use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::os::raw::{c_char}; use std::ffi::{CString, CStr}; use std::sync::Arc; use std::path::{Path}; use rand::thread_rng; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use rustc_serialize::json; use uuid::Uuid; use stack_test_epic_wallet_api::{self, Foreign, ForeignCheckMiddlewareFn, Owner}; use stack_test_epic_wallet_config::{WalletConfig}; use stack_test_epic_wallet_libwallet::api_impl::types::{InitTxArgs, InitTxSendArgs}; use stack_test_epic_wallet_libwallet::api_impl::owner; use stack_test_epic_wallet_impls::{ DefaultLCProvider, DefaultWalletImpl, HTTPNodeClient, }; use ws::{ CloseCode, Message, Error as WsError, ErrorKind as WsErrorKind, Result as WSResult, Sender, Handler }; use stack_test_epic_keychain::mnemonic; use stack_test_epic_wallet_util::stack_test_epic_core::global::ChainTypes; use stack_test_epic_util::file::get_first_line; use stack_test_epic_wallet_util::stack_test_epic_util::ZeroingString; use stack_test_epic_util::Mutex; use stack_test_epic_wallet_libwallet::{address, scan, slate_versions, wallet_lock, NodeClient, NodeVersionInfo, Slate, WalletInst, WalletLCProvider, Error, ErrorKind, TxLogEntry, TxLogEntryType}; use stack_test_epic_wallet_util::stack_test_epic_keychain::{Keychain, ExtKeychain}; use stack_test_epic_util::secp::rand::Rng; use stack_test_epic_util::secp::key::{SecretKey, PublicKey}; use stack_test_epic_util::secp::{Secp256k1}; use stack_test_epicboxlib::types::{EpicboxAddress, EpicboxMessage, TxProofErrorKind}; use android_logger::FilterBuilder; use std::env; // mod main; #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, RustcEncodable, Debug)] pub struct Config { pub wallet_dir: String, pub check_node_api_http_addr: String, pub chain: String, pub account: Option, pub api_listen_port: u16, pub api_listen_interface: String } #[derive(Clone)] struct Client { out: Sender, } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, RustcEncodable, Debug)] pub struct EpicBoxConfig { domain: String, port: u16 } impl EpicBoxConfig { fn from_str(json: &str) -> Result { let result = match serde_json::from_str::(json) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; Ok(result) } } type Wallet = Arc< Mutex< Box< dyn WalletInst< 'static, DefaultLCProvider<'static, HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain>, HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain, >, >, >, >; macro_rules! ensure_wallet ( ($wallet_ptr:expr, $wallet:ident) => ( if ($wallet_ptr as *mut Wallet).as_mut().is_none() { // let _ = $env.throw(serde_json::to_string(&format!("Wallet is NULL")).unwrap()); println!("{}", "WALLET_IS_NOT_OPEN"); } let $wallet = ($wallet_ptr as *mut Wallet).as_mut().unwrap(); ) ); fn init_logger() { android_logger::init_once( AndroidConfig::default() .with_min_level(Level::Trace) .with_tag("libepiccash") .with_filter(FilterBuilder::new().parse("debug,epic-cash-wallet::crate=super").build()), ); } impl Config { fn from_str(json: &str) -> Result { let result = match serde_json::from_str::(json) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; Ok(result) } } static mut SLATES_VECTOR: Vec = Vec::new(); impl Handler for Client { fn on_message(&mut self, msg: Message) -> WSResult<()> { // Close the connection when we get a response from the server let msg = match msg { Message::Text(s) => { s } _ => { panic!() } }; let parsed: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&msg).expect("Can't parse to JSON"); if parsed["type"] == "Slate" { //Push into the vector unsafe { SLATES_VECTOR.push(msg); } } self.out.close(CloseCode::Normal) } } /* Create Wallet config */ fn create_wallet_config(config: Config) -> Result { let chain_type = match config.chain.as_ref() { "mainnet" => ChainTypes::Mainnet, "floonet" => ChainTypes::Floonet, "usertesting" => ChainTypes::UserTesting, "automatedtesting" => ChainTypes::AutomatedTesting, _ => ChainTypes::Floonet, }; let api_secret_path = config.wallet_dir.clone() + "/.api_secret"; let api_listen_port = config.api_listen_port; Ok(WalletConfig { chain_type: Some(chain_type), api_listen_interface: config.api_listen_interface, api_listen_port, api_secret_path: None, node_api_secret_path: if Path::new(&api_secret_path).exists() { Some(api_secret_path) } else { None }, check_node_api_http_addr: config.check_node_api_http_addr, data_file_dir: config.wallet_dir, tls_certificate_file: None, tls_certificate_key: None, dark_background_color_scheme: Some(true), keybase_notify_ttl: Some(1440), no_commit_cache: Some(false), owner_api_include_foreign: Some(false), owner_api_listen_port: Some(WalletConfig::default_owner_api_listen_port()), }) } #[macro_use] extern crate log; extern crate android_logger; extern crate simplelog; use log::Level; use android_logger::Config as AndroidConfig; use stack_test_epicboxlib::utils::crypto::{Hex, sign_challenge}; /* Create a new wallet */ #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn wallet_init( config: *const c_char, mnemonic: *const c_char, password: *const c_char, name: *const c_char ) -> *const c_char { let result = match _wallet_init(config, mnemonic, password, name) { Ok(created) => { created }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn get_mnemonic() -> *const c_char { let result = match _get_mnemonic() { Ok(phrase) => { phrase }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _get_mnemonic() -> Result<*const c_char, stack_test_epic_keychain::mnemonic::Error> { let mut wallet_phrase = "".to_string(); match mnemonic() { Ok(phrase) => { wallet_phrase.push_str(&phrase); },Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(wallet_phrase).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } fn _wallet_init( config: *const c_char, mnemonic: *const c_char, password: *const c_char, name: *const c_char ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let config = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(config) }; let mnemonic = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(mnemonic) }; let password = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(password) }; let name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(name) }; let str_password = match password.to_str() { Ok(str_pass) => {str_pass}, Err(e) => {return Err( Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!("{}", e.to_string()))) )} }; let str_config = match config.to_str() { Ok(str_conf) => {str_conf}, Err(e) => {return Err( Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!("{}", e.to_string()))) )} }; let phrase = match mnemonic.to_str() { Ok(str_phrase) => {str_phrase}, Err(e) => {return Err( Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!