# Word list for check_spelling_pedantic.py -- any entry in ALLCAPS will also be accepted in # lower case and title case (e.g. HTTP will accept http and Http). Entries in all lower case # will accept title case (e.g. lyft matches Lyft). Prefixes (e.g., un-) or suffixes (e.g. -ing) # are allowed for any otherwise correctly spelled word. ABI ACK ACL AES ALPN ALS AMZ APC API ARN ASAN ASCII ASM ASSERTs AST AWS BACKTRACE BSON BPF CAS CB CDN CDS CEL DSR HEXDIG HEXDIGIT OWS SkyWalking TIDs ceil CHACHA CHLO CHMOD CHLOS CHLOs CIDR CLA CLI CMSG CN CNAME COMMANDREPLY CP CPP CPU CQ CRC CRL CRT CSDS CSRF CSS CSV CTX CVC CVE CX Cxx CYGWIN DER DESC DFATAL DGRAM DLOG DNS DQUOTE DS DST DW DWORD EAGAIN ECDH ECDHE ECDS ECDSA ECONNREFUSED EDESTRUCTION EDF EINVAL ELB ENOENT ENV EOF EOS EQ ERANGE EV EVAL EVLOOP EVP EWOULDBLOCK EXPECTs EXPR FAQ FASTOPEN FB FCDS FCM FFFF FIN FIPS FIRSTHDR FQDN FREEBIND FUZZER FUZZERS GC GCC GCE GCM GCOVR GCP GETting GLB GOAWAY GRPC GRO GSO GSS GTEST GURL Grabbit Hashable HC HCM HDS HMAC HPACK HTAB HTML HTTP HTTPS HV IAM IANA IDL IETF INADDR INET INVAL IO IOS IP IPPROTO IPV IPs IPv ITOA Injectable Isode Iters JSON JSONs JWKS JWKs JWS JWT JWTs KB KDS Karlsson KiB Kille LBs LC LDS LEV LF LHS LLVM LPT LRS Loggable MB MD MERCHANTABILITY MGET MQ MSET MSVC MTLS MTU MULTIFRAME NACK NACKed NACKs NBF NBSP NDEBUG NEXTHDR NGHTTP NOAUTH NOCHECKRESP NODELAY NOLINT NOLINTNEXTLINE NONBLOCK NONCES NOSORT NS NUL Nilsson Nonhashable Oauth OCSP OID OK OOM OOMs OS OSI OSS OSX OT OU OVFL PAYLOADLEN PB PCC PEERCRED PEM PERF PGV PID PKTINFO PNG PostCBs PREBIND PRNG PROT Postgre Postgres Prereq QDCOUNT QPACK QUIC QoS RAII RANLUX RBAC RDN RDS README RECVDSTADDR RECVPKTINFO REFNIL REQ REUSEADDR REUSEPORT RFC RHS RLE RLS RNG RPC RSA RST RTDS RTTI RUNDIR RW RX RXQ Rebalance Runn SA SAN SCT SDK SDS SENDSRCADDR SHA SHM SIGABRT SIGBUS SIGFPE SIGILL SIGINT SIGPIPE SIGSEGV SIGTERM SMTP SNI SOTW SPD SPDY SPIFFE SPKI SQL SR SRCDIR SRDS SRV SS SSL STDSTRING STL STRLEN STS SVG Symbolizer TBD TCLAP TCP TE TFO TID TLS TLSv TLV TMPDIR TODO TP TPM TSAN TSI TTL TTLs TX TXT UA UBSAN UDP UDS UNC URI URL USEVC UTC UTF UUID UUIDs VC VCHAR VH VHDS VLOG VM WAITFORONE WASM WAVM WIP WKT WRONGPASS WRR WS WSA WSABUF WSS Welford's Wi XDS XFCC XFF XML XN XNOR XSS YAML ZXID absl accesslog accessor accessors acks acls addr agg alice alignas alignof alloc alloca allocatable allocator allowlist allowlisted alls alphanumerics amongst anno anys appmesh arg argc args argv artisanal ary asctime asm async atoi atomicity atomics atoull auth authenticator authenticators authlen authn auths authz autoscale backend backends backgrounded backoff backpressure backticks backtraces backtracing balancer balancers barbaz basename baz bazel behaviour benchmarked bidi bignum bitfield bitset bitwise blackhole blackholed bookkeep bool boolean booleans bools boringssl borks broadcasted buf buflen bugprone builtin builtins bulkstrings bursty bytecode bytestream bytestring cacheable cacheability callee callsite callsites callstack cancellable cancelled cancelling canonicalization canonicalize canonicalized canonicalizer canonicalizing cardinality casted charset checkin checksum chrono chroot chunked ci ciphersuite ciphersuites circllhist CITT cloneable cloneability cmd cmsghdr codebase codec codecs codepath codings combinatorial comparator compat completable cond condvar conf config configs conn conns const constexpr constructible copyable coroutine coroutines cors cout coverity cplusplus cpuset creds crypto cryptographic cryptographically cstate cstring ctor ctrl customizations darwin datadog datagram datagrams de deallocate deallocated deallocating deallocation dec dechunk dechunked decl decls decompressor decompressors decrement decrypt dedup dedupe deduplicate deduplicates deflater deletable deleter delim deque deprecations dereference dereferences deregistered deserialization deserialize deserialized deserializer deserializers deserializing dest destructor destructors desynchronize deterministically determinize dev dgst dir dirname djb downcalls downcasted downcased downstreams drainable dtor dubbo dup durations dynamodb emplace emplaced emscripten emsdk enablement encodings endian endianness endl enqueue enqueued enqueues enum enums epoll errno etag etags evaluator evbuffer evbuffers evconnlistener evented evwatch exe execlp exprfor expectable extrahelp faceplant facto failover fallbacks fastbuild favicon fbs fcntl fd fds fdstat filename filenames fileno filesystem firefox fixdate fixup flatbuffer flatc fmt fmtlib fn formatter formatters formedness frontend ftruncate func functor functors gRPC gateway gcov genrule getaddrinfo getaffinity gethostname getifaddrs getpeername getsockname getsockopt getter getters github globals gmock goog google goto gso gzip hackery hacky handshaker hardcoded hardcoding hasher hashtagging hd hdr healthcheck healthchecker healthcheckers