#include #include #include "envoy/config/bootstrap/v3/bootstrap.pb.h" #include "common/common/macros.h" #include "extensions/filters/network/redis_proxy/command_splitter_impl.h" #include "test/integration/integration.h" using testing::Return; namespace Envoy { namespace { // This is a basic redis_proxy configuration with a single host // in the cluster. The load balancing policy must be set // to random for proper test operation. const std::string& listenerConfig() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(std::string, fmt::format(R"EOF( admin: access_log_path: {} address: socket_address: address: port_value: 0 static_resources: listeners: name: listener_0 address: socket_address: address: port_value: 0 filter_chains: filters: name: redis typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.redis_proxy.v3.RedisProxy stat_prefix: redis_stats prefix_routes: catch_all_route: cluster: cluster_0 settings: op_timeout: 5s enable_redirection: true )EOF", Platform::null_device_path)); } const std::string& clusterConfig() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(std::string, R"EOF( clusters: - name: cluster_0 lb_policy: CLUSTER_PROVIDED load_assignment: cluster_name: cluster_0 endpoints: - lb_endpoints: - endpoint: address: socket_address: address: port_value: 0 cluster_type: name: envoy.clusters.redis typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Struct value: cluster_refresh_rate: 60s cluster_refresh_timeout: 4s redirect_refresh_interval: 0s redirect_refresh_threshold: 1 )EOF"); } const std::string& testConfig() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(std::string, listenerConfig() + clusterConfig()); } const std::string& testConfigWithRefresh() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(std::string, listenerConfig() + R"EOF( clusters: - name: cluster_0 lb_policy: CLUSTER_PROVIDED load_assignment: cluster_name: cluser_0 endpoints: - lb_endpoints: - endpoint: address: socket_address: address: port_value: 0 cluster_type: name: envoy.clusters.redis typed_config: "@type": type.googleapis.com/google.protobuf.Struct value: cluster_refresh_rate: 3600s cluster_refresh_timeout: 4s redirect_refresh_interval: 100s redirect_refresh_threshold: 1 failure_refresh_threshold: 1 )EOF"); } const std::string& testConfigWithReadPolicy() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(std::string, listenerConfig() + R"EOF( read_policy: REPLICA )EOF" + clusterConfig()); } // This is the basic redis_proxy configuration with an upstream // authentication password specified. const std::string& testConfigWithAuth() { CONSTRUCT_ON_FIRST_USE(std::string, testConfig() + R"EOF( typed_extension_protocol_options: envoy.filters.network.redis_proxy: "@type": type.googleapis.com/envoy.extensions.filters.network.redis_proxy.v3.RedisProtocolOptions auth_password: { inline_string: somepassword } )EOF"); } // This function encodes commands as an array of bulkstrings as transmitted by Redis clients to // Redis servers, according to the Redis protocol. std::string makeBulkStringArray(std::vector&& command_strings) { std::stringstream result; result << "*" << command_strings.size() << "\r\n"; for (auto& command_string : command_strings) { result << "$" << command_string.size() << "\r\n"; result << command_string << "\r\n"; } return result.str(); } class RedisClusterIntegrationTest : public testing::TestWithParam, public BaseIntegrationTest { public: RedisClusterIntegrationTest(const std::string& config = testConfig(), int num_upstreams = 2) : BaseIntegrationTest(GetParam(), config), num_upstreams_(num_upstreams), version_(GetParam()) {} void initialize() override { setUpstreamCount(num_upstreams_); setDeterministic(); config_helper_.renameListener("redis_proxy"); // Change the port for each of the discovery host in cluster_0. config_helper_.addConfigModifier([this](envoy::config::bootstrap::v3::Bootstrap& bootstrap) { uint32_t upstream_idx = 0; auto* cluster_0 = bootstrap.mutable_static_resources()->mutable_clusters(0); for (int j = 0; j < cluster_0->load_assignment().endpoints_size(); ++j) { auto locality_lb = cluster_0->mutable_load_assignment()->mutable_endpoints(j); for (int k = 0; k < locality_lb->lb_endpoints_size(); ++k) { auto lb_endpoint = locality_lb->mutable_lb_endpoints(k); if (lb_endpoint->endpoint().address().has_socket_address()) { auto* host_socket_addr = lb_endpoint->mutable_endpoint()->mutable_address()->mutable_socket_address(); RELEASE_ASSERT(fake_upstreams_.size() > upstream_idx, ""); host_socket_addr->set_address( fake_upstreams_[upstream_idx]->localAddress()->ip()->addressAsString()); host_socket_addr->set_port_value( fake_upstreams_[upstream_idx++]->localAddress()->ip()->port()); } } } }); on_server_ready_function_ = [this](Envoy::IntegrationTestServer& test_server) { mock_rng_ = dynamic_cast( &(test_server.server().api().randomGenerator())); // Abort now if we cannot downcast the server's