("{}", e.to_string()))) )} }; let str_name = match name.to_str() { Ok(str_name) => {str_name}, Err(e) => {return Err( Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!("{}", e.to_string()))) )} }; let mut create_msg = "".to_string(); match create_wallet(str_config, phrase, str_password, str_name) { Ok(_) => { create_msg.push_str(""); },Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(create_msg).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_open_wallet( config: *const c_char, password: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let result = match _open_wallet( config, password ) { Ok(wallet) => { wallet }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _open_wallet( config: *const c_char, password: *const c_char, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let c_conf = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(config) }; let c_password = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(password) }; let str_config = c_conf.to_str().unwrap(); let str_password = c_password.to_str().unwrap(); let mut result = String::from(""); match open_wallet(&str_config.clone(), str_password) { Ok(res) => { let wlt = res.0; let sek_key = res.1; let wallet_int = Box::into_raw(Box::new(wlt)) as i64; let wallet_data = (wallet_int, sek_key); let wallet_ptr = serde_json::to_string(&wallet_data).unwrap(); result.push_str(&wallet_ptr); } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let s = CString::new(result).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } /* Get wallet info This contains wallet balances */ #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_wallet_balances( wallet: *const c_char, refresh: *const c_char, min_confirmations: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let c_refresh = CStr::from_ptr(refresh); let minimum_confirmations = CStr::from_ptr(min_confirmations); let minimum_confirmations: u64 = minimum_confirmations.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let refresh_from_node: u64 = c_refresh.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let refresh = match refresh_from_node { 0 => false, _=> true }; let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _wallet_balances( wallet, sek_key, refresh, minimum_confirmations ) { Ok(balances) => { balances }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _wallet_balances( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, refresh: bool, min_confirmations: u64, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut wallet_info = "".to_string(); match get_wallet_info( &wallet, keychain_mask, refresh, min_confirmations ) { Ok(info) => { let str_wallet_info = serde_json::to_string(&info).unwrap(); wallet_info.push_str(&str_wallet_info); },Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(wallet_info).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_recover_from_mnemonic( config: *const c_char, password: *const c_char, mnemonic: *const c_char, name: *const c_char ) -> *const c_char { let result = match _recover_from_mnemonic( config, password, mnemonic, name ) { Ok(recovered) => { recovered }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _recover_from_mnemonic( config: *const c_char, password: *const c_char, mnemonic: *const c_char, name: *const c_char ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let c_conf = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(config) }; let c_password = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(password) }; let c_mnemonic = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(mnemonic) }; let c_name = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(name) }; let input_conf = c_conf.to_str().unwrap(); let str_password = c_password.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_config = match Config::from_str(&input_conf.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(err) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "Wallet config error : {}", err.to_string() )))) } }; let phrase = c_mnemonic.to_str().unwrap(); let name = c_name.to_str().unwrap(); let mut recover_response = "".to_string(); match recover_from_mnemonic(phrase, str_password, &wallet_config, name) { Ok(_)=> { recover_response.push_str("recovered"); }, Err(e)=> { return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(recover_response).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_wallet_scan_outputs( wallet: *const c_char, start_height: *const c_char, number_of_blocks: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let c_start_height = CStr::from_ptr(start_height); let c_number_of_blocks = CStr::from_ptr(number_of_blocks); let start_height: u64 = c_start_height.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let number_of_blocks: u64 = c_number_of_blocks.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _wallet_scan_outputs( wallet, sek_key, start_height, number_of_blocks ) { Ok(scan) => { scan }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _wallet_scan_outputs( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, start_height: u64, number_of_blocks: u64 ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut scan_result = String::from(""); match wallet_scan_outputs( &wallet, keychain_mask, Some(start_height), Some(number_of_blocks) ) { Ok(scan) => { scan_result.push_str(&scan); }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); }, } let s = CString::new(scan_result).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_encrypt_slate( wallet: *const c_char, to_address: *const c_char, secret_key_index: *const c_char, epicbox_config: *const c_char, slate: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let c_address = CStr::from_ptr(to_address); let key_index = CStr::from_ptr(secret_key_index); let epicbox_config = CStr::from_ptr(epicbox_config); let slate = CStr::from_ptr(slate); let address = c_address.to_str().unwrap(); let key_index: u32 = key_index.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let epicbox_config = epicbox_config.to_str().unwrap(); let slate = slate.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _encrypt_slate( &wallet, sek_key, address, key_index, epicbox_config, slate ) { Ok(post_late_request) => { post_late_request }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _encrypt_slate( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, address: &str, secret_key_index: u32, epicbox_config: &str, slate: &str, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error>{ let epicbox_conf = match EpicBoxConfig::from_str(&epicbox_config.