#include "extensions/transport_sockets/tls/context_impl.h" #include #include #include #include #include "envoy/admin/v3/certs.pb.h" #include "envoy/common/exception.h" #include "envoy/common/platform.h" #include "envoy/ssl/ssl_socket_extended_info.h" #include "envoy/stats/scope.h" #include "envoy/type/matcher/v3/string.pb.h" #include "common/common/assert.h" #include "common/common/base64.h" #include "common/common/fmt.h" #include "common/common/hex.h" #include "common/common/utility.h" #include "common/network/address_impl.h" #include "common/protobuf/utility.h" #include "common/runtime/runtime_features.h" #include "common/stats/utility.h" #include "extensions/transport_sockets/tls/utility.h" #include "absl/container/node_hash_set.h" #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "absl/strings/str_join.h" #include "openssl/evp.h" #include "openssl/hmac.h" #include "openssl/rand.h" namespace Envoy { namespace Extensions { namespace TransportSockets { namespace Tls { namespace { bool cbsContainsU16(CBS& cbs, uint16_t n) { while (CBS_len(&cbs) > 0) { uint16_t v; if (!CBS_get_u16(&cbs, &v)) { return false; } if (v == n) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace int ContextImpl::sslExtendedSocketInfoIndex() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(int, []() -> int { int ssl_context_index = SSL_get_ex_new_index(0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); RELEASE_ASSERT(ssl_context_index >= 0, ""); return ssl_context_index; }()); } ContextImpl::ContextImpl(Stats::Scope& scope, const Envoy::Ssl::ContextConfig& config, TimeSource& time_source) : scope_(scope), stats_(generateStats(scope)), time_source_(time_source), tls_max_version_(config.maxProtocolVersion()), stat_name_set_(scope.symbolTable().makeSet("TransportSockets::Tls")), unknown_ssl_cipher_(stat_name_set_->add("unknown_ssl_cipher")), unknown_ssl_curve_(stat_name_set_->add("unknown_ssl_curve")), unknown_ssl_algorithm_(stat_name_set_->add("unknown_ssl_algorithm")), unknown_ssl_version_(stat_name_set_->add("unknown_ssl_version")), ssl_ciphers_(stat_name_set_->add("ssl.ciphers")), ssl_versions_(stat_name_set_->add("ssl.versions")), ssl_curves_(stat_name_set_->add("ssl.curves")), ssl_sigalgs_(stat_name_set_->add("ssl.sigalgs")), capabilities_(config.capabilities()) { const auto tls_certificates = config.tlsCertificates(); tls_contexts_.resize(std::max(static_cast(1), tls_certificates.size())); for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { ctx.ssl_ctx_.reset(SSL_CTX_new(TLS_method())); int rc = SSL_CTX_set_app_data(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), this); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); rc = SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), config.minProtocolVersion()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); rc = SSL_CTX_set_max_proto_version(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), config.maxProtocolVersion()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); if (!capabilities_.provides_ciphers_and_curves && !SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), config.cipherSuites().c_str())) { // Break up a set of ciphers into each individual cipher and try them each individually in // order to attempt to log which specific one failed. Example of config.cipherSuites(): // "-ALL:[ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256|ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305]:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA". // // "-" is both an operator when in the leading position of a token (-ALL: don't allow this // cipher), and the common separator in names (ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256). Don't split on // it because it will separate pieces of the same cipher. When it is a leading character, it // is removed below. std::vector ciphers = StringUtil::splitToken(config.cipherSuites(), ":+![|]", false); std::vector bad_ciphers; for (const auto& cipher : ciphers) { std::string cipher_str(cipher); if (absl::StartsWith(cipher_str, "-")) { cipher_str.erase(cipher_str.begin()); } if (!SSL_CTX_set_strict_cipher_list(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), cipher_str.c_str())) { bad_ciphers.push_back(cipher_str); } } throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to initialize cipher suites {}. The following " "ciphers were rejected when tried individually: {}", config.cipherSuites(), absl::StrJoin(bad_ciphers, ", "))); } if (!capabilities_.provides_ciphers_and_curves && !SSL_CTX_set1_curves_list(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), config.ecdhCurves().c_str())) { throw EnvoyException(absl::StrCat("Failed to initialize ECDH curves ", config.ecdhCurves())); } } int verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE; int verify_mode_validation_context = SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT; if (config.certificateValidationContext() != nullptr) { envoy::extensions::transport_sockets::tls::v3::CertificateValidationContext:: TrustChainVerification verification = config.certificateValidationContext()->trustChainVerification(); if (verification == envoy::extensions::transport_sockets::tls::v3:: CertificateValidationContext::ACCEPT_UNTRUSTED) { verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER; // Ensure client-certs will be requested even if we have // nothing to verify against verify_mode_validation_context = SSL_VERIFY_PEER; } } #ifdef BORINGSSL_FIPS if (!capabilities_.is_fips_compliant) { throw EnvoyException( "Can't load a FIPS noncompliant custom handshaker while running in FIPS compliant mode."); } #endif if (config.certificateValidationContext() != nullptr && !config.certificateValidationContext()->caCert().empty() && !config.capabilities().provides_certificates) { ca_file_path_ = config.certificateValidationContext()->caCertPath(); bssl::UniquePtr bio( BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(config.certificateValidationContext()->caCert().data()), config.certificateValidationContext()->caCert().size())); RELEASE_ASSERT(bio != nullptr, ""); // Based on BoringSSL's X509_load_cert_crl_file(). bssl::UniquePtr list( PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (list == nullptr) { throw EnvoyException(absl::StrCat("Failed to load trusted CA certificates from ", config.certificateValidationContext()->caCertPath())); } for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { X509_STORE* store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get()); bool has_crl = false; for (const X509_INFO* item : list.get()) { if (item->x509) { X509_STORE_add_cert(store, item->x509); if (ca_cert_ == nullptr) { X509_up_ref(item->x509); ca_cert_.reset(item->x509); } } if (item->crl) { X509_STORE_add_crl(store, item->crl); has_crl = true; } } if (ca_cert_ == nullptr) { throw EnvoyException(absl::StrCat("Failed to load trusted CA certificates from ", config.certificateValidationContext()->caCertPath())); } if (has_crl) { X509_STORE_set_flags(store, X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK | X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL); } verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER; verify_trusted_ca_ = true; // NOTE: We're using SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback() instead of X509_verify_cert() // directly. However, our new callback is still calling X509_verify_cert() under // the hood. Therefore, to ignore cert expiration, we need to set the callback // for X509_verify_cert to ignore that error. if (config.certificateValidationContext()->allowExpiredCertificate()) { X509_STORE_set_verify_cb(store, ContextImpl::ignoreCertificateExpirationCallback); } } } if (config.certificateValidationContext() != nullptr && !config.certificateValidationContext()->certificateRevocationList().empty()) { bssl::UniquePtr bio(BIO_new_mem_buf( const_cast( config.certificateValidationContext()->certificateRevocationList().data()), config.certificateValidationContext()->certificateRevocationList().size())); RELEASE_ASSERT(bio != nullptr, ""); // Based on BoringSSL's X509_load_cert_crl_file(). bssl::UniquePtr list( PEM_X509_INFO_read_bio(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (list == nullptr) { throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load CRL from ", config.certificateValidationContext()->certificateRevocationListPath())); } for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { X509_STORE* store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get()); for (const X509_INFO* item : list.get()) { if (item->crl) { X509_STORE_add_crl(store, item->crl); } } X509_STORE_set_flags(store, X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK | X509_V_FLAG_CRL_CHECK_ALL); } } const Envoy::Ssl::CertificateValidationContextConfig* cert_validation_config = config.certificateValidationContext(); if (cert_validation_config != nullptr) { if (!cert_validation_config->verifySubjectAltNameList().empty()) { verify_subject_alt_name_list_ = cert_validation_config->verifySubjectAltNameList(); verify_mode = verify_mode_validation_context; } if (!cert_validation_config->subjectAltNameMatchers().empty()) { for (const envoy::type::matcher::v3::StringMatcher& matcher : cert_validation_config->subjectAltNameMatchers()) { subject_alt_name_matchers_.push_back(Matchers::StringMatcherImpl(matcher)); } verify_mode = verify_mode_validation_context; } if (!cert_validation_config->verifyCertificateHashList().empty()) { for (auto hash : cert_validation_config->verifyCertificateHashList()) { // Remove colons from the 95 chars long colon-separated "fingerprint" // in order to get the hex-encoded string. if (hash.size() == 95) { hash.erase(std::remove(hash.begin(), hash.end(), ':'), hash.end()); } const auto& decoded = Hex::decode(hash); if (decoded.size() != SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) { throw EnvoyException(absl::StrCat("Invalid hex-encoded SHA-256 ", hash)); } verify_certificate_hash_list_.push_back(decoded); } verify_mode = verify_mode_validation_context; } if (!cert_validation_config->verifyCertificateSpkiList().empty()) { for (const auto& hash : cert_validation_config->verifyCertificateSpkiList()) { const auto decoded = Base64::decode(hash); if (decoded.size() != SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH) { throw EnvoyException(absl::StrCat("Invalid base64-encoded SHA-256 ", hash)); } verify_certificate_spki_list_.emplace_back(decoded.begin(), decoded.end()); } verify_mode = verify_mode_validation_context; } } if (!capabilities_.verifies_peer_certificates) { for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { if (verify_mode != SSL_VERIFY_NONE) { SSL_CTX_set_verify(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), verify_mode, nullptr); SSL_CTX_set_cert_verify_callback(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), ContextImpl::verifyCallback, this); } } } absl::node_hash_set cert_pkey_ids; if (!capabilities_.provides_certificates) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tls_certificates.size(); ++i) { auto& ctx = tls_contexts_[i]; // Load certificate chain. const auto& tls_certificate = tls_certificates[i].get(); ctx.cert_chain_file_path_ = tls_certificate.certificateChainPath(); bssl::UniquePtr bio( BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(tls_certificate.certificateChain().data()), tls_certificate.certificateChain().size())); RELEASE_ASSERT(bio != nullptr, ""); ctx.cert_chain_.reset(PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (ctx.cert_chain_ == nullptr || !SSL_CTX_use_certificate(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), ctx.cert_chain_.get())) { while (uint64_t err = ERR_get_error()) { ENVOY_LOG_MISC(debug, "SSL error: {}:{}:{}:{}", err, ERR_lib_error_string(err), ERR_func_error_string(err), ERR_GET_REASON(err), ERR_reason_error_string(err)); } throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load certificate chain from ", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } // Read rest of the certificate chain. while (true) { bssl::UniquePtr cert(PEM_read_bio_X509(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (cert == nullptr) { break; } if (!SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), cert.get())) { throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load certificate chain from ", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } // SSL_CTX_add_extra_chain_cert() takes ownership. cert.release(); } // Check for EOF. const uint32_t err = ERR_peek_last_error(); if (ERR_GET_LIB(err) == ERR_LIB_PEM && ERR_GET_REASON(err) == PEM_R_NO_START_LINE) { ERR_clear_error(); } else { throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load certificate chain from ", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } // The must staple extension means the certificate promises to carry // with it an OCSP staple. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7633#section-6 constexpr absl::string_view tls_feature_ext = ""; constexpr absl::string_view must_staple_ext_value = "\x30\x3\x02\x01\x05"; auto must_staple = Utility::getCertificateExtensionValue(*ctx.cert_chain_, tls_feature_ext); if (must_staple == must_staple_ext_value) { ctx.is_must_staple_ = true; } bssl::UniquePtr public_key(X509_get_pubkey(ctx.cert_chain_.get())); const int pkey_id = EVP_PKEY_id(public_key.get()); if (!cert_pkey_ids.insert(pkey_id).second) { throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to load certificate chain from {}, at most one " "certificate of a given type may be specified", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } ctx.is_ecdsa_ = pkey_id == EVP_PKEY_EC; switch (pkey_id) { case EVP_PKEY_EC: { // We only support P-256 ECDSA today. const EC_KEY* ecdsa_public_key = EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(public_key.get()); // Since we checked the key type above, this should be valid. ASSERT(ecdsa_public_key != nullptr); const EC_GROUP* ecdsa_group = EC_KEY_get0_group(ecdsa_public_key); if (ecdsa_group == nullptr || EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(ecdsa_group) != NID_X9_62_prime256v1) { throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to load certificate chain from {}, only P-256 " "ECDSA certificates are supported", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } ctx.is_ecdsa_ = true; } break; case EVP_PKEY_RSA: { // We require RSA certificates with 2048-bit or larger keys. const RSA* rsa_public_key = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(public_key.get()); // Since we checked the key type above, this should be valid. ASSERT(rsa_public_key != nullptr); const unsigned rsa_key_length = RSA_size(rsa_public_key); #ifdef BORINGSSL_FIPS if (rsa_key_length != 2048 / 8 && rsa_key_length != 3072 / 8 && rsa_key_length != 4096 / 8) { throw EnvoyException( fmt::format("Failed to load certificate chain from {}, only RSA certificates with " "2048-bit, 3072-bit or 4096-bit keys are supported in FIPS mode", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } #else if (rsa_key_length < 2048 / 8) { throw EnvoyException( fmt::format("Failed to load certificate chain from {}, only RSA " "certificates with 2048-bit