random number generator pointer. ASSERT_TRUE(mock_rng_ != nullptr); // Ensure that fake_upstreams_[0] is the load balancer's host of choice by default. ON_CALL(*mock_rng_, random()).WillByDefault(Return(random_index_)); }; BaseIntegrationTest::initialize(); } protected: /** * A single step of a larger test involving a fake Redis client and a specific Redis server. * @param upstream a handle to the server that will respond to the request. * @param request supplies Redis client data to transmit to the Redis server. * @param response supplies Redis server data to transmit to the client. * @param redis_client a handle to the fake redis client that sends the request. * @param fake_upstream_connection supplies a handle to connection from the proxy to the fake * server. * @param auth_password supplies the fake upstream's server password, if not an empty string. */ void roundtripToUpstreamStep(FakeUpstreamPtr& upstream, const std::string& request, const std::string& response, IntegrationTcpClientPtr& redis_client, FakeRawConnectionPtr& fake_upstream_connection, const std::string& auth_username, const std::string& auth_password, const bool expect_readonly = false) { std::string proxy_to_server; bool expect_auth_command = false; std::string ok = "+OK\r\n"; redis_client->clearData(); ASSERT_TRUE(redis_client->write(request)); if (fake_upstream_connection.get() == nullptr) { expect_auth_command = (!auth_password.empty()); EXPECT_TRUE(upstream->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection)); } if (expect_auth_command) { std::string auth_command = (auth_username.empty()) ? makeBulkStringArray({"auth", auth_password}) : makeBulkStringArray({"auth", auth_username, auth_password}); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->waitForData(auth_command.size() + request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); // The original request should be the same as the data received by the server. EXPECT_EQ(auth_command + request, proxy_to_server); // Send back an OK for the auth command. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->write(ok)); } else if (expect_readonly) { std::string readonly_command = makeBulkStringArray({"readonly"}); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->waitForData(readonly_command.size() + request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); EXPECT_EQ(readonly_command + request, proxy_to_server); // Send back an OK for the readonly command. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->write(ok)); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->waitForData(request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); // The original request should be the same as the data received by the server. EXPECT_EQ(request, proxy_to_server); } EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->write(response)); redis_client->waitForData(response); // The original response should be received by the fake Redis client. EXPECT_EQ(response, redis_client->data()); } /** * Simple bi-directional test between a fake Redis client and Redis server. * @param request supplies Redis client data to transmit to the Redis server. * @param response supplies Redis server data to transmit to the client. */ void simpleRequestAndResponse(const int stream_index, const std::string& request, const std::string& response, const bool expect_readonly = false) { IntegrationTcpClientPtr redis_client = makeTcpConnection(lookupPort("redis_proxy")); FakeRawConnectionPtr fake_upstream_connection; roundtripToUpstreamStep(fake_upstreams_[stream_index], request, response, redis_client, fake_upstream_connection, "", "", expect_readonly); redis_client->close(); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->close()); } void expectCallClusterSlot(int stream_index, std::string& response, const std::string& auth_username = "", const std::string& auth_password = "") { std::string cluster_slot_request = makeBulkStringArray({"CLUSTER", "SLOTS"}); std::string proxied_cluster_slot_request; FakeRawConnectionPtr fake_upstream_connection_; EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstreams_[stream_index]->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection_)); if (auth_password.empty()) { EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->waitForData(cluster_slot_request.size(), &proxied_cluster_slot_request)); EXPECT_EQ(cluster_slot_request, proxied_cluster_slot_request); } else if (auth_username.empty()) { std::string auth_request = makeBulkStringArray({"auth", auth_password}); std::string ok = "+OK\r\n"; EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->waitForData( auth_request.size() + cluster_slot_request.size(), &proxied_cluster_slot_request)); EXPECT_EQ(auth_request + cluster_slot_request, proxied_cluster_slot_request); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->write(ok)); } else { std::string auth_request = makeBulkStringArray({"auth", auth_username, auth_password}); std::string