>This template is for public disclosure of CVE details on Envoy's GitHub. It should be filed with the public release of a security patch version, and will be linked to in the announcement sent to envoy-security-announce@googlegroups.com. The title of this issue should be the CVE identifier and it should have the `security` label applied. # CVE-YEAR-ABCDEF ## Brief description >Brief description used when filing CVE. ## CVSS >[$CVSSSTRING]($CVSSURL)($CVSSSCORE, $SEVERITY) ## Affected version(s) >Envoy x.y.z and before. ## Affected component(s) >List affected internal components and features. ## Attack vector(s) >How would an attacker use this? ## Discover(s)/Credits >Individual and optional organization. ## Example exploit or proof-of-concept >If there is proof-of-concept or example, provide a concrete example. ## Details >Deep dive into the defect. This should be detailed enough to maintain a record for posterity while being clear and concise. ## Mitigations >Are there configuration or CLI options that can be used to mitigate? ## Detection >How can exploitation of this bug be detected in existing and future Envoy versions? E.g. access logs. ## References * CVE: $CVEURL >Any other public information.