#include "test/common/stats/stat_test_utility.h" #include "common/common/assert.h" #include "common/memory/stats.h" namespace Envoy { namespace Stats { namespace TestUtil { void forEachSampleStat(int num_clusters, std::function fn) { // These are stats that are repeated for each cluster as of Oct 2018, with a // very basic configuration with no traffic. static const char* cluster_stats[] = {"bind_errors", "lb_healthy_panic", "lb_local_cluster_not_ok", "lb_recalculate_zone_structures", "lb_subsets_active", "lb_subsets_created", "lb_subsets_fallback", "lb_subsets_removed", "lb_subsets_selected", "lb_zone_cluster_too_small", "lb_zone_no_capacity_left", "lb_zone_number_differs", "lb_zone_routing_all_directly", "lb_zone_routing_cross_zone", "lb_zone_routing_sampled", "max_host_weight", "membership_change", "membership_healthy", "membership_total", "original_dst_host_invalid", "retry_or_shadow_abandoned", "update_attempt", "update_empty", "update_failure", "update_no_rebuild", "update_success", "upstream_cx_active", "upstream_cx_close_notify", "upstream_cx_connect_attempts_exceeded", "upstream_cx_connect_fail", "upstream_cx_connect_timeout", "upstream_cx_destroy", "upstream_cx_destroy_local", "upstream_cx_destroy_local_with_active_rq", "upstream_cx_destroy_remote", "upstream_cx_destroy_remote_with_active_rq", "upstream_cx_destroy_with_active_rq", "upstream_cx_http1_total", "upstream_cx_http2_total", "upstream_cx_idle_timeout", "upstream_cx_max_requests", "upstream_cx_none_healthy", "upstream_cx_overflow", "upstream_cx_protocol_error", "upstream_cx_rx_bytes_buffered", "upstream_cx_rx_bytes_total", "upstream_cx_total", "upstream_cx_tx_bytes_buffered", "upstream_cx_tx_bytes_total", "upstream_flow_control_backed_up_total", "upstream_flow_control_drained_total", "upstream_flow_control_paused_reading_total", "upstream_flow_control_resumed_reading_total", "upstream_rq_active", "upstream_rq_cancelled", "upstream_rq_completed", "upstream_rq_maintenance_mode", "upstream_rq_pending_active", "upstream_rq_pending_failure_eject", "upstream_rq_pending_overflow", "upstream_rq_pending_total", "upstream_rq_per_try_timeout", "upstream_rq_retry", "upstream_rq_retry_overflow", "upstream_rq_retry_success", "upstream_rq_rx_reset", "upstream_rq_timeout", "upstream_rq_total", "upstream_rq_tx_reset", "version"}; // These are the other stats that appear in the admin /stats request when made // prior to any requests. static const char* other_stats[] = {"http.admin.downstream_cx_length_ms", "http.admin.downstream_rq_time", "http.ingress_http.downstream_cx_length_ms", "http.ingress_http.downstream_rq_time", "listener.", "listener.admin.downstream_cx_length_ms"}; for (int cluster = 0; cluster <= num_clusters; ++cluster) { for (const auto& cluster_stat : cluster_stats) { fn(absl::StrCat("cluster.service_", cluster, ".", cluster_stat)); } } for (const auto& other_stat : other_stats) { fn(other_stat); } } MemoryTest::Mode MemoryTest::mode() { #if !(defined(TCMALLOC) || defined(GPERFTOOLS_TCMALLOC)) || defined(ENVOY_MEMORY_DEBUG_ENABLED) // We can only test absolute memory usage if the malloc library is a known // quantity. This decision is centralized here. As the preferred malloc // library for Envoy is TCMALLOC that's what we test for here. If we switch // to a different malloc library than we'd have to re-evaluate all the // thresholds in the tests referencing MemoryTest. return Mode::Disabled; #else // Even when using TCMALLOC is defined, it appears that // Memory::Stats::totalCurrentlyAllocated() does not work as expected // on some platforms, so try to force-allocate some heap memory // and determine whether we can measure it. const size_t start_mem = Memory::Stats::totalCurrentlyAllocated(); volatile std::unique_ptr long_string = std::make_unique( "more than 22 chars to exceed libc++ short-string optimization"); const size_t end_mem = Memory::Stats::totalCurrentlyAllocated(); bool can_measure_memory = end_mem > start_mem; // As of Oct 8, 2020, tcmalloc has changed such that Memory::Stats::totalCurrentlyAllocated // is not deterministic, even with single-threaded tests. When possible, this should be fixed, // and the following block of code uncommented. This affects approximate comparisons, not // just exact ones. #if 0 if (getenv("ENVOY_MEMORY_TEST_EXACT") != nullptr) { // Set in "ci/do_ci.sh" for 'release' tests. RELEASE_ASSERT(can_measure_memory, "$ENVOY_MEMORY_TEST_EXACT is set for canonical memory measurements, " "but memory measurement looks broken"); return Mode::Canonical; } #endif // Different versions of STL and other compiler/architecture differences may // also impact memory usage, so when not compiling with MEMORY_TEST_EXACT, // memory comparisons must be given some slack. There have recently emerged // some memory-allocation