or larger keys are supported", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); } #endif } break; #ifdef BORINGSSL_FIPS default: throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to load certificate chain from {}, only RSA and " "ECDSA certificates are supported in FIPS mode", ctx.cert_chain_file_path_)); #endif } Envoy::Ssl::PrivateKeyMethodProviderSharedPtr private_key_method_provider = tls_certificate.privateKeyMethod(); // We either have a private key or a BoringSSL private key method provider. if (private_key_method_provider) { ctx.private_key_method_provider_ = private_key_method_provider; // The provider has a reference to the private key method for the context lifetime. Ssl::BoringSslPrivateKeyMethodSharedPtr private_key_method = private_key_method_provider->getBoringSslPrivateKeyMethod(); if (private_key_method == nullptr) { throw EnvoyException( fmt::format("Failed to get BoringSSL private key method from provider")); } #ifdef BORINGSSL_FIPS if (!ctx.private_key_method_provider_->checkFips()) { throw EnvoyException( fmt::format("Private key method doesn't support FIPS mode with current parameters")); } #endif SSL_CTX_set_private_key_method(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), private_key_method.get()); } else { // Load private key. bio.reset(BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(tls_certificate.privateKey().data()), tls_certificate.privateKey().size())); RELEASE_ASSERT(bio != nullptr, ""); bssl::UniquePtr pkey( PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, !tls_certificate.password().empty() ? const_cast(tls_certificate.password().c_str()) : nullptr)); if (pkey == nullptr || !SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), pkey.get())) { throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to load private key from {}, Cause: {}", tls_certificate.privateKeyPath(), Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("unknown"))); } #ifdef BORINGSSL_FIPS // Verify that private keys are passing FIPS pairwise consistency tests. switch (pkey_id) { case EVP_PKEY_EC: { const EC_KEY* ecdsa_private_key = EVP_PKEY_get0_EC_KEY(pkey.get()); if (!EC_KEY_check_fips(ecdsa_private_key)) { throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to load private key from {}, ECDSA key failed " "pairwise consistency test required in FIPS mode", tls_certificate.privateKeyPath())); } } break; case EVP_PKEY_RSA: { RSA* rsa_private_key = EVP_PKEY_get0_RSA(pkey.get()); if (!RSA_check_fips(rsa_private_key)) { throw EnvoyException(fmt::format("Failed to load private key from {}, RSA key failed " "pairwise consistency test required in FIPS mode", tls_certificate.privateKeyPath())); } } break; } #endif } } } // use the server's cipher list preferences for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), SSL_OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE); } if (config.certificateValidationContext() != nullptr) { allow_untrusted_certificate_ = config.certificateValidationContext()->trustChainVerification() == envoy::extensions::transport_sockets::tls::v3::CertificateValidationContext:: ACCEPT_UNTRUSTED; } parsed_alpn_protocols_ = parseAlpnProtocols(config.alpnProtocols()); // To enumerate the required builtin ciphers, curves, algorithms, and // versions, uncomment '#define LOG_BUILTIN_STAT_NAMES' below, and run // bazel test //test/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/... --test_output=streamed // | grep " Builtin ssl." | sort | uniq // #define LOG_BUILTIN_STAT_NAMES // // TODO(#8035): improve tooling to find any other built-ins needed to avoid // contention. // Ciphers stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltin("AEAD-AES128-GCM-SHA256"); stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltin("ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256"); stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltin("ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256"); stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltin("ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA"); stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltin("ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305"); stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltin("TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256"); // Curves from // https://github.com/google/boringssl/blob/f4d8b969200f1ee2dd872ffb85802e6a0976afe7/ssl/ssl_key_share.cc#L384 stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltins( {"P-224", "P-256", "P-384", "P-521", "X25519", "CECPQ2", "CECPQ2b"}); // Algorithms stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltins({"ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256", "rsa_pss_rsae_sha256"}); // Versions stat_name_set_->rememberBuiltins({"TLSv1", "TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"}); } int ServerContextImpl::alpnSelectCallback(const unsigned char** out, unsigned char* outlen, const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inlen) { // Currently this uses the standard selection algorithm in priority order. const uint8_t* alpn_data = parsed_alpn_protocols_.data(); size_t alpn_data_size = parsed_alpn_protocols_.size(); if (SSL_select_next_proto(const_cast(out), outlen, alpn_data, alpn_data_size, in, inlen) != OPENSSL_NPN_NEGOTIATED) { return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_NOACK; } else { return SSL_TLSEXT_ERR_OK; } } std::vector ContextImpl::parseAlpnProtocols(const std::string& alpn_protocols) { if (alpn_protocols.empty()) { return {}; } if (alpn_protocols.size() >= 65535) { throw EnvoyException("Invalid ALPN protocol string"); } std::vector out(alpn_protocols.size() + 1); size_t start = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i <= alpn_protocols.size(); i++) { if (i == alpn_protocols.size() || alpn_protocols[i] == ',') { if (i - start > 255) { throw EnvoyException("Invalid ALPN protocol string"); } out[start] = i - start; start = i + 1; } else { out[i + 1] = alpn_protocols[i]; } } return out; } bssl::UniquePtr ContextImpl::newSsl(const Network::TransportSocketOptions*) { // We use the first certificate for a new SSL object, later in the // SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb() callback following ClientHello, we replace with the // selected certificate via SSL_set_SSL_CTX(). return bssl::UniquePtr(SSL_new(tls_contexts_[0].ssl_ctx_.get())); } int ContextImpl::ignoreCertificateExpirationCallback(int ok, X509_STORE_CTX* ctx) { if (!ok) { int err = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx); if (err == X509_V_ERR_CERT_HAS_EXPIRED || err == X509_V_ERR_CERT_NOT_YET_VALID) { return 1; } } return ok; } int ContextImpl::verifyCallback(X509_STORE_CTX* store_ctx, void* arg) { ContextImpl* impl = reinterpret_cast(arg); SSL* ssl = reinterpret_cast( X509_STORE_CTX_get_ex_data(store_ctx, SSL_get_ex_data_X509_STORE_CTX_idx())); auto cert = bssl::UniquePtr(SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)); return impl->doVerifyCertChain( store_ctx, reinterpret_cast( SSL_get_ex_data(ssl, ContextImpl::sslExtendedSocketInfoIndex())), *cert, static_cast(SSL_get_app_data(ssl))); } int ContextImpl::doVerifyCertChain( X509_STORE_CTX* store_ctx, Ssl::SslExtendedSocketInfo* ssl_extended_info, X509& leaf_cert, const Network::TransportSocketOptions* transport_socket_options) { if (verify_trusted_ca_) { int ret = X509_verify_cert(store_ctx); if (ssl_extended_info) { ssl_extended_info->setCertificateValidationStatus( ret == 1 ? Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Validated : Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Failed); } if (ret <= 0) { stats_.fail_verify_error_.inc(); return allow_untrusted_certificate_ ? 1 : ret; } } Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus validated = verifyCertificate( &leaf_cert, transport_socket_options && !transport_socket_options->verifySubjectAltNameListOverride().empty() ? transport_socket_options->verifySubjectAltNameListOverride() : verify_subject_alt_name_list_, subject_alt_name_matchers_); if (ssl_extended_info) { if (ssl_extended_info->certificateValidationStatus() == Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::NotValidated) { ssl_extended_info->setCertificateValidationStatus(validated); } else if (validated != Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::NotValidated) { ssl_extended_info->setCertificateValidationStatus(validated); } } return allow_untrusted_certificate_ ? 1 : (validated != Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Failed); } Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus ContextImpl::verifyCertificate( X509* cert, const std::vector& verify_san_list, const std::vector& subject_alt_name_matchers) { Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus validated = Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::NotValidated; if (!verify_san_list.empty()) { if (!verifySubjectAltName(cert, verify_san_list)) { stats_.fail_verify_san_.inc(); return Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Failed; } validated = Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Validated; } if (!subject_alt_name_matchers.empty() && !matchSubjectAltName(cert, subject_alt_name_matchers)) { stats_.fail_verify_san_.inc(); return Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Failed; } if (!verify_certificate_hash_list_.empty() || !verify_certificate_spki_list_.empty()) { const bool valid_certificate_hash = !verify_certificate_hash_list_.empty() && verifyCertificateHashList(cert, verify_certificate_hash_list_); const bool valid_certificate_spki = !verify_certificate_spki_list_.empty() && verifyCertificateSpkiList(cert, verify_certificate_spki_list_); if (!valid_certificate_hash && !valid_certificate_spki) { stats_.fail_verify_cert_hash_.inc(); return Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Failed; } validated = Envoy::Ssl::ClientValidationStatus::Validated; } return validated; } void ContextImpl::incCounter(const Stats::StatName name, absl::string_view value, const Stats::StatName fallback) const { Stats::Counter& counter = Stats::Utility::counterFromElements( scope_, {name, stat_name_set_->getBuiltin(value, fallback)}); counter.inc(); #ifdef LOG_BUILTIN_STAT_NAMES std::cerr << absl::StrCat("Builtin ", symbol_table.toString(name), ": ", value, "\n") << std::flush; #endif } void ContextImpl::logHandshake(SSL* ssl) const { stats_.handshake_.inc(); if (SSL_session_reused(ssl)) { stats_.session_reused_.inc(); } incCounter(ssl_ciphers_, SSL_get_cipher_name(ssl), unknown_ssl_cipher_); incCounter(ssl_versions_, SSL_get_version(ssl), unknown_ssl_version_); const uint16_t curve_id = SSL_get_curve_id(ssl); if (curve_id) { incCounter(ssl_curves_, SSL_get_curve_name(curve_id), unknown_ssl_curve_); } const uint16_t sigalg_id = SSL_get_peer_signature_algorithm(ssl); if (sigalg_id) { const char* sigalg = SSL_get_signature_algorithm_name(sigalg_id, 1 /* include curve */); incCounter(ssl_sigalgs_, sigalg, unknown_ssl_algorithm_); } bssl::UniquePtr cert(SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)); if (!cert.get()) { stats_.no_certificate_.inc(); } } std::vector ContextImpl::getPrivateKeyMethodProviders() { std::vector providers; for (auto& tls_context : tls_contexts_) { Envoy::Ssl::PrivateKeyMethodProviderSharedPtr provider = tls_context.getPrivateKeyMethodProvider(); if (provider) { providers.push_back(provider); } } return providers; } bool ContextImpl::matchSubjectAltName( X509* cert, const std::vector& subject_alt_name_matchers) { bssl::UniquePtr san_names( static_cast(X509_get_ext_d2i(cert, NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr))); if (san_names == nullptr) { return false; } for (const GENERAL_NAME* general_name : san_names.get()) { const std::string san = Utility::generalNameAsString(general_name); for (auto& config_san_matcher : subject_alt_name_matchers) { // For DNS SAN, if the StringMatcher type is exact, we have to follow DNS matching semantics. if (general_name->type == GEN_DNS && config_san_matcher.matcher().match_pattern_case() == envoy::type::matcher::v3::StringMatcher::MatchPatternCase::kExact ? dnsNameMatch(config_san_matcher.matcher().exact(), absl::string_view(san)) : config_san_matcher.match(san)) { return true; } } } return false; } bool ContextImpl::verifySubjectAltName(X509* cert, const std::vector& subject_alt_names) { bssl::UniquePtr san_names( static_cast(X509_get_ext_d2i(cert, NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr))); if (san_names == nullptr) { return false; } for (const GENERAL_NAME* general_name : san_names.get()) { const std::string san = Utility::generalNameAsString(general_name); for (auto& config_san : subject_alt_names) { if (general_name->type == GEN_DNS ? dnsNameMatch(config_san, san.c_str()) : config_san == san) { return true; } } } return false; } bool ContextImpl::dnsNameMatch(const absl::string_view dns_name, const absl::string_view pattern) { if (dns_name == pattern) { return true; } size_t pattern_len = pattern.length(); if (pattern_len > 1 && pattern[0] == '*' && pattern[1] == '.') { if (dns_name.length() > pattern_len - 1) { const size_t off = dns_name.length() - pattern_len + 1; if (Runtime::runtimeFeatureEnabled("envoy.reloadable_features.fix_wildcard_matching")) { return dns_name.substr(0, off).find('.') == std::string::npos && dns_name.substr(off, pattern_len - 1) == pattern.substr(1, pattern_len - 1); } else { return dns_name.substr(off, pattern_len - 1) == pattern.substr(1, pattern_len - 1); } } } return false; } bool ContextImpl::verifyCertificateHashList( X509* cert, const std::vector>& expected_hashes) { std::vector computed_hash(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); unsigned int n; X509_digest(cert, EVP_sha256(), computed_hash.data(), &n); RELEASE_ASSERT(n == computed_hash.size(), ""); for (const auto& expected_hash : expected_hashes) { if (computed_hash == expected_hash) { return true; } } return false; } bool ContextImpl::verifyCertificateSpkiList( X509* cert, const std::vector>& expected_hashes) { X509_PUBKEY* pubkey = X509_get_X509_PUBKEY(cert); if (pubkey == nullptr) { return false; } uint8_t* spki = nullptr; const int len = i2d_X509_PUBKEY(pubkey, &spki); if (len < 0) { return false; } bssl::UniquePtr free_spki(spki); std::vector computed_hash(SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH); SHA256(spki, len, computed_hash.data()); for (const auto& expected_hash : expected_hashes) { if (computed_hash == expected_hash) { return true; } } return false; } SslStats ContextImpl::generateStats(Stats::Scope& store) { std::string prefix("ssl."); return {ALL_SSL_STATS(POOL_COUNTER_PREFIX(store, prefix), POOL_GAUGE_PREFIX(store, prefix), POOL_HISTOGRAM_PREFIX(store, prefix))}; } size_t ContextImpl::daysUntilFirstCertExpires() const { int daysUntilExpiration = Utility::getDaysUntilExpiration(ca_cert_.get(), time_source_); for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { daysUntilExpiration = std::min( Utility::getDaysUntilExpiration(ctx.cert_chain_.get(), time_source_), daysUntilExpiration); } if (daysUntilExpiration < 0) { // Ensure that the return value is unsigned return 0; } return daysUntilExpiration; } absl::optional