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(err) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "epicbox config error {}", err.to_string() )))) } }; let key_pair = match get_wallet_secret_key_pair( wallet, keychain_mask, secret_key_index ) { Ok(sec_pub_pair) => { sec_pub_pair } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let slate_msg = build_post_slate_request( address, key_pair, slate.to_string(), epicbox_conf); let s = CString::new(slate_msg).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_create_tx( wallet: *const c_char, amount: *const c_char, to_address: *const c_char, secret_key_index: *const c_char, epicbox_config: *const c_char, min_confirmations: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let minimum_confirmations = CStr::from_ptr(min_confirmations); let minimum_confirmations: u64 = minimum_confirmations.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let amount = CStr::from_ptr(amount); let c_address = CStr::from_ptr(to_address); let key_index = CStr::from_ptr(secret_key_index); let epicbox_config = CStr::from_ptr(epicbox_config); let amount: u64 = amount.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let address = c_address.to_str().unwrap(); let key_index: u32 = key_index.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let epicbox_config = epicbox_config.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _create_tx( wallet, sek_key, amount, address, key_index, epicbox_config, minimum_confirmations, ) { Ok(slate) => { slate }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _create_tx( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, amount: u64, address: &str, secret_key_index: u32, epicbox_config: &str, minimum_confirmations: u64, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let epicbox_conf = match EpicBoxConfig::from_str(&epicbox_config.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(err) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "EPICBOX_CONFIG_ERROR {}", err.to_string() )))) } }; let mut message = String::from(""); match tx_create( &wallet, keychain_mask.clone(), amount, minimum_confirmations, false) { Ok(slate) => { //Get Secret key at given Index, build epicbox request let key_pair = get_wallet_secret_key_pair( &wallet, keychain_mask, secret_key_index ).unwrap(); let slate_msg = build_post_slate_request( address, key_pair, slate.clone(), epicbox_conf.clone()); let create_response = (&slate, &slate_msg); let str_create_response = serde_json::to_string(&create_response).unwrap(); message.push_str(&str_create_response); }, Err(e) => { message.push_str(&e.to_string()); return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(message).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_txs_get( wallet: *const c_char, refresh_from_node: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let c_wallet = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let c_refresh_from_node = CStr::from_ptr(refresh_from_node); let refresh_from_node: u64 = c_refresh_from_node.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let refresh = match refresh_from_node { 0 => false, _=> true }; let wallet_data = c_wallet.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _txs_get( wallet, sek_key, refresh, ) { Ok(txs) => { txs }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _txs_get( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, refresh_from_node: bool, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut txs_result = "".to_string(); match txs_get( wallet, keychain_mask, refresh_from_node ) { Ok(txs) => { txs_result.push_str(&txs); }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); }, } let s = CString::new(txs_result).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_tx_cancel( wallet: *const c_char, tx_id: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let tx_id = CStr::from_ptr(tx_id); let tx_id = tx_id.to_str().unwrap(); let uuid = Uuid::parse_str(tx_id).map_err(|e| ErrorKind::GenericError(e.to_string())).unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _tx_cancel( wallet, sek_key, uuid, ) { Ok(cancelled) => { cancelled }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _tx_cancel( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, tx_id: Uuid, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error>{ let mut cancel_msg = "".to_string(); match tx_cancel(wallet, keychain_mask, tx_id) { Ok(_) => { cancel_msg.push_str(""); },Err(err) => { return Err(err); } } let s = CString::new(cancel_msg).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_decrypt_unprocessed_slates( wallet: *const c_char, secret_key_index: *const c_char, slate: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let key_index = CStr::from_ptr(secret_key_index); let slate = CStr::from_ptr(slate); let key_index: u32 = key_index.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let slate = slate.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _decrypt_unprocessed_slates( wallet, sek_key, key_index, slate, ) { Ok(pending_slates) => { pending_slates }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _decrypt_unprocessed_slates( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, secret_key_index: u32, slates: &str ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let key_pair = get_wallet_secret_key_pair( wallet, keychain_mask, secret_key_index ).unwrap(); let mut pending_slates = "".to_string(); let slates_to_lower = slates.to_lowercase(); if slates_to_lower.contains("error") || slates_to_lower.is_empty() { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "{}", "Unable to format slates, please check data" )))); } match decrypt_epicbox_slates(key_pair, &slates) { Ok(decrypted) => { let str_slates = serde_json::to_string(&decrypted).unwrap(); pending_slates.push_str(&str_slates); }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let s = CString::new(pending_slates).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_process_pending_slates( wallet: *const c_char, slates: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let slates = CStr::from_ptr(slates); let pending_slates = slates.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _process_pending_slates( wallet, sek_key, pending_slates ) { Ok(processed_slates) => { processed_slates }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _process_pending_slates( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, slates: &str ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut processed_slates = "".to_string(); match process_received_slates( wallet, keychain_mask, slates ) { Ok(slates) => { processed_slates.push_str(&slates); }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(processed_slates).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_get_chain_height( config: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let result = match _get_chain_height( config ) { Ok(chain_height) => { chain_height }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _get_chain_height(config: *const c_char) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { debug!