// `error_chain!` can recurse deeply #![recursion_limit = "1024"] // Import the macro. Don't forget to add `error-chain` in your // `Cargo.toml`! #[macro_use] extern crate error_chain; mod errors { error_chain! { foreign_links { EOSIOAPI(eosio_client_api::errors::Error); LIBEOSIOAPI(libabieos_sys::errors::Error); STDIO(std::io::Error); } } } use crate::errors::{Error, Result}; use chrono::Duration; use eosio_client_api::api_types::{ ActionIn, AuthorizationIn, GetInfo}; use eosio_client_api::json_rpc::{create_setabi_action, create_setcode_action, AbiTrio, EOSRPC}; use eosio_client_api::wallet_types::{get_wallet_pass, Wallet}; use eosio_client_api::wasm::WASM; use libabieos_sys::{vec_u8_to_hex,ABIEOS}; use std::{env, fs}; //use serde_json::Value; use serde_json::json; async fn upgrade_wasm( wallet: &Wallet, eos: &EOSRPC, wasm: &WASM, abi: &str, account: &str, info: &GetInfo, ) -> Result<()> { let hash = wasm.hash(); let hash_str = vec_u8_to_hex(&hash)?; let stored_hash = eos.get_code_hash(account).await?; if stored_hash.code_hash != hash_str { // let _eosio_raw = eos.get_raw_abi("eosio")?.decode_abi()?; let exp_time = info.set_exp_time(Duration::seconds(3600)); let abi_trio = AbiTrio::create("eosio", "eosio", &eos).await?; let action_code = create_setcode_action(&abi_trio.acct_abi, account, wasm).map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "upgrade_wasm/create_setcode") })?; let action_abi = create_setabi_action(&abi_trio.sys_abi, &abi_trio.acct_abi, account, abi) .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "upgrade_wasm/create_setabi") })?; let actions: Vec = vec![action_code, action_abi]; let _tr = eos .push_transaction( &abi_trio.txn_abi, &wallet, actions, &info.head_block_id, exp_time, ) .await .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "upgrade_wasm/push_transaction") })?; println!("Code & ABI has been uploaded"); Ok(()) } else { println!("Code is already there"); Ok(()) } } pub fn create_game_action( abieos: &ABIEOS, main: &str, host: &str, challenger: &str, ) -> Result { let auth = AuthorizationIn { permission: "active".to_string(), actor: String::from(host), }; let v_auth: Vec = vec![auth]; let js = json!( { "challenger": String::from(challenger), "host":String::from(host), }) .to_string(); let hex = abieos.json_to_hex(main, "create", &js)?; let data = String::from(hex); Ok(ActionIn { name: "create".to_string(), account: main.to_string(), authorization: v_auth, data, }) } pub fn close_game_action( abieos: &ABIEOS, main: &str, host: &str, challenger: &str, ) -> Result { let auth = AuthorizationIn { permission: "active".to_string(), actor: String::from(host), }; let v_auth: Vec = vec![auth]; let js = json!( { "challenger": String::from(challenger), "host":String::from(host), }) .to_string(); let hex = abieos.json_to_hex(main, "create", &js)?; let data = String::from(hex); Ok(ActionIn { name: "close".to_string(), account: main.to_string(), authorization: v_auth, data, }) } pub fn move_game_action( abieos: &ABIEOS, main: &str, host: &str, challenger: &str, by: &str, row: u16, col: u16, ) -> Result { // person doing the move 'by' authorizes it. let auth = AuthorizationIn { permission: "active".to_string(), actor: String::from(by), }; let v_auth: Vec = vec![auth]; let js = json!( { "challenger": String::from(challenger), "host":String::from(host), "by":String::from(by), "row":row, "column":col }) .to_string(); let hex = abieos.json_to_hex(main, "move", &js)?; let data = String::from(hex); Ok(ActionIn { name: "move".to_string(), account: main.to_string(), authorization: v_auth, data, }) } async fn start_game( wallet: &Wallet, eos: &EOSRPC, game_acct: &str, player_host: &str, player_challenger: &str, ) -> Result<(usize, String)> { let info = eos.get_info().await?; let exp_time = info.set_exp_time(Duration::seconds(3600)); let abi_trio: AbiTrio = AbiTrio::create("eosio", game_acct, eos).await?; let ca = create_game_action( &abi_trio.acct_abi, game_acct, player_host, player_challenger, ) .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "start_game/create_game_action") })?; let tr = eos .push_transaction( &abi_trio.txn_abi, &wallet, vec![ca], &info.head_block_id, exp_time, ) .await .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "start_game/push_transaction") })?; abi_trio.destroy(); Ok((tr.processed.block_num, tr.transaction_id)) } async fn end_game( wallet: &Wallet, eos: &EOSRPC, game_acct: &str, player_host: &str, player_challenger: &str, ) -> Result<(usize, String)> { let info = eos.get_info().await?; let exp_time = info.set_exp_time(Duration::seconds(3600)); let abi_trio: AbiTrio = AbiTrio::create("eosio", game_acct, eos).await?; let ca = close_game_action( &abi_trio.acct_abi, game_acct, player_host, player_challenger, ) .