differences between development and Envoy CI and // Bazel CI (which compiles Envoy as a test of Bazel). return can_measure_memory ? Mode::Approximate : Mode::Disabled; #endif } Counter& TestStore::counterFromString(const std::string& name) { Counter*& counter_ref = counter_map_[name]; if (counter_ref == nullptr) { counter_ref = &IsolatedStoreImpl::counterFromString(name); } return *counter_ref; } Counter& TestStore::counterFromStatNameWithTags(const StatName& stat_name, StatNameTagVectorOptConstRef tags) { std::string name = symbolTable().toString(stat_name); Counter*& counter_ref = counter_map_[name]; if (counter_ref == nullptr) { counter_ref = &IsolatedStoreImpl::counterFromStatNameWithTags(stat_name, tags); } else { // Ensures StatNames with the same string representation are specified // consistently using symbolic/dynamic components on every access. ASSERT(counter_ref->statName() == stat_name, "Inconsistent dynamic vs symbolic " "stat name specification"); } return *counter_ref; } Gauge& TestStore::gaugeFromString(const std::string& name, Gauge::ImportMode mode) { Gauge*& gauge_ref = gauge_map_[name]; if (gauge_ref == nullptr) { gauge_ref = &IsolatedStoreImpl::gaugeFromString(name, mode); } return *gauge_ref; } Gauge& TestStore::gaugeFromStatNameWithTags(const StatName& stat_name, StatNameTagVectorOptConstRef tags, Gauge::ImportMode mode) { std::string name = symbolTable().toString(stat_name); Gauge*& gauge_ref = gauge_map_[name]; if (gauge_ref == nullptr) { gauge_ref = &IsolatedStoreImpl::gaugeFromStatNameWithTags(stat_name, tags, mode); } else { ASSERT(gauge_ref->statName() == stat_name, "Inconsistent dynamic vs symbolic " "stat name specification"); } return *gauge_ref; } Histogram& TestStore::histogramFromString(const std::string& name, Histogram::Unit unit) { Histogram*& histogram_ref = histogram_map_[name]; if (histogram_ref == nullptr) { histogram_ref = &IsolatedStoreImpl::histogramFromString(name, unit); } return *histogram_ref; } Histogram& TestStore::histogramFromStatNameWithTags(const StatName& stat_name, StatNameTagVectorOptConstRef tags, Histogram::Unit unit) { std::string name = symbolTable().toString(stat_name); Histogram*& histogram_ref = histogram_map_[name]; if (histogram_ref == nullptr) { histogram_ref = &IsolatedStoreImpl::histogramFromStatNameWithTags(stat_name, tags, unit); } else { ASSERT(histogram_ref->statName() == stat_name, "Inconsistent dynamic vs symbolic " "stat name specification"); } return *histogram_ref; } template using StatTypeOptConstRef = absl::optional>; template static StatTypeOptConstRef findByString(const std::string& name, const absl::flat_hash_map& map) { StatTypeOptConstRef ret; auto iter = map.find(name); if (iter != map.end()) { ret = *iter->second; } return ret; } CounterOptConstRef TestStore::findCounterByString(const std::string& name) const { return findByString(name, counter_map_); } GaugeOptConstRef TestStore::findGaugeByString(const std::string& name) const { return findByString(name, gauge_map_); } HistogramOptConstRef TestStore::findHistogramByString(const std::string& name) const { return findByString(name, histogram_map_); } // TODO(jmarantz): this utility is intended to be used both for unit tests // and fuzz tests. But those have different checking macros, e.g. EXPECT_EQ vs // FUZZ_ASSERT. std::vector serializeDeserializeNumber(uint64_t number) { uint64_t num_bytes = SymbolTableImpl::Encoding::encodingSizeBytes(number); const uint64_t block_size = 10; MemBlockBuilder mem_block(block_size); SymbolTableImpl::Encoding::appendEncoding(number, mem_block); num_bytes += mem_block.capacityRemaining(); RELEASE_ASSERT(block_size == num_bytes, absl::StrCat("Encoding size issue: block_size=", block_size, " num_bytes=", num_bytes)); absl::Span span = mem_block.span(); RELEASE_ASSERT(number == SymbolTableImpl::Encoding::decodeNumber(span.data()).first, ""); return std::vector(span.data(), span.data() + span.size()); } void serializeDeserializeString(absl::string_view in) { MemBlockBuilder mem_block(SymbolTableImpl::Encoding::totalSizeBytes(in.size())); SymbolTableImpl::Encoding::appendEncoding(in.size(), mem_block); const uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast(in.data()); mem_block.appendData(absl::MakeSpan(data, data + in.size())); RELEASE_ASSERT(mem_block.capacityRemaining() == 0, ""); absl::Span span = mem_block.span(); const std::pair number_consumed = SymbolTableImpl::Encoding::decodeNumber(span.data()); RELEASE_ASSERT(number_consumed.first == in.size(), absl::StrCat("size matches: ", in)); span.remove_prefix(number_consumed.second); const absl::string_view out(reinterpret_cast(span.data()), span.size()); RELEASE_ASSERT(in == out, absl::StrCat("'", in, "' != '", out, "'")); } } // namespace TestUtil } // namespace Stats } // namespace Envoy