("{}", "GETTING_CHAIN_HEIGHT"); let c_config = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(config) }; let str_config = c_config.to_str().unwrap(); let mut chain_height = "".to_string(); match get_chain_height(&str_config) { Ok(chain_tip) => { debug!("CHAIN_HEIGHT {}", chain_tip); chain_height.push_str(&chain_tip.to_string()); }, Err(e) => { debug!("CHAIN_HEIGHT_ERROR {}", e.to_string()); return Err(e); }, } let s = CString::new(chain_height).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_delete_wallet( wallet: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _delete_wallet( wallet ) { Ok(deleted) => { deleted }, Err(err ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &err.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _delete_wallet( wallet: &Wallet, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut delete_result = String::from(""); match delete_wallet(wallet) { Ok(deleted) => { delete_result.push_str(&deleted); }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); }, } let s = CString::new(delete_result).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_tx_send_http( wallet: *const c_char, selection_strategy_is_use_all: *const c_char, minimum_confirmations: *const c_char, message: *const c_char, amount: *const c_char, address: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let c_wallet = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let c_strategy_is_use_all = CStr::from_ptr(selection_strategy_is_use_all); let strategy_is_use_all: u64 = c_strategy_is_use_all.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let strategy_use_all = match strategy_is_use_all { 0 => false, _=> true }; let c_minimum_confirmations = CStr::from_ptr(minimum_confirmations); let minimum_confirmations: u64 = c_minimum_confirmations.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let c_message = CStr::from_ptr(message); let str_message = c_message.to_str().unwrap(); let c_amount = CStr::from_ptr(amount); let amount: u64 = c_amount.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let c_address = CStr::from_ptr(address); let str_address = c_address.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_data = c_wallet.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _tx_send_http( wallet, sek_key, strategy_use_all, minimum_confirmations, str_message, amount, str_address ) { Ok(tx_data) => { tx_data }, Err(err ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &err.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _tx_send_http( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, selection_strategy_is_use_all: bool, minimum_confirmations: u64, message: &str, amount: u64, address: &str ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut send_result = String::from(""); match tx_send_http( wallet, keychain_mask, selection_strategy_is_use_all, minimum_confirmations, message, amount, address ) { Ok(sent) => { let empty_json = format!(r#"{{"slate_msg": ""}}"#); let create_response = (&sent, &empty_json); let str_create_response = serde_json::to_string(&create_response).unwrap(); send_result.push_str(&str_create_response); }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); }, } let s = CString::new(send_result).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct EpicboxInfo { pub address: String, pub public_key: String, pub secret_key: String, } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_get_wallet_address( wallet: *const c_char, index: *const c_char, epicbox_config: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let index = CStr::from_ptr(index); let epicbox_config = CStr::from_ptr(epicbox_config); let epicbox_config = epicbox_config.to_str().unwrap(); let index: u32 = index.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _get_wallet_address( wallet, sek_key, index, epicbox_config ) { Ok(address) => { address }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _get_wallet_address( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, index: u32, epicbox_config: &str ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let epicbox_conf = match EpicBoxConfig::from_str(&epicbox_config.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(e) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "{}", "Unable to get epicbox config" )))) } }; let key_pair = get_wallet_secret_key_pair(wallet, keychain_mask, index).unwrap(); let wallet_address = get_epicbox_address(key_pair.1, &epicbox_conf.domain, Some(epicbox_conf.port)).public_key; let s = CString::new(wallet_address).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_validate_address( address: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let address = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(address) }; let str_address = address.to_str().unwrap(); let validate = validate_address(str_address); let return_value = match validate { true => 1, false => 0 }; let s = CString::new(return_value.to_string()).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s p } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_get_tx_fees( wallet: *const c_char, c_amount: *const c_char, min_confirmations: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let minimum_confirmations = CStr::from_ptr(min_confirmations); let minimum_confirmations: u64 = minimum_confirmations.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let amount = CStr::from_ptr(c_amount); let amount: u64 = amount.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _get_tx_fees( &wallet, sek_key, amount, minimum_confirmations, ) { Ok(fees) => { fees }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _get_tx_fees( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, amount: u64, minimum_confirmations: u64, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut fees_data = "".to_string(); match tx_strategies(wallet, keychain_mask, amount, minimum_confirmations) { Ok(fees) => { fees_data.push_str(&fees); }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } let s = CString::new(fees_data).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn rust_post_slate_to_node( wallet: *const c_char, tx_slate_id: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let tx_slate_id = CStr::from_ptr(tx_slate_id); let tx_slate_id = tx_slate_id.to_str().