ok = "+OK\r\n"; EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->waitForData( auth_request.size() + cluster_slot_request.size(), &proxied_cluster_slot_request)); EXPECT_EQ(auth_request + cluster_slot_request, proxied_cluster_slot_request); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->write(ok)); } EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->write(response)); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_->close()); } /** * Simple response for a single slot redis cluster with a primary and replica. * @param primary the ip of the primary node. * @param replica the ip of the replica node. * @return The cluster slot response. */ std::string singleSlotPrimaryReplica(const Network::Address::Ip* primary, const Network::Address::Ip* replica) { int64_t start_slot = 0; int64_t end_slot = 16383; std::stringstream resp; resp << "*1\r\n" << "*4\r\n" << ":" << start_slot << "\r\n" << ":" << end_slot << "\r\n" << makeIp(primary->addressAsString(), primary->port()) << makeIp(replica->addressAsString(), replica->port()); return resp.str(); } /** * Simple response for 2 slot redis cluster with 2 nodes. * @param slot1 the ip of the primary node of slot1. * @param slot2 the ip of the primary node of slot2. * @return The cluster slot response. */ std::string twoSlots(const Network::Address::Ip* slot1, const Network::Address::Ip* slot2, int64_t start_slot1 = 0, int64_t end_slot1 = 10000, int64_t start_slot2 = 10000, int64_t end_slot2 = 16383) { std::stringstream resp; resp << "*2\r\n" << "*3\r\n" << ":" << start_slot1 << "\r\n" << ":" << end_slot1 << "\r\n" << makeIp(slot1->addressAsString(), slot1->port()) << "*3\r\n" << ":" << start_slot2 << "\r\n" << ":" << end_slot2 << "\r\n" << makeIp(slot2->addressAsString(), slot2->port()); return resp.str(); } std::string makeIp(const std::string& address, uint32_t port) { return fmt::format("*2\r\n${0}\r\n{1}\r\n:{2}\r\n", address.size(), address, port); } // This method encodes a fake upstream's IP address and TCP port in the // same format as one would expect from a Redis server in // an ask/moved redirection error. std::string redisAddressAndPort(FakeUpstreamPtr& upstream) { std::stringstream result; if (version_ == Network::Address::IpVersion::v4) { result << "" << ":"; } else { result << "::1" << ":"; } result << upstream->localAddress()->ip()->port(); return result.str(); } Random::MockRandomGenerator* mock_rng_{}; const int num_upstreams_; const Network::Address::IpVersion version_; int random_index_; }; class RedisClusterWithAuthIntegrationTest : public RedisClusterIntegrationTest { public: RedisClusterWithAuthIntegrationTest(const std::string& config = testConfigWithAuth(), int num_upstreams = 2) : RedisClusterIntegrationTest(config, num_upstreams) {} }; class RedisClusterWithReadPolicyIntegrationTest : public RedisClusterIntegrationTest { public: RedisClusterWithReadPolicyIntegrationTest(const std::string& config = testConfigWithReadPolicy(), int num_upstreams = 3) : RedisClusterIntegrationTest(config, num_upstreams) {} }; class RedisClusterWithRefreshIntegrationTest : public RedisClusterIntegrationTest { public: RedisClusterWithRefreshIntegrationTest(const std::string& config = testConfigWithRefresh(), int num_upstreams = 3) : RedisClusterIntegrationTest(config, num_upstreams) {} }; INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(IpVersions, RedisClusterIntegrationTest, testing::ValuesIn(TestEnvironment::getIpVersionsForTest()), TestUtility::ipTestParamsToString); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(IpVersions, RedisClusterWithAuthIntegrationTest, testing::ValuesIn(TestEnvironment::getIpVersionsForTest()), TestUtility::ipTestParamsToString); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(IpVersions, RedisClusterWithReadPolicyIntegrationTest, testing::ValuesIn(TestEnvironment::getIpVersionsForTest()), TestUtility::ipTestParamsToString); INSTANTIATE_TEST_SUITE_P(IpVersions, RedisClusterWithRefreshIntegrationTest, testing::ValuesIn(TestEnvironment::getIpVersionsForTest()), TestUtility::ipTestParamsToString); // This test sends a simple "get foo" command from a fake // downstream client through the proxy to a fake upstream // Redis cluster with a single slot with primary and replica. // The fake server sends a valid response back to the client. // The request and response should make it through the envoy // proxy server code unchanged. TEST_P(RedisClusterIntegrationTest, SingleSlotPrimaryReplica) { random_index_ = 0; on_server_init_function_ = [this]() { std::string cluster_slot_response = singleSlotPrimaryReplica( fake_upstreams_[0]->localAddress()->ip(), fake_upstreams_[1]->localAddress()->ip()); expectCallClusterSlot(random_index_, cluster_slot_response); }; initialize(); // foo hashes to slot 12182 which is in upstream 0 simpleRequestAndResponse(0, makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foo"}), "$3\r\nbar\r\n"); } // This