healthchecks healths healthz hermeticity highp hoc hostname hostnames hostset hotrestart hrefs huffman hystrix idempotency idx ifdef iff ified impl implementors impls indices inflater inflight -ing init initializer initializers inlined inlining inobservability inotify instantiation instantiations interpretable intra ints invariance iovec iovecs ips iptables ish istio istream istringstream iteratively javascript jitter jittered kafka keepalive keepalives ketama keyder kqueue kubernetes kv kvs lala latencies ld ldd len lenenc lexically libc libevent libprotobuf libtool libstdc lifecycle lightstep linearization linearize linearized linux livelock llvm loc localhost lockless login loglevel logstream lookup lookups loopback lossy lowp lstat ltrim lua lyft maglev malloc marshaller matchable matcher matchers maxage maxbuffer megamiss mem memcmp memcpy mergeable messagename metadata metamethod metaprogramming metatable microbenchmarks midp milli misconfiguration misconfigured mixin mkdir mmap mmsg mmsghdr mongo moveable msec msg msghdr multi multicast multikill multimap multivalue mutator mutex mutexes mux muxed mysql namelen nameserver namespace namespaced namespaces namespacing nan natively ndk netblock netblocks netfilter nonblocking noncopyable nonresponsive noop nop nthreads ntohl ntop nullable nulled nullopt nullptr num numkeys oauth observability ocagent offsetof oneof oneway opcode opencensus openssl opentracing optimizations optname optval ostream outlier outliers overprovisioned overprovisioning overridable oversized packagename pageheap param parameterization parameterize parameterized parameterizing params paren parens parentid parentspanid parseable parsers passphrase passthrough pathname pausable pcall pcap pclose performant pfctl pipelined pipelining pkey plaintext pluggable pointee popen pos posix postfix postfixes postgres postgresql pragma pre preallocate preallocating preallocation precalculated precompile precompiled precompute precomputed predeclared prefetch prefetched prefetches preflight preorder prepend prepended prepends prev probabilistically proc profiler programmatically prometheus proto protobuf protobufs protoc protodoc protos protoxform proxied pseudocode pthread pton ptr ptrs pubkey pwd py qdtext qps quantile quantiles quiesce quitquitquit qvalue rapidjson ratelimit ratelimited ratelimiter rawseti rc readded readonly readv realloc rebalanced rebalancing rebuffer rebuilder reconnection recurse recv recvfrom recvmmsg recvmsg redis redispatch redistributions reentrant refactor refactored refcount referencee referer refetch regex regexes reified reify reimplements rele releasor reloadable remoting renderers reparse repeatability reperform repicked repo reproducibility requirepass reselecting reserialize reservable resize resized resizes resizing resolv resolvers responder restarter resync retransmitting retriable retriggers revalidated revalidation rmdir rocketmq rewriter rollout roundtrip rpcs rq rtrim rtt ruleset runfiles runtime runtimes rver rxhash sandboxed sanitization sanitizer satisfiable scalability sched schedulable schemas scopekey sd secp sendmsg sendmmsg sendto serializable serializer serv setenv setsockopt sig sigaction sigactions siginfo signalstack siloed sim sizeof smatch snapshotted sockaddr socketpair sockfd socklen sockopt sockopts somestring spanid spdlog splitter spoofable src ssize stackdriver stacktrace startup stateful statsd stderr stdev stdin stdout stmt str streambuf strerr strerror stringbuf stringified stringify stringstream strtoull struct structs subclassed subclasses subdirectories subdirectory subdirs subexpr subexpressions subitems submatch submessages subnet subnets suboptimal subsecond subseconds subsequence subsetting substr substring substrings subtrees subtype subtypes subzone superclass superset symlink symlinked symlinks synchronizer syncookie sys syscall syscalls sysctl sz tchar tchars tcmalloc tcpdump teardown tempdir templated templating templatize templatized templatizing testability testcase testcases testdata testee threadsafe thru timespan timestamp timestamps timeval tmp tmpfile tokenize tokenizes tokenizing toolchain traceid traceparent transcode transcoded transcoder transcoding transferral triaged trie tuple tuples typedef typeid typesafe uber ucontext udpa uint un- unacked unary unconfigurable undef underflowing unfreed unicast unicode unindexed uninstantiated uniq unittest unix unref unreferenced unzigzag upcasts upstreams uptime upvalue urls userdata userinfo username usr util utils valgrind validator validators vanishingly varchar variadic varint vec vectorize verifier verifiers versa versioned vhost viewable vip virtualhost virtualize vptr wakeup wakeups wasmtime websocket wepoll whitespace whitespaces wildcard wildcards winsock workspace writev xDS xDSes xdstp xeon xform xhtml xid xmodem xxhash xxs zag zig zipkin zlib OBQ SemVer SCM