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _post_slate_to_node( wallet, sek_key, tx_slate_id ) { Ok(posted) => { posted }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } pub fn create_wallet(config: &str, phrase: &str, password: &str, name: &str) -> Result { let wallet_pass = ZeroingString::from(password); let wallet_config = match Config::from_str(&config) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(e) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "Error getting wallet config: {}", e.to_string() )))); } }; let wallet = match get_wallet(&wallet_config) { Ok(wllet) => { wllet } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let mut wallet_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = match wallet_lock.lc_provider() { Ok(wallet_lc) => { wallet_lc } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let rec_phrase = ZeroingString::from(phrase.clone()); let result = match lc.create_wallet( Some(name), Some(rec_phrase), 32, wallet_pass, false, ) { Ok(_) => { "".to_string() }, Err(e) => { e.to_string() }, }; Ok(result) } pub fn get_wallet_secret_key_pair( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, index: u32 ) -> Result<(SecretKey, PublicKey), Error>{ let parent_key_id = { wallet_lock!(wallet, w); w.parent_key_id().clone() }; wallet_lock!(wallet, w); let k = match w.keychain(keychain_mask.as_ref()) { Ok(keychain) => { keychain } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let s = Secp256k1::new(); let sec_key = match address::address_from_derivation_path( &k, &parent_key_id, index ) { Ok(s_key) => { s_key } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let pub_key = match PublicKey::from_secret_key(&s, &sec_key) { Ok(p_key) => { p_key } Err(err) => { return Err(Error::from( ErrorKind::GenericError( format!("{}", err.to_string()) ) )); } }; Ok((sec_key, pub_key)) } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct WalletInfoFormatted { pub last_confirmed_height: u64, pub minimum_confirmations: u64, pub total: f64, pub amount_awaiting_finalization: f64, pub amount_awaiting_confirmation: f64, pub amount_immature: f64, pub amount_currently_spendable: f64, pub amount_locked: f64, } /* Get wallet info This contains wallet balances */ pub fn get_wallet_info( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, refresh_from_node: bool, min_confirmations: u64 ) -> Result { let api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); match api.retrieve_summary_info(keychain_mask.as_ref(), refresh_from_node, min_confirmations) { Ok((_, wallet_summary)) => { Ok(WalletInfoFormatted { last_confirmed_height: wallet_summary.last_confirmed_height, minimum_confirmations: wallet_summary.minimum_confirmations, total: nano_to_deci(, amount_awaiting_finalization: nano_to_deci(wallet_summary.amount_awaiting_finalization), amount_awaiting_confirmation: nano_to_deci(wallet_summary.amount_awaiting_confirmation), amount_immature: nano_to_deci(wallet_summary.amount_immature), amount_currently_spendable: nano_to_deci(wallet_summary.amount_currently_spendable), amount_locked: nano_to_deci(wallet_summary.amount_locked) }) }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } /* Recover wallet from mnemonic */ pub fn recover_from_mnemonic(mnemonic: &str, password: &str, config: &Config, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> { let wallet = match get_wallet(&config) { Ok(conf) => { conf } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let mut w_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = match w_lock.lc_provider() { Ok(wallet_lc) => { wallet_lc } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; //First check if wallet seed directory exists, if not create if let Ok(exists_wallet_seed) = lc.wallet_exists(None) { if exists_wallet_seed { match lc.recover_from_mnemonic( ZeroingString::from(mnemonic), ZeroingString::from(password) ) { Ok(_) => { return Ok(()); } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } else { match lc.create_wallet( Some(&name), Some(ZeroingString::from(mnemonic)), 32, ZeroingString::from(password), false, ) { Ok(_) => { return Ok(()); } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } } Ok(()) } /* Create a new wallet seed */ pub fn mnemonic() -> Result { let seed = create_seed(32); match mnemonic::from_entropy(&seed) { Ok(mnemonic_str) => { Ok(mnemonic_str) }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } fn create_seed(seed_length: u64) -> Vec { let mut seed: Vec = vec![]; let mut rng = thread_rng(); for _ in 0..seed_length { seed.push(rng.gen()); } seed } /* Get wallet that will be used for calls to epic wallet */ fn get_wallet(config: &Config) -> Result { let wallet_config = match create_wallet_config(config.clone()) { Ok(conf) => { conf } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let node_api_secret = get_first_line(wallet_config.node_api_secret_path.clone()); let node_client = HTTPNodeClient::new(&wallet_config.check_node_api_http_addr, node_api_secret); let wallet = match inst_wallet::< DefaultLCProvider, HTTPNodeClient, ExtKeychain, >(wallet_config.clone(), node_client) { Ok(wallet_inst) => { wallet_inst } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; return Ok(wallet); } /* New wallet instance */ fn inst_wallet( config: WalletConfig, node_client: C, ) -> Result>>>, Error> where DefaultWalletImpl<'static, C>: WalletInst<'static, L, C, K>, L: WalletLCProvider<'static, C, K>, C: NodeClient + 'static, K: Keychain + 'static, { let mut wallet = Box::new(DefaultWalletImpl::<'static, C>::new(node_client.clone()).unwrap()) as Box>; let lc = match wallet.lc_provider() { Ok(wallet_lc) => { wallet_lc } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; match lc.set_top_level_directory(&config.data_file_dir) { Ok(_) => { () } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; Ok(Arc::new(Mutex::new(wallet))) } pub fn get_chain_height(config: &str) -> Result { let config = match Config::from_str(&config.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(e) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "{}", "Unable to get wallet config" )))) } }; let wallet_config = match create_wallet_config(config.clone()) { Ok(wallet_conf) => { wallet_conf } Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let node_api_secret = get_first_line(wallet_config.node_api_secret_path.clone()); let node_client = HTTPNodeClient::new(&wallet_config.check_node_api_http_addr, node_api_secret); let chain_tip = match node_client.chain_height() { Ok(tip) => { tip } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; Ok(chain_tip.0) } /* */ pub fn wallet_scan_outputs( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, start_height: Option, number_of_blocks_to_scan: Option ) -> Result { let tip = { wallet_lock!