Envy ==== A command line tool for displaying environment variables in a human friendly form. Variables may be selected by name, glob-like `pattern` or regular expression (`-r`). ![Example displaying the PATH variable and a search for sbin](envy.png) Variable values are split by the OS specific path separator onto separate lines. These lines can be further searched (`-s`) or checked for path existence (`-e`). ## Installation Download one of the pre-compiled [releases](https://github.com/quornian/envy/releases) for your operating system, or install via Cargo using: ``` cargo install --locked envy-cmd ``` ## Usage ``` $ envy --help Formats and displays environment variables for human friendly reading, searching and comparison. Usage: envy [OPTIONS] [pattern] Arguments: [pattern] The name or glob-like pattern of the environment variable(s) to show (use -r to switch to regular expressions). If omitted, all environment variables will be displayed. Options: -r, --regex Treat pattern as a regular expression to match against names. -s, --search Search the values of environment variables for the given pattern. -o, --only-matching After splitting values, elide unmatched lines and display only those that match the regular expression given by --search. -i, --ignore-case Make regular expression search and pattern match case insensitive. -e, --exists Indicate any lines that appear to be paths but cannot be found on disk. --color[=] Control when to color the output. [default: auto] [possible values: auto, always, never] -h, --help Print help (see a summary with '-h') -V, --version Print version Environment: ENVY_COLORS Override the default colors used to display different elements of the output: var(iable) - environment variable names val(ue) - environment variable values mat(ched) - highlighting for matched segments unm(atched) - dimming for unmatched lines mis(sing) - indication for paths not found spe(cial) - special characters sep(arator) - separator characters Color settings are colon-separated, key-value pairs in key=value form. Values are ANSI color codes. [default: var=1:val=:mat=4;97:unm=90:mis=2;31:spe=36:sep=90] ENVY_SEP Override the OS specific path separators, which by default are: (Linux, MacOS) ENVY_SEP=:, (Windows) ENVY_SEP=;, ```