERSION. This addresses the following CVE(s): * CVE-YEAR-ABCDEF (CVSS score $CVSS): $CVESUMMARY ... Upgrading to $VERSION is encouraged to fix these issues. GitHub tag: https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/releases/tag/v$VERSION Docker images: https://hub.docker.com/r/envoyproxy/envoy/tags Release notes: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v$VERSION/version_history/current.rst Docs: https://www.envoyproxy.io/docs/envoy/v$VERSION/ **Am I vulnerable?** Run `envoy --version` and if it indicates a base version of $OLDVERSION or older you are running a vulnerable version. **How do I mitigate the vulnerability?** Avoid the use of feature XYZ in Envoy configuration. **How do I upgrade?** Update to $VERSION via your Envoy distribution or rebuild from the Envoy GitHub source at the $VERSION tag or HEAD @ master. **Vulnerability Details** ***CVE-YEAR-ABCDEF*** $CVESUMMARY This issue is filed as $CVE. We have rated it as [$CVSSSTRING]($CVSSURL) ($CVSS, $SEVERITY) [See the GitHub issue for more details]($GITHUBISSUEURL) **Thank you** Thank you to $REPORTER, $DEVELOPERS, and the $RELEASEMANAGERS for the coordination in making this release. Thanks, $PERSON (on behalf of the Envoy security team and maintainers) ``` ## Security Fix of Main Branch Announcement ``` Subject: Security fix of Envoy main branch (that includes $GITSHORTCOMMITHASH) is now available To: envoy-security-announce@googlegroups.com Cc: envoy-announce@googlegroups.com, envoy-security@googlegroups.com, envoy-maintainers@googlegroups.com Hello Envoy Community, The Envoy security team would like to announce the availability of the fix for security defect(s) introduced in the main branch by [$GITSHORTCOMMITHASH]($GITHUBCOMMITURL) commit. The defect(s) caused by the [$GITSHORTCOMMITHASH]($GITHUBCOMMITURL) were not part of any Envoy stable releases. $DEFECTSSUMMARY The CVSS score for this is [$CVSSSTRING]($CVSSURL). Including the [$FIXGITSHORTCOMMITHASH]($FIXGITHUBCOMMITURL) commit is encouraged to fix this issue. **Security fix timeline** 1. The defect(s) introduced in [$GITSHORTCOMMITHASH]($GITHUBCOMMITURL) were landed in the main branch on $ORDINALDAY of $MONTH $YEAR at $PDTHOUR PDT ($GMTHOUR GMT). 2. The fix [$FIXGITSHORTCOMMITHASH]($FIXGITHUBCOMMITURL) was merged into the main branch on $ORDINALDAY of $MONTH $YEAR at $PDTHOUR PDT ($GMTHOUR GMT). **Thank you** Thank you to $REPORTER, $DEVELOPERS, and the $RELEASEMANAGERS for the coordination in making this release. Thanks, $PERSON (on behalf of the Envoy security team and maintainers) ```