(wallet, w); match w.w2n_client().get_chain_tip() { Ok(chain_tip) => { chain_tip.0 }, Err(_e) => { 0 } } }; if tip == 0 { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "{}", "Unable to scan, could not determine chain height" )))); } let start_height: u64 = match start_height { Some(h) => h, None => 1, }; let number_of_blocks_to_scan: u64 = match number_of_blocks_to_scan { Some(h) => h, None => 0, }; let last_block = start_height + number_of_blocks_to_scan; let end_height: u64 = match last_block.cmp(&tip) { Ordering::Less => { last_block }, Ordering::Greater => { tip }, Ordering::Equal => { last_block } }; match scan( wallet.clone(), keychain_mask.as_ref(), false, start_height, end_height, &None ) { Ok(info) => { let parent_key_id = { wallet_lock!(wallet, w); w.parent_key_id().clone() }; { wallet_lock!(wallet, w); let mut batch = match w.batch(keychain_mask.as_ref()) { Ok(wallet_output_batch) => { wallet_output_batch } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; match batch.save_last_confirmed_height(&parent_key_id, info.height) { Ok(_) => { () } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; match batch.commit() { Ok(_) => { () } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } } }; let result = info.height; Ok(serde_json::to_string(&result).unwrap()) }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] struct Strategy { selection_strategy_is_use_all: bool, total: u64, fee: u64, } /* Get transaction fees all possible Coin/Output selection strategies. */ pub fn tx_strategies( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, amount: u64, minimum_confirmations: u64, ) -> Result { let mut result = vec![]; wallet_lock!(wallet, w); for selection_strategy_is_use_all in vec![false].into_iter() { let args = InitTxArgs { src_acct_name: None, amount, minimum_confirmations, max_outputs: 500, num_change_outputs: 1, estimate_only: Some(true), message: None, ..Default::default() }; match owner::init_send_tx(&mut **w, keychain_mask.as_ref(), args, true) { Ok(slate) => { result.push(Strategy { selection_strategy_is_use_all, total: slate.amount, fee: slate.fee, }); }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } Ok(serde_json::to_string(&result).unwrap()) } pub fn txs_get( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, refresh_from_node: bool, ) -> Result { let api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let txs = match api.retrieve_txs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), refresh_from_node, None, None ) { Ok((_, tx_entries)) => { tx_entries }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let result = txs; Ok(serde_json::to_string(&result).unwrap()) } /* Init tx as sender */ pub fn tx_create( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, amount: u64, minimum_confirmations: u64, selection_strategy_is_use_all: bool, ) -> Result { let owner_api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let accounts = match owner_api.accounts(keychain_mask.as_ref()) { Ok(accounts_list) => { accounts_list }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let account = &accounts[0].label; let args = InitTxArgs { src_acct_name: Some(account.clone()), amount, minimum_confirmations, max_outputs: 500, num_change_outputs: 1, selection_strategy_is_use_all, message: None, ..Default::default() }; match owner_api.init_send_tx(keychain_mask.as_ref(), args) { Ok(slate)=> { //Lock slate uptputs match owner_api.tx_lock_outputs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), &slate, 0 ) { Ok(_) => { () } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; //Get transaction for the slate, we will use type to determing if we should finalize or receive tx let txs = match owner_api.retrieve_txs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), false, None, Some( ) { Ok(txs_result) => { txs_result }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let final_result = ( serde_json::to_string(&txs.1).unwrap(), serde_json::to_string(&slate).unwrap() ); let str_result = serde_json::to_string(&final_result).unwrap(); Ok(str_result) }, Err(e)=> { return Err(e); } } } #[no_mangle] pub unsafe extern "C" fn subscribe_request( wallet: *const c_char, secret_key_index: *const c_char, epicbox_config: *const c_char, ) -> *const c_char { let wallet_ptr = CStr::from_ptr(wallet); let key_index = CStr::from_ptr(secret_key_index); let epicbox_config = CStr::from_ptr(epicbox_config); let epicbox_config = epicbox_config.to_str().unwrap(); let key_index: u32 = key_index.to_str().unwrap().to_string().parse().unwrap(); let wallet_data = wallet_ptr.to_str().unwrap(); let tuple_wallet_data: (i64, Option) = serde_json::from_str(wallet_data).unwrap(); let wlt = tuple_wallet_data.0; let sek_key = tuple_wallet_data.1; ensure_wallet!(wlt, wallet); let result = match _subscribe_request( wallet, sek_key, key_index, epicbox_config, ) { Ok(subscribe_request) => { subscribe_request }, Err(e ) => { let error_msg = format!("Error {}", &e.to_string()); let error_msg_ptr = CString::new(error_msg).unwrap(); let ptr = error_msg_ptr.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(error_msg_ptr); ptr } }; result } fn _subscribe_request( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, secret_key_index: u32, epicbox_config: &str, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let key_pair = get_wallet_secret_key_pair( wallet, keychain_mask, secret_key_index ).unwrap(); let epicbox_conf = match EpicBoxConfig::from_str(&epicbox_config.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(e) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "{}", "Unable to get epicbox config" )))) } }; let subscribe_request = _build_subscribe_request( key_pair, epicbox_conf.clone() ); let s = CString::new(subscribe_request).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } fn _post_slate_to_node( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, tx_slate_id: &str, ) -> Result<*const c_char, Error> { let mut tx_post_message = String::from(""); match tx_post(wallet, keychain_mask, tx_slate_id) { Ok(posted) => { tx_post_message.push_str(&posted); }, Err(e) => { tx_post_message.push_str(&e.to_string()); } } let s = CString::new(tx_post_message).unwrap(); let p = s.as_ptr(); // Get a pointer to the underlaying memory for s std::mem::forget(s); // Give up the responsibility of cleaning up/freeing s Ok(p) } pub fn decrypt_epicbox_slates( secret_pub_key_pair: (SecretKey, PublicKey), encrypted_slates: &str ) -> Result, Error>{ let messages: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&encrypted_slates).unwrap(); let mut decrypted_slates: Vec = Vec::new(); for message in messages.into_iter() { let parsed: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&message).expect("Can't parse to JSON"); match decrypt_message(&secret_pub_key_pair.0, parsed.clone()) { Ok(decrypted_msg) => { let sender_address = parsed.get("from").