syntax = "proto3"; package dfuse.ethereum.codec.v1; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; message Block { int32 ver = 1; bytes hash = 2; uint64 number = 3; uint64 size = 4; BlockHeader header = 5; repeated BlockHeader uncles = 6; repeated TransactionTrace transaction_traces = 10; repeated BalanceChange balance_changes = 11; repeated CodeChange code_changes = 20; } // BlockWithRefs is a lightweight block, with traces and transactions // purged from the `block` within, and only. It is used in transports // to pass block data around. message BlockWithRefs { string id = 1; Block block = 2; TransactionRefs transaction_trace_refs = 3; bool irreversible = 4; } message TransactionRefs { repeated bytes hashes = 1; } message UnclesHeaders { repeated BlockHeader uncles = 1; } message BlockRef { bytes hash = 1; uint64 number = 2; } message BlockHeader { bytes parent_hash = 1; /* geth: ParentHash + parentHash, parity: parentHash */ bytes uncle_hash = 2; /* geth: sha3Uncles, but sha3 is badly worded, so we prefer `uncle_hash`, parity: uncleHash */ bytes coinbase = 3; /* geth: Coinbase + miner, parity: coinbase */ bytes state_root = 4; /* geth: Root + json=stateRoot, parity: stateRoot */ bytes transactions_root = 5; /* geth: TxHash + transactionsRoot, parity: transactionsTrie */ bytes receipt_root = 6; /* geth: ReceiptHash + receiptRoot, parity: receiptTrie */ bytes logs_bloom = 7; /* internally called `Bloom`, parity uses `bloom`, geth's json uses `logsBloom` */ BigInt difficulty = 8; uint64 number = 9; uint64 gas_limit = 10; uint64 gas_used = 11; google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 12; bytes extra_data = 13; /* geth: Extra []byte + extraData, parity: "0x"-prefixed extraData */ bytes mix_hash = 14; /* geth: MixDigest + mixHash, parity: mixHash */ uint64 nonce = 15; bytes hash = 16; } message BigInt { bytes bytes = 1; } message TransactionState { State previous_state = 1; State current_state = 2; Transition transition = 10; bytes hash = 11; Transaction trx = 3; BlockHeader block_header = 4; TransactionTrace transaction_traces = 5; uint64 confirmation = 6; BlockHeader head_block_header = 7; bytes replaced_by_hash = 8; google.protobuf.Timestamp pending_first_seen = 12; google.protobuf.Timestamp pending_last_seen = 13; enum Transition { TRANS_INIT = 0; TRANS_POOLED = 1; TRANS_MINED = 2; TRANS_FORKED = 3; TRANS_CONFIRMED = 4; TRANS_REPLACED = 5; TRANS_SPECULATIVELY_EXECUTED = 6; // makes speculative traces available on a PENDING transaction. May not be emitted if the transaction is seen a block before } enum State { STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; STATE_PENDING = 1; STATE_IN_BLOCK = 2; STATE_REPLACED = 3; } } // A Transaction not yet in block message Transaction { // consensus bytes to = 1; uint64 nonce = 2; BigInt gas_price = 3; uint64 gas_limit = 4; BigInt value = 5; /* amount of ETH transfered, in addition to used_gas * gas_price, sometimes referred to as `Amount` */ bytes input = 6; bytes v = 7; /* signature values */ bytes r = 8; bytes s = 9; // meta bytes hash = 21; bytes from = 22; } message TransactionTrace { // consensus bytes to = 1; uint64 nonce = 2; BigInt gas_price = 3; uint64 gas_limit = 4; BigInt value = 5; /* amount of ETH transfered, in addition to used_gas * gas_price, sometimes referred to as `Amount` */ bytes input = 6; bytes v = 7; /* signature values */ bytes r = 8; bytes s = 9; uint64 gas_used = 10; // meta uint32 index = 20; bytes hash = 21; bytes from = 22; bytes return_data = 23; bytes public_key = 24; TransactionTraceStatus status = 30; TransactionReceipt receipt = 31; repeated Call calls = 32; } // TransactionTraceWithBlockRef message TransactionTraceWithBlockRef { TransactionTrace trace = 1; BlockRef block_ref = 2; } enum TransactionTraceStatus { UNKNOWN = 0; SUCCEEDED = 1; FAILED = 2; REVERTED = 3; } message TransactionReceipt { // consensus bytes state_root = 1; /* this was an intermediate state_root hash, * computed in-between transactions to make * SURE you could build a proof and point to * state in the middle of a block; geth: * PostState + root + PostStateOrStatus, * parity: status_code, root... this piles * hardforks, see (read the EIPs first): * * and * * and * * and the notion of Outcome in parity, which * segregates the two concepts, which are * stored in the same field status_code can be computed based on such a hack of the `state_root` field, following EIP-658. This is optional before the BYZANTINIUM hardfork. */ uint64 cumulative_gas_used = 2; bytes logs_bloom = 3; repeated Log logs = 4; } message Log { // consensus bytes address = 1; repeated bytes topics = 2; bytes data = 3; // supplement uint32 index = 4; // position inside a trx uint32 blockIndex = 6; // position inside a block } message Call { uint32 index = 1; uint32 parent_index = 2; uint32 depth = 3; CallType call_type = 4; bytes caller = 5; bytes address = 6; BigInt value = 7; uint64 gas_limit = 8; uint64 gas_consumed = 9; bytes return_data = 13; bytes input = 14; bool executed_code = 15; bool suicide = 16; /* hex representation of the hash -> preimage */ map keccak_preimages = 20; repeated StorageChange storage_changes = 21; repeated BalanceChange balance_changes = 22; repeated NonceChange nonce_changes = 24; repeated Log logs = 25; repeated CodeChange code_changes = 26; repeated bytes created_accounts = 27; repeated GasChange gas_changes = 28; repeated GasEvent gas_events = 29; // In Ethereum, a call can be either: // - Successfull, execution passes without any problem encountered // - Failed, execution failed, and remaining gas should be consumed // - Reverted, execution failed, but only gas consumed so far is billed, remaining gas is refunded // // When a call is either `failed` or `reverted`, the `status_failed` field // below is set to `true`. If the status is `reverted`, then both `status_failed` // and `status_reverted` are going to be set to `true`. bool status_failed = 10; bool status_reverted = 12; // Populated when a call either failed or reverted, so when `status_failed == true`, // see above for details about those flags. string failure_reason = 11; // This field represents wheter or not the state changes performed // by this call were correctly recorded by the blockchain. // // On Ethereum, a transaction can record state changes even if some // of its inner nested calls failed. This is problematic however since // a call will invalidate all its state changes as well as all state // changes performed by its child call. This means that even if a call // has a status of `SUCCESS`, the chain might have reverted all the state // changes it performed. // // ``` // Trx 1 // Call #1 // Call #2 // Call #3 // |--- Failure here // Call #4 // ``` // // In the transaction above, while Call #2 and Call #3 would have the // status `EXECUTED` bool state_reverted = 30; repeated ERC20BalanceChange erc20_balance_changes = 50; repeated ERC20TransferEvent erc20_transfer_events = 51; } message ERC20BalanceChange { bytes holder_address = 1; BigInt old_balance = 2; BigInt new_balance = 3; } message ERC20TransferEvent { bytes from = 1; bytes to = 2; BigInt amount = 3; } enum CallType { UNSPECIFIED = 0; CALL = 1; // direct? what's the name for `Call` alone? CALLCODE = 2; DELEGATE = 3; STATIC = 4; CREATE = 5; // create2 ? any other form of calls? } message StorageChange { bytes address = 1; bytes key = 2; bytes old_value = 3; bytes new_value = 4; } message BalanceChange { bytes address = 1; BigInt old_value = 2; BigInt new_value = 3; Reason reason = 4; // Obtain all balanche change reasons under deep mind repository: // // ack -ho 'BalanceChangeReason\(".*"\)' | grep -Eo '".*"' | sort | uniq enum Reason { REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; REASON_REWARD_MINE_UNCLE = 1; REASON_REWARD_MINE_BLOCK = 2; REASON_DAO_REFUND_CONTRACT = 3; REASON_DAO_ADJUST_BALANCE = 4; REASON_TRANSFER = 5; REASON_GENESIS_BALANCE = 6; REASON_GAS_BUY = 7; REASON_REWARD_TRANSACTION_FEE = 8; REASON_GAS_REFUND = 9; REASON_TOUCH_ACCOUNT = 10; REASON_SUICIDE_REFUND = 11; REASON_SUICIDE_WITHDRAW = 13; REASON_CALL_BALANCE_OVERRIDE = 12; } } message NonceChange { bytes address = 1; uint64 old_value = 2; uint64 new_value = 3; } message CodeChange { bytes address = 1; bytes old_hash = 2; bytes old_code = 3; bytes new_hash = 4; bytes new_code = 5; } // The gas change model represents the reason why some gas cost has occurred. // The gas is computed per actual op codes. Doing them completely might prove // overwhelming in most cases. // // Hence, we only index some of them, those that are costy like all the calls // one, log events, return data, etc. message GasChange { uint64 old_value = 1; uint64 new_value = 2; Reason reason = 3; // Obtain all gas change reasons under deep mind repository: // // ack -ho 'GasChangeReason\(".*"\)' | grep -Eo '".*"' | sort | uniq enum Reason { REASON_UNKNOWN = 0; REASON_CALL = 1; REASON_CALL_CODE = 2; REASON_CALL_DATA_COPY = 3; REASON_CODE_COPY = 4; REASON_CODE_STORAGE = 5; REASON_CONTRACT_CREATION = 6; REASON_CONTRACT_CREATION2 = 7; REASON_DELEGATE_CALL = 8; REASON_EVENT_LOG = 9; REASON_EXT_CODE_COPY = 10; REASON_FAILED_EXECUTION = 11; REASON_INTRINSIC_GAS = 12; REASON_PRECOMPILED_CONTRACT = 13; REASON_REFUND_AFTER_EXECUTION = 14; REASON_RETURN = 15; REASON_RETURN_DATA_COPY = 16; REASON_REVERT = 17; REASON_SELF_DESTRUCT = 18; REASON_STATIC_CALL = 19; // Added in Berlin fork (Geth 1.10+) REASON_STATE_COLD_ACCESS = 20; } } // Gas events are emitted to faciliate gas tracking avoid the execution // call stack that happens while processing a transaction on the chain. // // We currently have events for tracing of gas amount before and after // each child call. message GasEvent { Id id = 1; uint64 gas = 2; uint64 linked_call_index = 3; // Obtain all gas change reasons under deep mind repository: // // ack -ho 'GasEventID\(".*"\)' | grep -Eo '".*"' | sort | uniq enum Id { ID_UNKNOWN = 0; ID_AFTER_CALL = 1; ID_BEFORE_CALL = 2; } }