ContextImpl::secondsUntilFirstOcspResponseExpires() const { absl::optional secs_until_expiration; for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { if (ctx.ocsp_response_) { uint64_t next_expiration = ctx.ocsp_response_->secondsUntilExpiration(); secs_until_expiration = std::min( next_expiration, secs_until_expiration.value_or(std::numeric_limits::max())); } } return secs_until_expiration; } Envoy::Ssl::CertificateDetailsPtr ContextImpl::getCaCertInformation() const { if (ca_cert_ == nullptr) { return nullptr; } return certificateDetails(ca_cert_.get(), getCaFileName(), nullptr); } std::vector ContextImpl::getCertChainInformation() const { std::vector cert_details; for (const auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { if (ctx.cert_chain_ == nullptr) { continue; } cert_details.emplace_back(certificateDetails(ctx.cert_chain_.get(), ctx.getCertChainFileName(), ctx.ocsp_response_.get())); } return cert_details; } Envoy::Ssl::CertificateDetailsPtr ContextImpl::certificateDetails(X509* cert, const std::string& path, const Ocsp::OcspResponseWrapper* ocsp_response) const { Envoy::Ssl::CertificateDetailsPtr certificate_details = std::make_unique(); certificate_details->set_path(path); certificate_details->set_serial_number(Utility::getSerialNumberFromCertificate(*cert)); certificate_details->set_days_until_expiration( Utility::getDaysUntilExpiration(cert, time_source_)); if (ocsp_response) { auto* ocsp_details = certificate_details->mutable_ocsp_details(); ProtobufWkt::Timestamp* valid_from = ocsp_details->mutable_valid_from(); TimestampUtil::systemClockToTimestamp(ocsp_response->getThisUpdate(), *valid_from); ProtobufWkt::Timestamp* expiration = ocsp_details->mutable_expiration(); TimestampUtil::systemClockToTimestamp(ocsp_response->getNextUpdate(), *expiration); } ProtobufWkt::Timestamp* valid_from = certificate_details->mutable_valid_from(); TimestampUtil::systemClockToTimestamp(Utility::getValidFrom(*cert), *valid_from); ProtobufWkt::Timestamp* expiration_time = certificate_details->mutable_expiration_time(); TimestampUtil::systemClockToTimestamp(Utility::getExpirationTime(*cert), *expiration_time); for (auto& dns_san : Utility::getSubjectAltNames(*cert, GEN_DNS)) { envoy::admin::v3::SubjectAlternateName& subject_alt_name = *certificate_details->add_subject_alt_names(); subject_alt_name.set_dns(dns_san); } for (auto& uri_san : Utility::getSubjectAltNames(*cert, GEN_URI)) { envoy::admin::v3::SubjectAlternateName& subject_alt_name = *certificate_details->add_subject_alt_names(); subject_alt_name.set_uri(uri_san); } for (auto& ip_san : Utility::getSubjectAltNames(*cert, GEN_IPADD)) { envoy::admin::v3::SubjectAlternateName& subject_alt_name = *certificate_details->add_subject_alt_names(); subject_alt_name.set_ip_address(ip_san); } return certificate_details; } ClientContextImpl::ClientContextImpl(Stats::Scope& scope, const Envoy::Ssl::ClientContextConfig& config, TimeSource& time_source) : ContextImpl(scope, config, time_source), server_name_indication_(config.serverNameIndication()), allow_renegotiation_(config.allowRenegotiation()), max_session_keys_(config.maxSessionKeys()) { // This should be guaranteed during configuration ingestion for client contexts. ASSERT(tls_contexts_.size() == 1); if (!parsed_alpn_protocols_.empty()) { for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { const int rc = SSL_CTX_set_alpn_protos(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), parsed_alpn_protocols_.data(), parsed_alpn_protocols_.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 0, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } } if (!config.signingAlgorithmsForTest().empty()) { const uint16_t sigalgs = parseSigningAlgorithmsForTest(config.signingAlgorithmsForTest()); RELEASE_ASSERT(sigalgs != 0, fmt::format("unsupported signing algorithm {}", config.signingAlgorithmsForTest())); for (auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { const int rc = SSL_CTX_set_verify_algorithm_prefs(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), &sigalgs, 1); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } } if (max_session_keys_ > 0) { SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(tls_contexts_[0].ssl_ctx_.get(), SSL_SESS_CACHE_CLIENT); SSL_CTX_sess_set_new_cb( tls_contexts_[0].ssl_ctx_.get(), [](SSL* ssl, SSL_SESSION* session) -> int { ContextImpl* context_impl = static_cast(SSL_CTX_get_app_data(SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl))); ClientContextImpl* client_context_impl = dynamic_cast(context_impl); RELEASE_ASSERT(client_context_impl != nullptr, ""); // for Coverity return client_context_impl->newSessionKey(session); }); } } bool ContextImpl::parseAndSetAlpn(const std::vector& alpn, SSL& ssl) { std::vector parsed_alpn = parseAlpnProtocols(absl::StrJoin(alpn, ",")); if (!parsed_alpn.empty()) { const int rc = SSL_set_alpn_protos(&ssl, parsed_alpn.data(), parsed_alpn.size()); // This should only if memory allocation fails, e.g. OOM. RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 0, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); return true; } return false; } bssl::UniquePtr ClientContextImpl::newSsl(const Network::TransportSocketOptions* options) { bssl::UniquePtr ssl_con(ContextImpl::newSsl(options)); const std::string server_name_indication = options && options->serverNameOverride().has_value() ? options->serverNameOverride().value() : server_name_indication_; if (!server_name_indication.empty()) { const int rc = SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl_con.get(), server_name_indication.c_str()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } if (options && !options->verifySubjectAltNameListOverride().empty()) { SSL_set_app_data(ssl_con.get(), options); SSL_set_verify(ssl_con.get(), SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, nullptr); } // We determine what ALPN using the following precedence: // 1. Option-provided ALPN override. // 2. ALPN statically configured in the upstream TLS context. // 3. Option-provided ALPN fallback. // At this point in the code the ALPN has already been set (if present) to the value specified in // the TLS context. We've stored this value in parsed_alpn_protocols_ so we can check that to see // if it's already been set. bool has_alpn_defined = !parsed_alpn_protocols_.empty(); if (options) { // ALPN override takes precedence over TLS context specified, so blindly overwrite it. has_alpn_defined |= parseAndSetAlpn(options->applicationProtocolListOverride(), *ssl_con); } if (options && !has_alpn_defined && !options->applicationProtocolFallback().empty()) { // If ALPN hasn't already been set (either through TLS context or override), use the fallback. parseAndSetAlpn(options->applicationProtocolFallback(), *ssl_con); } if (allow_renegotiation_) { SSL_set_renegotiate_mode(ssl_con.get(), ssl_renegotiate_freely); } if (max_session_keys_ > 0) { if (session_keys_single_use_) { // Stored single-use session keys, use write/write locks. absl::WriterMutexLock l(&session_keys_mu_); if (!session_keys_.empty()) { // Use the most recently stored session key, since it has the highest // probability of still being recognized/accepted by the server. SSL_SESSION* session = session_keys_.front().get(); SSL_set_session(ssl_con.get(), session); // Remove single-use session key (TLS 1.3) after first use. if (SSL_SESSION_should_be_single_use(session)) { session_keys_.pop_front(); } } } else { // Never stored single-use session keys, use read/write locks. absl::ReaderMutexLock l(&session_keys_mu_); if (!session_keys_.empty()) { // Use the most recently stored session key, since it has the highest // probability of still being recognized/accepted by the server. SSL_SESSION* session = session_keys_.front().get(); SSL_set_session(ssl_con.get(), session); } } } return ssl_con; } int ClientContextImpl::newSessionKey(SSL_SESSION* session) { // In case we ever store single-use session key (TLS 1.3), // we need to switch to using write/write locks. if (SSL_SESSION_should_be_single_use(session)) { session_keys_single_use_ = true; } absl::WriterMutexLock l(&session_keys_mu_); // Evict oldest entries. while (session_keys_.size() >= max_session_keys_) { session_keys_.pop_back(); } // Add new session key at the front of the queue, so that it's used first. session_keys_.push_front(bssl::UniquePtr(session)); return 1; // Tell BoringSSL that we took ownership of the session. } uint16_t ClientContextImpl::parseSigningAlgorithmsForTest(const std::string& sigalgs) { // This is used only when testing RSA/ECDSA certificate selection, so only the signing algorithms // used in tests are supported here. if (sigalgs == "rsa_pss_rsae_sha256") { return SSL_SIGN_RSA_PSS_RSAE_SHA256; } else if (sigalgs == "ecdsa_secp256r1_sha256") { return SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256; } return 0; } ServerContextImpl::ServerContextImpl(Stats::Scope& scope, const Envoy::Ssl::ServerContextConfig& config, const std::vector& server_names, TimeSource& time_source) : ContextImpl(scope, config, time_source), session_ticket_keys_(config.sessionTicketKeys()), ocsp_staple_policy_(config.ocspStaplePolicy()) { if (config.tlsCertificates().empty() && !config.capabilities().provides_certificates) { throw EnvoyException("Server TlsCertificates must have a certificate specified"); } // Compute the session context ID hash. We use all the certificate identities, // since we should have a common ID for session resumption no matter what cert // is used. We do this early because it can throw an EnvoyException. const SessionContextID session_id = generateHashForSessionContextId(server_names); // First, configure the base context for ClientHello interception. // TODO(htuch): replace with SSL_IDENTITY when we have this as a means to do multi-cert in // BoringSSL. if (!config.capabilities().provides_certificates) { SSL_CTX_set_select_certificate_cb( tls_contexts_[0].ssl_ctx_.get(), [](const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO* client_hello) -> ssl_select_cert_result_t { return static_cast( SSL_CTX_get_app_data(SSL_get_SSL_CTX(client_hello->ssl))) ->selectTlsContext(client_hello); }); } const auto tls_certificates = config.tlsCertificates(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tls_certificates.size(); ++i) { auto& ctx = tls_contexts_[i]; if (!config.capabilities().verifies_peer_certificates && config.certificateValidationContext() != nullptr && !config.certificateValidationContext()->caCert().empty()) { ctx.addClientValidationContext(*config.certificateValidationContext(), config.requireClientCertificate()); } if (!parsed_alpn_protocols_.empty() && !config.capabilities().handles_alpn_selection) { SSL_CTX_set_alpn_select_cb( ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), [](SSL*, const unsigned char** out, unsigned char* outlen, const unsigned char* in, unsigned int inlen, void* arg) -> int { return static_cast(arg)->alpnSelectCallback(out, outlen, in, inlen); }, this); } // If the handshaker handles session tickets natively, don't call // `SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb`. if (config.disableStatelessSessionResumption()) { SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), SSL_OP_NO_TICKET); } else if (!session_ticket_keys_.empty() && !config.capabilities().handles_session_resumption) { SSL_CTX_set_tlsext_ticket_key_cb( ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), [](SSL* ssl, uint8_t* key_name, uint8_t* iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX* ctx, HMAC_CTX* hmac_ctx, int encrypt) -> int { ContextImpl* context_impl = static_cast(SSL_CTX_get_app_data(SSL_get_SSL_CTX(ssl))); ServerContextImpl* server_context_impl = dynamic_cast(context_impl); RELEASE_ASSERT(server_context_impl != nullptr, ""); // for Coverity return server_context_impl->sessionTicketProcess(ssl, key_name, iv, ctx, hmac_ctx, encrypt); }); } if (config.sessionTimeout() && !config.capabilities().handles_session_resumption) { auto timeout = config.sessionTimeout().value().count(); SSL_CTX_set_timeout(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), uint32_t(timeout)); } int rc = SSL_CTX_set_session_id_context(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get(), session_id.data(), session_id.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); auto& ocsp_resp_bytes = tls_certificates[i].get().ocspStaple(); if (ocsp_resp_bytes.empty()) { if (Runtime::runtimeFeatureEnabled( "envoy.reloadable_features.require_ocsp_response_for_must_staple_certs") && ctx.is_must_staple_) { throw EnvoyException("OCSP response is required for must-staple certificate"); } if (ocsp_staple_policy_ == Ssl::ServerContextConfig::OcspStaplePolicy::MustStaple) { throw EnvoyException("Required OCSP response is missing from TLS context"); } } else { auto response = std::make_unique(ocsp_resp_bytes, time_source_); if (!response->matchesCertificate(*ctx.cert_chain_)) { throw EnvoyException("OCSP response does not match its TLS certificate"); } ctx.ocsp_response_ = std::move(response); } } } ServerContextImpl::SessionContextID ServerContextImpl::generateHashForSessionContextId(const std::vector& server_names) { uint8_t hash_buffer[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; unsigned hash_length; bssl::ScopedEVP_MD_CTX md; int rc = EVP_DigestInit(md.get(), EVP_sha256()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); // Hash the CommonName/SANs of all the server certificates. This makes sure that sessions can only // be resumed to certificate(s) for the same name(s), but allows resuming to unique certs in the // case that different Envoy instances each have their own certs. All certificates in a // ServerContextImpl context are hashed together, since they all constitute a match on a filter // chain for resumption purposes. if (!capabilities_.provides_certificates) { for (const auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { X509* cert = SSL_CTX_get0_certificate(ctx.ssl_ctx_.get()); RELEASE_ASSERT(cert != nullptr, "TLS context should have an active certificate"); X509_NAME* cert_subject = X509_get_subject_name(cert); RELEASE_ASSERT(cert_subject != nullptr, "TLS certificate should have a subject"); const int cn_index = X509_NAME_get_index_by_NID(cert_subject, NID_commonName, -1); if (cn_index >= 0) { X509_NAME_ENTRY* cn_entry = X509_NAME_get_entry(cert_subject, cn_index); RELEASE_ASSERT(cn_entry != nullptr, "certificate subject CN should be present"); ASN1_STRING* cn_asn1 = X509_NAME_ENTRY_get_data(cn_entry); if (ASN1_STRING_length(cn_asn1) <= 0) { throw EnvoyException("Invalid TLS context has an empty subject CN"); } rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), ASN1_STRING_data(cn_asn1), ASN1_STRING_length(cn_asn1)); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } unsigned san_count = 0; bssl::UniquePtr san_names(static_cast( X509_get_ext_d2i(cert, NID_subject_alt_name, nullptr, nullptr))); if (san_names != nullptr) { for (const GENERAL_NAME* san : san_names.get()) { switch (san->type) { case GEN_IPADD: rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), san->d.iPAddress->data, san->d.iPAddress->length); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); ++san_count; break; case