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let return_data = (decrypted_msg, sender_address); decrypted_slates.push(serde_json::to_string(&return_data).unwrap()); }, Err(e) => { let error_msg = format!("Error : {}", e.to_string()); decrypted_slates.push(error_msg); } }; } Ok(decrypted_slates) } pub fn process_received_slates( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, message: &str ) -> Result { let mut process_result = "".to_string(); let process = process_epic_box_slate(&wallet, keychain_mask.clone(), &message); match process { Ok(slate) => { let msg_tuple: (String, String) = serde_json::from_str(&message).unwrap(); let transaction: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&msg_tuple.0).unwrap(); match transaction[0].tx_type { TxLogEntryType::TxSent => { //Push into receive array let message_status = format!(r#"{{"status": "PendingProcessing"}}"#); let return_data = (message_status, slate); process_result.push_str(&serde_json::to_string(&return_data).unwrap()); }, TxLogEntryType::TxReceived => { let message_status = format!(r#"{{"status": "Finalised"}}"#); let return_data = (message_status, slate); process_result.push_str(&serde_json::to_string(&return_data).unwrap()); }, _ => {} } }, Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; Ok(process_result) } /* Cancel tx by id */ pub fn tx_cancel(wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, tx_slate_id: Uuid) -> Result { let api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); match api.cancel_tx(keychain_mask.as_ref(), None, Some(tx_slate_id)) { Ok(_) => { Ok("cancelled".to_owned()) },Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } } /* Get transaction by slate id */ pub fn tx_get(wallet: &Wallet, refresh_from_node: bool, tx_slate_id: &str) -> Result { let api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let uuid = Uuid::parse_str(tx_slate_id).map_err(|e| ErrorKind::GenericError(e.to_string())).unwrap(); let txs = api.retrieve_txs(None, refresh_from_node, None, Some(uuid)).unwrap(); Ok(serde_json::to_string(&txs.1).unwrap()) } /* Check slate version */ fn check_middleware( name: ForeignCheckMiddlewareFn, node_version_info: Option, slate: Option<&Slate>, ) -> Result<(), Error> { match name { // allow coinbases to be built regardless ForeignCheckMiddlewareFn::BuildCoinbase => Ok(()), _ => { let mut bhv = 3; if let Some(n) = node_version_info { bhv = n.block_header_version; } if let Some(s) = slate { if bhv > 4 && s.version_info.block_header_version < slate_versions::EPIC_BLOCK_HEADER_VERSION { Err(ErrorKind::Compatibility( "Incoming Slate is not compatible with this wallet. Please upgrade the node or use a different one." .into(), ))?; } } Ok(()) } } } pub fn tx_receive(wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, account: &str, str_slate: &str) -> Result { let slate = match Slate::deserialize_upgrade(str_slate) { Ok(result) => { result } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let owner_api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let foreign_api = Foreign::new( wallet.clone(), keychain_mask.clone(), Some(check_middleware)); match foreign_api.receive_tx(&slate, Some(&account), None) { Ok(slate)=> { let txs = match owner_api.retrieve_txs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), false, None, Some( ) { Ok(slate_txs) => { slate_txs }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let final_result = ( serde_json::to_string(&txs.1).unwrap(), serde_json::to_string(&slate).unwrap() ); Ok(serde_json::to_string(&final_result).unwrap()) }, Err(e)=> { return Err(e); } } } /* */ pub fn tx_finalize( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, str_slate: &str ) -> Result { let slate = match Slate::deserialize_upgrade(str_slate) { Ok(result) => { result } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let owner_api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let response = owner_api.finalize_tx(keychain_mask.as_ref(), &slate); match response { Ok(slate)=> { let txs = match owner_api.retrieve_txs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), false, None, Some( ) { Ok(transactions) => { transactions }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let final_result = ( serde_json::to_string(&txs.1).unwrap(), serde_json::to_string(&slate).unwrap() ); Ok(serde_json::to_string(&final_result).unwrap()) }, Err(e)=> { return Err(e); } } } /* Post transaction to the node after finalising */ pub fn tx_post( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, tx_slate_id: &str ) -> Result { let owner_api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let tx_uuid = Uuid::parse_str(tx_slate_id).map_err(|e| ErrorKind::GenericError(e.to_string()))?; let (_, txs) = match owner_api.retrieve_txs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), false, None, Some(tx_uuid.clone()) ) { Ok(result) => { result } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; println!("TX IS ::: {:?}", txs[0]); if txs[0].confirmed { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "Transaction with id {} is already confirmed. Not posting.", tx_slate_id )))); } let stored_tx = owner_api.get_stored_tx( keychain_mask.as_ref(), &txs[0])?; match stored_tx { Some(stored_tx) => { match owner_api.post_tx(keychain_mask.as_ref(), &stored_tx, true) { Ok(()) => { Ok("tx_posted_to_node".to_owned()) }, Err(err)=> { return Err(err); } } } None => Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "Transaction with id {} does not have transaction data. Not posting.", tx_slate_id )))), } } /* Get epic box address for receiving slates */ pub fn get_epicbox_address( public_key: PublicKey, domain: &str, port: Option) -> EpicboxAddress { let domain = domain.to_string(); EpicboxAddress::new(public_key, Some(domain), port) } pub fn derive_public_key_from_address(address: &str) -> PublicKey { let address = EpicboxAddress::from_str(address).unwrap(); let public_key = address.public_key().unwrap(); public_key } pub fn build_post_slate_request( receiver_address: &str, secret_pub_key_pair: (SecretKey, PublicKey), tx: String, epicbox_config: EpicBoxConfig ) -> String { let address_sender = get_epicbox_address( secret_pub_key_pair.1, &epicbox_config.domain, Some(epicbox_config.port) ); let address_receiver = EpicboxAddress::from_str(receiver_address).unwrap(); let pub_key_receiver = address_receiver.public_key().unwrap(); let address_receiver = get_epicbox_address( pub_key_receiver, &epicbox_config.domain, Some(epicbox_config.port)); let mut challenge = String::new(); let message = EpicboxMessage::new( tx, &address_receiver.clone(), &address_receiver.public_key().unwrap(), &secret_pub_key_pair.0 ).map_err(|_| WsError::new(WsErrorKind::Protocol, "could not encrypt slate!")).unwrap(); let message_ser = serde_json::to_string(&message).unwrap(); let to_address = format!