# yatestnet Testnet chain for Golem Network ## How to run * Generate main account and signer key ``` pip install web3 python gen_env.py > .env ``` * Make sure genesis folder is empty or nonexistent ``` docker-compose up ``` Genesis folder should now contain chaindata and files ``` chain987789 genesis987789.json password987789.json ``` 987789 is selected chain id genesis987789.json can be used to spawn additional node of the same chain. password987789.json is used to unlock signer on main node. chain987789 contains local node chain data. ## Setup gas scanner Clone yablockscout repo https://github.com/scx1332/yablockscout go to docker-compose directory and run docker-compose build docker-compose run -d ## Setup gas fixer Gas fixer is needed to generate non zero gas prices on the network that has almost no transactions. https://github.com/scx1332/blockchain_price_fixer.git ## Setup web3 proxy Web3 proxy is useful tool to optionally generate wrong requests, but also to inspect and get all calls. ## TODO: create faucet ## Testnet is ready to be used Test yagna using https://github.com/scx1332/yagna_payment_testing http://deployment.org:4000/ - blockscout http://deployment.org:8546/web3/{your_key} - web3 proxy http://deployment.org:8545 - access without proxy ## To easly send test tokens to address: ``` docker exec -it yatestnet-geth-1 python send_eth_and_glms.py --glm 1000000 --eth 1000 --address=0x406a6cF8C67fc2a73DE02AAB88968Ab0167fC61c ```