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "end_game/close_game_action") })?; let tr = eos .push_transaction( &abi_trio.txn_abi, &wallet, vec![ca], &info.head_block_id, exp_time, ) .await .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "end_game/push_transaction") })?; abi_trio.destroy(); Ok((tr.processed.block_num, tr.transaction_id)) } async fn move_game( wallet: &Wallet, eos: &EOSRPC, game_acct: &str, player_host: &str, player_challenger: &str, by: &str, row: u16, col: u16, ) -> Result<(usize, String)> { let info = eos.get_info().await?; let exp_time = info.set_exp_time(Duration::seconds(3600)); let abi_trio: AbiTrio = AbiTrio::create("eosio", game_acct, eos).await?; let ca = move_game_action( &abi_trio.acct_abi, game_acct, player_host, player_challenger, by, row, col, ) .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "move_game/move_game_action") })?; let tr = eos .push_transaction( &abi_trio.txn_abi, &wallet, vec![ca], &info.head_block_id, exp_time, ) .await .map_err(|e| { abi_trio.destroy(); Error::with_chain(e, "move_game/push_transaction") })?; abi_trio.destroy(); Ok((tr.processed.block_num, tr.transaction_id)) } async fn get_board(eos: &EOSRPC, game_acct: &str) -> Result<()> { let abi_trio: AbiTrio = AbiTrio::create("eosio", game_acct, eos).await?; let tr = eos .get_table_rows( &game_acct, "tictactoe", "games", "", "", "", 10, "", "", "dec", false, true, ) .await?; for row in tr.rows { let data = row.data; let str = abi_trio .acct_abi .hex_to_json(&game_acct, "game", data.as_bytes()); println!("{:?}", str); } Ok(()) } fn get_args() -> Result<(String, String, String, String, String)> { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let host = { if args.len() > 1 { &args[1] } else { //"" "https://api.testnet.eos.io" } }; let wallet_url = { if args.len() > 2 { &args[2] } else { "" } }; let account = { if args.len() > 3 { &args[3] } else { "fwonhjnefmps" } }; let player_host = { if args.len() > 4 { &args[3] } else { "lkrqvqpxhnqe" } }; let player_challenger = { if args.len() > 4 { &args[3] } else { "tafoacvsqlmw" } }; Ok(( host.parse().unwrap(), wallet_url.parse().unwrap(), account.parse().unwrap(), player_host.parse().unwrap(), player_challenger.parse().unwrap(), )) } async fn run() -> Result { let (host, wallet_url, account, player_host, player_challenger) = get_args()?; let eos = EOSRPC::non_blocking(String::from(host)).await?; let info = eos.get_info().await?; let wallet = Wallet::create_with_chain_id( EOSRPC::non_blocking(String::from(wallet_url)).await?, &info.chain_id, ); let wallet_pass = get_wallet_pass()?; let ttt_wasm: WASM = WASM::read_file("examples/tictactoe.wasm")?; let ttt_abi = fs::read_to_string("examples/tictactoe.abi")?; wallet.unlock("default", &wallet_pass).await?; upgrade_wasm(&wallet, &eos, &ttt_wasm, &ttt_abi, &account, &info).await?; // clears a game if there way one let _trans_end = end_game(&wallet, &eos, &account, &player_host, &player_challenger).await; let trans_start = start_game(&wallet, &eos, &account, &player_host, &player_challenger).await?; println!("Started {:?}", trans_start); let moves = vec![ (&player_host, 1, 1), (&player_challenger, 0, 0), (&player_host, 1, 0), (&player_challenger, 2, 2), (&player_host, 1, 2), ]; for g_move in moves { // println!("Move {} {}/{}", &g_move.0, g_move.1, g_move.2); let trans_move = move_game( &wallet, &eos, &account, &player_host, &player_challenger, &g_move.0, g_move.1, g_move.2, ) .await?; println!("Move {} {:?}", &g_move.0, trans_move); get_board(&eos, &account).await?; } // get_board(&eos,&account)?; let trans_end = end_game(&wallet, &eos, &account, &player_host, &player_challenger).await?; println!("Ended {:?}", trans_end); Ok(true) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { println!("This example uploads the tic-tac-toe wasm, and pushes actions on it"); println!("It also fetches data from RAM to see the 'game'"); if let Err(ref e) = run().await { println!("error: {}", e); for e in e.iter().skip(1) { println!("caused by: {}", e); } // The backtrace is not always generated. Try to run this example // with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1`. if let Some(backtrace) = e.backtrace() { println!("backtrace: {:?}", backtrace); } ::std::process::exit(1); } }