("{}", address_receiver.public_key); let from_address = format!("{}", address_sender.public_key); challenge.push_str(&message_ser); let signature = sign_challenge(&challenge, &secret_pub_key_pair.0).unwrap().to_hex(); let json_request = format!(r#"{{"type": "PostSlate", "from": "{}", "to": "{}", "str": {}, "signature": "{}"}}"#, from_address, to_address, json::as_json(&message_ser), signature); json_request } pub fn _build_subscribe_request( secret_pub_key_pair: (SecretKey, PublicKey) , epicbox_config: EpicBoxConfig ) -> String { let address = get_epicbox_address(secret_pub_key_pair.1, &epicbox_config.domain, Some(epicbox_config.port)); // The signed message binds to the request type (subscription) and the intended address (with domain) // WARNING: This request does not bind to _any_ other context, and could be vulnerable to replay let challenge = String::from(format!("SubscribeRequest_{}", address.public_key)); let signature = sign_challenge(&challenge, &secret_pub_key_pair.0).unwrap().to_hex(); let subscribe_str = format!(r#"{{"type": "Subscribe", "address": "{}", "signature": "{}"}}"#, address.public_key, signature); subscribe_str } pub fn convert_deci_to_nano(amount: f64) -> u64 { let base_nano = 100000000; let nano = amount * base_nano as f64; nano as u64 } pub fn nano_to_deci(amount: u64) -> f64 { let base_nano = 100000000; let decimal = amount as f64 / base_nano as f64; decimal } /* Decrypt slate retreived from epic box */ pub fn decrypt_message(receiver_key: &SecretKey, msg_json: serde_json::Value) -> Result { let sender_address = msg_json.get("from").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let sender_public_key: PublicKey = EpicboxAddress::from_str(sender_address).unwrap().public_key() .unwrap(); let message = msg_json.get("str").unwrap().as_str().unwrap(); let encrypted_message: EpicboxMessage = serde_json::from_str(message).map_err(|_| TxProofErrorKind::ParseEpicboxMessage).unwrap(); let key = encrypted_message.key(&sender_public_key, &receiver_key).unwrap(); let decrypted_message = match encrypted_message.decrypt_with_key(&key) { Ok(decrypted) => { decrypted }, Err(e) => { format!("Error {}", e.to_string()) } }; Ok(decrypted_message) } /* Process received slate from Epicbox, and return processed slate for posting */ pub fn process_epic_box_slate(wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, slate_info: &str ) -> Result { let msg_tuple: (String, String) = serde_json::from_str(&slate_info).unwrap(); let transaction: Vec = serde_json::from_str(&msg_tuple.0).unwrap(); match transaction[0].tx_type { TxLogEntryType::TxSent => { match tx_receive(&wallet, keychain_mask.clone(), "default", &msg_tuple.1) { Ok(slate) => { Ok(slate) }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } } }, TxLogEntryType::TxReceived => { let finalize = tx_finalize(&wallet, keychain_mask.clone(), &msg_tuple.1); match finalize { Ok(str_slate) => { Ok(str_slate) }, Err(e)=> { Err(e) } } }, TxLogEntryType::ConfirmedCoinbase => { Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "The provided slate has already been confirmed, not processed.", )))) }, _ => { Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "The provided slate could not be processed, cancelled by user.", )))) } } } /* */ pub fn open_wallet(config_json: &str, password: &str) -> Result<(Wallet, Option), Error> { let config = match Config::from_str(&config_json.to_string()) { Ok(config) => { config }, Err(e) => { return Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!( "{}", "Unable to get wallet config" )))) } }; let wallet = match get_wallet(&config) { Ok(wllet) => { wllet } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; let mut secret_key = None; let mut opened = false; { let mut wallet_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = match wallet_lock.lc_provider() { Ok(lc_provider) => { lc_provider } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; if let Ok(exists_wallet) = lc.wallet_exists(None) { if exists_wallet { let temp = match lc.open_wallet( None, ZeroingString::from(password), true, false) { Ok(tmp_key) => { tmp_key } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; secret_key = temp; let wallet_inst = match lc.wallet_inst() { Ok(wallet_backend) => { wallet_backend } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; if let Some(account) = config.account { match wallet_inst.set_parent_key_id_by_name(&account) { Ok(_) => { () } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } } opened = true; } } } } if opened { Ok((wallet, secret_key)) } else { Err(Error::from(ErrorKind::WalletSeedDoesntExist)) } } pub fn close_wallet(wallet: &Wallet) -> Result { let mut wallet_lock = wallet.lock(); let lc = wallet_lock.lc_provider()?; if let Ok(open_wallet) = lc.wallet_exists(None) { if open_wallet { lc.close_wallet(None)?; } } Ok("Wallet has been closed".to_owned()) } pub fn validate_address(address: &str) -> bool { let address = EpicboxAddress::from_str(address); match address { Ok(_) => { true }, _ => { false } } } pub fn delete_wallet(wallet: &Wallet) -> Result { //First close the wallet let mut result = String::from(""); if let Ok(closed) = close_wallet(&wallet) { let api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); match api.delete_wallet(None) { Ok(_) => { result.push_str("deleted"); } Err(err) => { return Err(err); } }; } else { return return Err( Error::from(ErrorKind::GenericError(format!("{}", "Error closing wallet"))) ); } Ok(result) } pub fn tx_send_http( wallet: &Wallet, keychain_mask: Option, selection_strategy_is_use_all: bool, minimum_confirmations: u64, message: &str, amount: u64, address: &str, ) -> Result{ let api = Owner::new(wallet.clone()); let initSendArgs = InitTxSendArgs { method: "http".to_string(), dest: address.to_string(), finalize: true, post_tx: true, fluff: true }; let args = InitTxArgs { src_acct_name: Some("default".to_string()), amount, minimum_confirmations, max_outputs: 500, num_change_outputs: 1, selection_strategy_is_use_all, message: Some(message.to_string()), send_args: Some(initSendArgs), ..Default::default() }; match api.init_send_tx(keychain_mask.as_ref(), args) { Ok(slate) => { println!("{}", "CREATE_TX_SUCCESS"); //Get transaction for slate, for UI display let txs = match api.retrieve_txs( keychain_mask.as_ref(), false, None, Some( ) { Ok(txs_result) => { txs_result }, Err(e) => { return Err(e); } }; let tx_data = ( serde_json::to_string(&txs.1).unwrap(), serde_json::to_string(&slate).unwrap() ); let str_tx_data = serde_json::to_string(&tx_data).unwrap(); Ok(str_tx_data) } Err(err) => { println!("CREATE_TX_ERROR_IN_HTTP_SEND {}", err.to_string()); return Err(err); } } }