load( "//bazel:envoy_build_system.bzl", "envoy_package", "envoy_proto_descriptor", "envoy_proto_library", ) licenses(["notice"]) # Apache 2 envoy_package() exports_files(["bookstore.proto"]) envoy_proto_library( name = "deprecated_proto", srcs = [":deprecated.proto"], deps = ["@envoy_api//envoy/annotations:pkg"], ) envoy_proto_library( name = "helloworld_proto", srcs = [":helloworld.proto"], ) envoy_proto_library( name = "bookstore_proto", srcs = [":bookstore.proto"], external_deps = ["api_httpbody_protos"], ) envoy_proto_descriptor( name = "bookstore_proto_descriptor", srcs = [ "bookstore.proto", # JSON transcoder doesn't link against ":helloworld_proto_cc_proto", so we can add it to the # descriptor and test that we can actually transcode types not linked into the test binary. "helloworld.proto", ], out = "bookstore.descriptor", external_deps = [ "api_httpbody_protos", "http_api_protos", "well_known_protos", ], ) envoy_proto_library( name = "sensitive_proto", srcs = [":sensitive.proto"], deps = [ "@com_github_cncf_udpa//udpa/annotations:pkg", "@com_github_cncf_udpa//udpa/type/v1:pkg", ], )