load( "//bazel:envoy_build_system.bzl", "envoy_cc_test", "envoy_package", "envoy_sh_test", ) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2 envoy_package() envoy_sh_test( name = "build_id_test", srcs = ["build_id_test.sh"], coverage = False, data = [ "//bazel:raw_build_id.ldscript", "//source/exe:envoy-static", ], # The Windows equivalent of a binaries' "link stamp" is a resource file descriptor of the # executable. Our build revision API and output of --version flags are sufficient for now. tags = ["skip_on_windows"], ) envoy_sh_test( name = "envoy_static_test", srcs = ["envoy_static_test.sh"], coverage = False, data = ["//source/exe:envoy-static"], # TODO(Windows): expect to test to leverage dumpbin.exe to confirm we avoid msvcrt, see # https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/pull/8280#pullrequestreview-290187328 # Sanitizers doesn't like statically linked lib(std)c++ and libgcc, skip this test in that context. tags = [ "no_san", "skip_on_windows", ], ) envoy_sh_test( name = "pie_test", srcs = ["pie_test.sh"], coverage = False, data = ["//source/exe:envoy-static"], # Since VS2015 or even earlier, link.exe defaults to PIE generation tags = [ "nofips", "skip_on_windows", ], ) envoy_sh_test( name = "version_out_test", srcs = ["version_out_test.sh"], coverage = False, data = [ "//:VERSION", "//bazel:raw_build_id.ldscript", "//source/exe:envoy-static", ], ) envoy_cc_test( name = "main_common_test", srcs = ["main_common_test.cc"], data = [ "//test/config/integration:google_com_proxy_port_0", "//test/exe/testdata:test_with_kill_request_filter", ], deps = [ "//source/common/api:api_lib", "//source/exe:main_common_lib", "//test/mocks/runtime:runtime_mocks", "//test/test_common:contention_lib", "//test/test_common:environment_lib", ], ) envoy_cc_test( name = "terminate_handler_test", srcs = ["terminate_handler_test.cc"], tags = ["backtrace"], deps = [ "//source/exe:terminate_handler_lib", "//test/test_common:utility_lib", ], )