test sends a simple "get foo" command from a fake // downstream client through the proxy to a fake upstream // Redis cluster with 2 slots. The fake server sends a valid response // back to the client. The request and response should // make it through the envoy proxy server code unchanged. TEST_P(RedisClusterIntegrationTest, TwoSlot) { random_index_ = 0; on_server_init_function_ = [this]() { std::string cluster_slot_response = twoSlots(fake_upstreams_[0]->localAddress()->ip(), fake_upstreams_[1]->localAddress()->ip()); expectCallClusterSlot(random_index_, cluster_slot_response); }; initialize(); // foobar hashes to slot 12325 which is in upstream 1 simpleRequestAndResponse(1, makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foobar"}), "$3\r\nbar\r\n"); // bar hashes to slot 5061 which is in upstream 0 simpleRequestAndResponse(0, makeBulkStringArray({"get", "bar"}), "$3\r\nbar\r\n"); // foo hashes to slot 12182 which is in upstream 1 simpleRequestAndResponse(1, makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foo"}), "$3\r\nbar\r\n"); } // This test show the test proxy's multi-stage response to a redirection error from an upstream fake // redis server. The proxy will properly redirect the original "get foo" command to the second fake // upstream server, and connect to the first fake upstream server to rediscover the cluster's // topology using a "cluster slots" command. TEST_P(RedisClusterIntegrationTest, ClusterSlotRequestAfterRedirection) { random_index_ = 0; on_server_init_function_ = [this]() { std::string cluster_slot_response = singleSlotPrimaryReplica( fake_upstreams_[0]->localAddress()->ip(), fake_upstreams_[1]->localAddress()->ip()); expectCallClusterSlot(random_index_, cluster_slot_response); }; initialize(); // foo hashes to slot 12182 which the proxy believes is at the server reachable via // fake_upstreams_[0], based on the singleSlotPrimaryReplica() response above. std::string request = makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foo"}); // The actual moved redirection error that redirects to the fake_upstreams_[1] server. std::string redirection_response = "-MOVED 12182 " + redisAddressAndPort(fake_upstreams_[1]) + "\r\n"; // The "get foo" response from fake_upstreams_[1]. std::string response = "$3\r\nbar\r\n"; std::string cluster_slots_request = makeBulkStringArray({"CLUSTER", "SLOTS"}); std::string proxy_to_server; IntegrationTcpClientPtr redis_client = makeTcpConnection(lookupPort("redis_proxy")); ASSERT_TRUE(redis_client->write(request)); FakeRawConnectionPtr fake_upstream_connection_1, fake_upstream_connection_2, fake_upstream_connection_3; // Data from the client should always be routed to fake_upstreams_[0] by the load balancer. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstreams_[0]->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection_1)); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_1->waitForData(request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); // The data in request should be received by the first server, fake_upstreams_[0]. EXPECT_EQ(request, proxy_to_server); proxy_to_server.clear(); // Send the redirection_error response from the first fake Redis server back to the proxy. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_1->write(redirection_response)); // The proxy should initiate a new connection to the fake redis server, fake_upstreams_[1], in // response. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstreams_[1]->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection_2)); // The server at fake_upstreams_[1] should receive the original request unchanged. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_2->waitForData(request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); EXPECT_EQ(request, proxy_to_server); // Send response from the second fake Redis server at fake_upstreams_[1] to the client. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_2->write(response)); redis_client->waitForData(response); // The client should receive response unchanged. EXPECT_EQ(response, redis_client->data()); // A new connection should be created to fake_upstreams_[0] for topology discovery. proxy_to_server.