GEN_DNS: rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), ASN1_STRING_data(san->d.dNSName), ASN1_STRING_length(san->d.dNSName)); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); ++san_count; break; case GEN_URI: rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), ASN1_STRING_data(san->d.uniformResourceIdentifier), ASN1_STRING_length(san->d.uniformResourceIdentifier)); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); ++san_count; break; } } } // It's possible that the certificate doesn't have a subject, but // does have SANs. Make sure that we have one or the other. if (cn_index < 0 && san_count == 0) { throw EnvoyException("Invalid TLS context has neither subject CN nor SAN names"); } rc = X509_NAME_digest(X509_get_issuer_name(cert), EVP_sha256(), hash_buffer, &hash_length); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); RELEASE_ASSERT(hash_length == SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, fmt::format("invalid SHA256 hash length {}", hash_length)); rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), hash_buffer, hash_length); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } } // Hash all the settings that affect whether the server will allow/accept // the client connection. This ensures that the client is always validated against // the correct settings, even if session resumption across different listeners // is enabled. if (ca_cert_ != nullptr) { rc = X509_digest(ca_cert_.get(), EVP_sha256(), hash_buffer, &hash_length); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); RELEASE_ASSERT(hash_length == SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, fmt::format("invalid SHA256 hash length {}", hash_length)); rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), hash_buffer, hash_length); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); // verify_subject_alt_name_list_ can only be set with a ca_cert for (const std::string& name : verify_subject_alt_name_list_) { rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), name.data(), name.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } } for (const auto& hash : verify_certificate_hash_list_) { rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), hash.data(), hash.size() * sizeof(std::remove_reference::type::value_type)); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } for (const auto& hash : verify_certificate_spki_list_) { rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), hash.data(), hash.size() * sizeof(std::remove_reference::type::value_type)); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } // Hash configured SNIs for this context, so that sessions cannot be resumed across different // filter chains, even when using the same server certificate. for (const auto& name : server_names) { rc = EVP_DigestUpdate(md.get(), name.data(), name.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); } SessionContextID session_id; // Ensure that the output size of the hash we are using is no greater than // TLS session ID length that we want to generate. static_assert(session_id.size() == SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH, "hash size mismatch"); static_assert(session_id.size() == SSL_MAX_SSL_SESSION_ID_LENGTH, "TLS session ID size mismatch"); rc = EVP_DigestFinal(md.get(), session_id.data(), &hash_length); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc == 1, Utility::getLastCryptoError().value_or("")); RELEASE_ASSERT(hash_length == session_id.size(), "SHA256 hash length must match TLS Session ID size"); return session_id; } int ServerContextImpl::sessionTicketProcess(SSL*, uint8_t* key_name, uint8_t* iv, EVP_CIPHER_CTX* ctx, HMAC_CTX* hmac_ctx, int encrypt) { const EVP_MD* hmac = EVP_sha256(); const EVP_CIPHER* cipher = EVP_aes_256_cbc(); if (encrypt == 1) { // Encrypt RELEASE_ASSERT(!session_ticket_keys_.empty(), ""); // TODO(ggreenway): validate in SDS that session_ticket_keys_ cannot be empty, // or if we allow it to be emptied, reconfigure the context so this callback // isn't set. const Envoy::Ssl::ServerContextConfig::SessionTicketKey& key = session_ticket_keys_.front(); static_assert(std::tuple_size::value == SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN, "Expected key.name length"); std::copy_n(key.name_.begin(), SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN, key_name); const int rc = RAND_bytes(iv, EVP_CIPHER_iv_length(cipher)); ASSERT(rc); // This RELEASE_ASSERT is logically a static_assert, but we can't actually get // EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher) at compile-time RELEASE_ASSERT(key.aes_key_.size() == EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher), ""); if (!EVP_EncryptInit_ex(ctx, cipher, nullptr, key.aes_key_.data(), iv)) { return -1; } if (!HMAC_Init_ex(hmac_ctx, key.hmac_key_.data(), key.hmac_key_.size(), hmac, nullptr)) { return -1; } return 1; // success } else { // Decrypt bool is_enc_key = true; // first element is the encryption key for (const Envoy::Ssl::ServerContextConfig::SessionTicketKey& key : session_ticket_keys_) { static_assert(std::tuple_size::value == SSL_TICKET_KEY_NAME_LEN, "Expected key.name length"); if (std::equal(key.name_.begin(), key.name_.end(), key_name)) { if (!HMAC_Init_ex(hmac_ctx, key.hmac_key_.data(), key.hmac_key_.size(), hmac, nullptr)) { return -1; } RELEASE_ASSERT(key.aes_key_.size() == EVP_CIPHER_key_length(cipher), ""); if (!EVP_DecryptInit_ex(ctx, cipher, nullptr, key.aes_key_.data(), iv)) { return -1; } // If our current encryption was not the decryption key, renew return is_enc_key ? 1 // success; do not renew : 2; // success: renew key } is_enc_key = false; } return 0; // decryption failed } } bool ServerContextImpl::isClientEcdsaCapable(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO* ssl_client_hello) { CBS client_hello; CBS_init(&client_hello, ssl_client_hello->client_hello, ssl_client_hello->client_hello_len); // This is the TLSv1.3 case (TLSv1.2 on the wire and the supported_versions extensions present). // We just need to look at signature algorithms. const uint16_t client_version = ssl_client_hello->version; if (client_version == TLS1_2_VERSION && tls_max_version_ == TLS1_3_VERSION) { // If the supported_versions extension is found then we assume that the client is competent // enough that just checking the signature_algorithms is sufficient. const uint8_t* supported_versions_data; size_t supported_versions_len; if (SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get(ssl_client_hello, TLSEXT_TYPE_supported_versions, &supported_versions_data, &supported_versions_len)) { const uint8_t* signature_algorithms_data; size_t signature_algorithms_len; if (SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get(ssl_client_hello, TLSEXT_TYPE_signature_algorithms, &signature_algorithms_data, &signature_algorithms_len)) { CBS signature_algorithms_ext, signature_algorithms; CBS_init(&signature_algorithms_ext, signature_algorithms_data, signature_algorithms_len); if (!CBS_get_u16_length_prefixed(&signature_algorithms_ext, &signature_algorithms) || CBS_len(&signature_algorithms_ext) != 0) { return false; } if (cbsContainsU16(signature_algorithms, SSL_SIGN_ECDSA_SECP256R1_SHA256)) { return true; } } return false; } } // Otherwise we are < TLSv1.3 and need to look at both the curves in the supported_groups for // ECDSA and also for a compatible cipher suite. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4492#section-5.1.1 const uint8_t* curvelist_data; size_t curvelist_len; if (!SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get(ssl_client_hello, TLSEXT_TYPE_supported_groups, &curvelist_data, &curvelist_len)) { return false; } CBS curvelist; CBS_init(&curvelist, curvelist_data, curvelist_len); // We only support P256 ECDSA curves today. if (!cbsContainsU16(curvelist, SSL_CURVE_SECP256R1)) { return false; } // The client must have offered an ECDSA ciphersuite that we like. CBS cipher_suites; CBS_init(&cipher_suites, ssl_client_hello->cipher_suites, ssl_client_hello->cipher_suites_len); while (CBS_len(&cipher_suites) > 0) { uint16_t cipher_id; if (!CBS_get_u16(&cipher_suites, &cipher_id)) { return false; } // All tls_context_ share the same set of enabled ciphers, so we can just look at the base // context. if (tls_contexts_[0].isCipherEnabled(cipher_id, client_version)) { return true; } } return false; } bool ServerContextImpl::isClientOcspCapable(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO* ssl_client_hello) { const uint8_t* status_request_data; size_t status_request_len; if (SSL_early_callback_ctx_extension_get(ssl_client_hello, TLSEXT_TYPE_status_request, &status_request_data, &status_request_len)) { return true; } return false; } OcspStapleAction ServerContextImpl::ocspStapleAction(const ContextImpl::TlsContext& ctx, bool client_ocsp_capable) { if (!client_ocsp_capable) { return OcspStapleAction::ClientNotCapable; } auto& response = ctx.ocsp_response_; if (!Runtime::runtimeFeatureEnabled("envoy.reloadable_features.check_ocsp_policy")) { // Expiration check is disabled. Proceed as if the policy is LenientStapling and the response // is not expired. return response ? OcspStapleAction::Staple : OcspStapleAction::NoStaple; } auto policy = ocsp_staple_policy_; if (ctx.is_must_staple_) { // The certificate has the must-staple extension, so upgrade the policy to match. policy = Ssl::ServerContextConfig::OcspStaplePolicy::MustStaple; } const bool valid_response = response && !response->isExpired(); switch (policy) { case Ssl::ServerContextConfig::OcspStaplePolicy::LenientStapling: if (!valid_response) { return OcspStapleAction::NoStaple; } return OcspStapleAction::Staple; case Ssl::ServerContextConfig::OcspStaplePolicy::StrictStapling: if (valid_response) { return OcspStapleAction::Staple; } if (response) { // Expired response. return OcspStapleAction::Fail; } return OcspStapleAction::NoStaple; case Ssl::ServerContextConfig::OcspStaplePolicy::MustStaple: if (!valid_response) { return OcspStapleAction::Fail; } return OcspStapleAction::Staple; default: NOT_REACHED_GCOVR_EXCL_LINE; } } enum ssl_select_cert_result_t ServerContextImpl::selectTlsContext(const SSL_CLIENT_HELLO* ssl_client_hello) { const bool client_ecdsa_capable = isClientEcdsaCapable(ssl_client_hello); const bool client_ocsp_capable = isClientOcspCapable(ssl_client_hello); // Fallback on first certificate. const TlsContext* selected_ctx = &tls_contexts_[0]; auto ocsp_staple_action = ocspStapleAction(*selected_ctx, client_ocsp_capable); for (const auto& ctx : tls_contexts_) { if (client_ecdsa_capable != ctx.is_ecdsa_) { continue; } auto action = ocspStapleAction(ctx, client_ocsp_capable); if (action == OcspStapleAction::Fail) { continue; } selected_ctx = &ctx; ocsp_staple_action = action; break; } if (client_ocsp_capable) { stats_.ocsp_staple_requests_.inc(); } switch (ocsp_staple_action) { case OcspStapleAction::Staple: { // We avoid setting the OCSP response if the client didn't request it, but doing so is safe. RELEASE_ASSERT(selected_ctx->ocsp_response_, "OCSP response must be present under OcspStapleAction::Staple"); auto& resp_bytes = selected_ctx->ocsp_response_->rawBytes(); int rc = SSL_set_ocsp_response(ssl_client_hello->ssl, resp_bytes.data(), resp_bytes.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(rc != 0, ""); stats_.ocsp_staple_responses_.inc(); } break; case OcspStapleAction::NoStaple: stats_.ocsp_staple_omitted_.inc(); break; case OcspStapleAction::Fail: stats_.ocsp_staple_failed_.inc(); return ssl_select_cert_error; case OcspStapleAction::ClientNotCapable: break; } RELEASE_ASSERT(SSL_set_SSL_CTX(ssl_client_hello->ssl, selected_ctx->ssl_ctx_.get()) != nullptr, ""); return ssl_select_cert_success; } void ServerContextImpl::TlsContext::addClientValidationContext( const Envoy::Ssl::CertificateValidationContextConfig& config, bool require_client_cert) { bssl::UniquePtr bio( BIO_new_mem_buf(const_cast(config.caCert().data()), config.caCert().size())); RELEASE_ASSERT(bio != nullptr, ""); // Based on BoringSSL's SSL_add_file_cert_subjects_to_stack(). bssl::UniquePtr list(sk_X509_NAME_new( [](const X509_NAME** a, const X509_NAME** b) -> int { return X509_NAME_cmp(*a, *b); })); RELEASE_ASSERT(list != nullptr, ""); for (;;) { bssl::UniquePtr cert(PEM_read_bio_X509(bio.get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr)); if (cert == nullptr) { break; } X509_NAME* name = X509_get_subject_name(cert.get()); if (name == nullptr) { throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load trusted client CA certificates from ", config.caCertPath())); } // Check for duplicates. if (sk_X509_NAME_find(list.get(), nullptr, name)) { continue; } bssl::UniquePtr name_dup(X509_NAME_dup(name)); if (name_dup == nullptr || !sk_X509_NAME_push(list.get(), name_dup.release())) { throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load trusted client CA certificates from ", config.caCertPath())); } } // Check for EOF. const uint32_t err = ERR_peek_last_error(); if (ERR_GET_LIB(err) == ERR_LIB_PEM && ERR_GET_REASON(err) == PEM_R_NO_START_LINE) { ERR_clear_error(); } else { throw EnvoyException( absl::StrCat("Failed to load trusted client CA certificates from ", config.caCertPath())); } SSL_CTX_set_client_CA_list(ssl_ctx_.get(), list.release()); // SSL_VERIFY_PEER or stronger mode was already set in ContextImpl::ContextImpl(). if (require_client_cert) { SSL_CTX_set_verify(ssl_ctx_.get(), SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT, nullptr); } } bool ServerContextImpl::TlsContext::isCipherEnabled(uint16_t cipher_id, uint16_t client_version) { const SSL_CIPHER* c = SSL_get_cipher_by_value(cipher_id); if (c == nullptr) { return false; } // Skip TLS 1.2 only ciphersuites unless the client supports it. if (SSL_CIPHER_get_min_version(c) > client_version) { return false; } if (SSL_CIPHER_get_auth_nid(c) != NID_auth_ecdsa) { return false; } for (const SSL_CIPHER* our_c : SSL_CTX_get_ciphers(ssl_ctx_.get())) { if (SSL_CIPHER_get_id(our_c) == SSL_CIPHER_get_id(c)) { return true; } } return false; } bool ContextImpl::verifyCertChain(X509& leaf_cert, STACK_OF(X509) & intermediates, std::string& error_details) { bssl::UniquePtr ctx(X509_STORE_CTX_new()); // It doesn't matter which SSL context is used, because they share the same // cert validation config. X509_STORE* store = SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(tls_contexts_[0].ssl_ctx_.get()); if (!X509_STORE_CTX_init(ctx.get(), store, &leaf_cert, &intermediates)) { error_details = "Failed to verify certificate chain: X509_STORE_CTX_init"; return false; } int res = doVerifyCertChain(ctx.get(), nullptr, leaf_cert, nullptr); if (res <= 0) { const int n = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error(ctx.get()); const int depth = X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth(ctx.get()); error_details = absl::StrCat("X509_verify_cert: certificate verification error at depth ", depth, ": ", X509_verify_cert_error_string(n)); return false; } return true; } } // namespace Tls } // namespace TransportSockets } // namespace Extensions } // namespace Envoy