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstreams_[0]->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection_3)); EXPECT_TRUE( fake_upstream_connection_3->waitForData(cluster_slots_request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); EXPECT_EQ(cluster_slots_request, proxy_to_server); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_1->close()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_2->close()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_3->close()); redis_client->close(); } // This test sends simple "set foo" and "get foo" command from a fake // downstream client through the proxy to a fake upstream // Redis cluster with a single slot with primary and replica. // The envoy proxy is set with read_policy to read from replica, the expected result // is that the set command will be sent to the primary and the get command will be sent // to the replica TEST_P(RedisClusterWithReadPolicyIntegrationTest, SingleSlotPrimaryReplicaReadReplica) { random_index_ = 0; on_server_init_function_ = [this]() { std::string cluster_slot_response = singleSlotPrimaryReplica( fake_upstreams_[0]->localAddress()->ip(), fake_upstreams_[1]->localAddress()->ip()); expectCallClusterSlot(random_index_, cluster_slot_response); }; initialize(); // foo hashes to slot 12182 which has primary node in upstream 0 and replica in upstream 1 simpleRequestAndResponse(0, makeBulkStringArray({"set", "foo", "bar"}), ":1\r\n", true); simpleRequestAndResponse(1, makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foo"}), "$3\r\nbar\r\n", true); } // This test sends a simple "get foo" command from a fake // downstream client through the proxy to a fake upstream // Redis cluster with a single slot with primary and replica. // The fake server sends a valid response back to the client. // The request and response should make it through the envoy // proxy server code unchanged. // // In this scenario, the fake server will receive 2 auth commands: // one as part of a topology discovery connection (before sending a // "cluster slots" command), and one to authenticate the connection // that carries the "get foo" request. TEST_P(RedisClusterWithAuthIntegrationTest, SingleSlotPrimaryReplica) { random_index_ = 0; on_server_init_function_ = [this]() { std::string cluster_slot_response = singleSlotPrimaryReplica( fake_upstreams_[0]->localAddress()->ip(), fake_upstreams_[1]->localAddress()->ip()); expectCallClusterSlot(0, cluster_slot_response, "", "somepassword"); }; initialize(); IntegrationTcpClientPtr redis_client = makeTcpConnection(lookupPort("redis_proxy")); FakeRawConnectionPtr fake_upstream_connection; roundtripToUpstreamStep(fake_upstreams_[random_index_], makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foo"}), "$3\r\nbar\r\n", redis_client, fake_upstream_connection, "", "somepassword"); redis_client->close(); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection->close()); } // This test show the test proxy's multi-stage response to an error from an upstream fake // redis server. The proxy will connect to the first fake upstream server to rediscover the // cluster's topology using a "cluster slots" command. TEST_P(RedisClusterWithRefreshIntegrationTest, ClusterSlotRequestAfterFailure) { random_index_ = 0; on_server_init_function_ = [this]() { std::string cluster_slot_response = singleSlotPrimaryReplica( fake_upstreams_[0]->localAddress()->ip(), fake_upstreams_[1]->localAddress()->ip()); expectCallClusterSlot(random_index_, cluster_slot_response); }; initialize(); // foo hashes to slot 12182 which the proxy believes is at the server reachable via // fake_upstreams_[0], based on the singleSlotPrimaryReplica() response above. std::string request = makeBulkStringArray({"get", "foo"}); // The actual error response. std::string error_response = "-CLUSTERDOWN The cluster is down\r\n"; std::string upstream_error_response = "-upstream failure\r\n"; std::string cluster_slots_request = makeBulkStringArray({"CLUSTER", "SLOTS"}); std::string proxy_to_server; IntegrationTcpClientPtr redis_client = makeTcpConnection(lookupPort("redis_proxy")); ASSERT_TRUE(redis_client->write(request)); FakeRawConnectionPtr fake_upstream_connection_1, fake_upstream_connection_2; // Data from the client should always be routed to fake_upstreams_[0] by the load balancer. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstreams_[0]->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection_1)); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_1->waitForData(request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); // The data in request should be received by the first server, fake_upstreams_[0]. EXPECT_EQ(request, proxy_to_server); proxy_to_server.clear(); // Send the server down error response from the first fake Redis server back to the proxy. EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_1->write(error_response)); redis_client->waitForData(upstream_error_response); // The client should receive response unchanged. EXPECT_EQ(upstream_error_response, redis_client->data()); // A new connection should be created to fake_upstreams_[0] for topology discovery. proxy_to_server.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstreams_[0]->waitForRawConnection(fake_upstream_connection_2)); EXPECT_TRUE( fake_upstream_connection_2->waitForData(cluster_slots_request.size(), &proxy_to_server)); EXPECT_EQ(cluster_slots_request, proxy_to_server); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_1->close()); EXPECT_TRUE(fake_upstream_connection_2->close()); redis_client->close(); } } // namespace } // namespace Envoy