use crate::hash; use ansi_term::Color; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ffi::{OsStr, OsString}, fs::FileType, }; /// Concerned with computing icons given filesystem parameters. pub mod fs; /// Attempts to return an icon given a file extension along with its default color code 8-bit /// value. fn icon_from_ext(ext: &OsStr) -> Option<(u8, &'static str)> { EXT_ICON_MAP.get(ext).map(|(code, icon)| (*code, *icon)) } /// Attempts to return an icon based on file type. fn icon_from_file_type(ft: FileType) -> Option<&'static str> { if ft.is_dir() { return FILE_TYPE_ICON_MAP.get("dir").copied(); } else if ft.is_symlink() { return FILE_TYPE_ICON_MAP.get("symlink").copied(); } None } /// Attempts to get the icon associated with the special file kind. fn icon_from_file_name(name: &OsStr) -> Option<&'static str> { FILE_NAME_ICON_MAP.get(name).copied() } /// Returns the default fallback icon. fn get_default_icon<'a>() -> (u8, &'a str) { *DEFAULT_ICON } /// Convenience method to paint fixed colors. fn col(num: u8, code: &str) -> String { Color::Fixed(num).paint(code).to_string() } /// Default fallback icon. static DEFAULT_ICON: Lazy<(u8, &str)> = Lazy::new(|| (66, "\u{f15b}")); /// Lazily evaluated static hash-map of special file-types and their corresponding styled icons. /// These icons will take on the color properties of their associated file which is based on /// `LS_COLORS`. /// /// Dev icons sourced from [`exa`]( static FILE_TYPE_ICON_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { hash!( "dir" => "\u{f413}", //  "symlink" => "\u{f482}" //  ) }); /// Lazily evaluated static hash-map of special named and their corresponding icons. These icons /// will take on the color properties of their associated file which is based on `LS_COLORS`. /// /// Dev icons sourced from [`exa`]( static FILE_NAME_ICON_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { hash!( OsString::from(".Trash") => "\u{f1f8}", //  OsString::from(".atom") => "\u{e764}", //  OsString::from(".bashprofile") => "\u{e615}", //  OsString::from(".bashrc") => "\u{f489}", //  OsString::from(".git") => "\u{f1d3}", //  OsString::from(".gitattributes") => "\u{f1d3}", //  OsString::from(".gitconfig") => "\u{f1d3}", //  OsString::from(".github") => "\u{f408}", //  OsString::from(".gitignore") => "\u{f1d3}", //  OsString::from(".gitmodules") => "\u{f1d3}", //  OsString::from(".rvm") => "\u{e21e}", //  OsString::from(".vimrc") => "\u{e62b}", //  OsString::from(".vscode") => "\u{e70c}", //  OsString::from(".zshrc") => "\u{f489}", //  OsString::from("Cargo.lock") => "\u{e7a8}", //  OsString::from("bin") => "\u{e5fc}", //  OsString::from("config") => "\u{e5fc}", //  OsString::from("docker-compose.yml") => "\u{f308}", //  OsString::from("Dockerfile") => "\u{f308}", //  OsString::from(".DS_Store") => "\u{f179}", //  OsString::from("gitignore_global") => "\u{f1d3}", //  OsString::from("go.mod") => "\u{e626}", //  OsString::from("go.sum") => "\u{e626}", //  OsString::from("gradle") => "\u{e256}", //  OsString::from("") => "\u{e611}", //  OsString::from("gruntfile.js") => "\u{e611}", //  OsString::from("") => "\u{e611}", //  OsString::from("") => "\u{e610}", //  OsString::from("gulpfile.js") => "\u{e610}", //  OsString::from("") => "\u{e610}", //  OsString::from("hidden") => "\u{f023}", //  OsString::from("include") => "\u{e5fc}", //  OsString::from("lib") => "\u{f121}", //  OsString::from("license") => "\u{e60a}", //  OsString::from("LICENSE") => "\u{e60a}", //  OsString::from("licence") => "\u{e60a}", //  OsString::from("LICENCE") => "\u{e60a}", //  OsString::from("localized") => "\u{f179}", //  OsString::from("Makefile") => "\u{f489}", //  OsString::from("node_modules") => "\u{e718}", //  OsString::from("npmignore") => "\u{e71e}", //  OsString::from("PKGBUILD") => "\u{f303}", //  OsString::from("rubydoc") => "\u{e73b}", //  OsString::from("yarn.lock") => "\u{e718}" //  ) }); /// Lazily evaluated static hash-map of various file extensions and their corresponding icons. The /// key is the file extension while the associated value is a tuple containing the 8-bit color code /// as well as the Unicode scalar value for the corresponding icon. /// /// Dev icons and their color palettes sourced from [`nvim-web-devicons`]( static EXT_ICON_MAP: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { hash!( OsString::from("ai") => (185, "\u{e7b4}"), //  OsString::from("awk") => (59, "\u{e795}"), //  OsString::from("bash") => (113, "\u{e795}"), //  OsString::from("bat") => (154, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("bmp") => (140, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("cbl") => (25, "\u{2699}"), // ⚙ OsString::from("c++") => (204, "\u{e61d}"), //  OsString::from("c") => (75, "\u{e61e}"), //  OsString::from("cc") => (204, "\u{e61d}"), //  OsString::from("cfg") => (231, "\u{e7a3}"), //  OsString::from("cljc") => (107, "\u{e768}"), //  OsString::from("clj") => (107, "\u{e768}"), //  OsString::from("cljd") => (67, "\u{e76a}"), //  OsString::from("cljs") => (67, "\u{e76a}"), //  OsString::from("cmake") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("cob") => (25, "\u{2699}"), // ⚙ OsString::from("cobol") => (25, "\u{2699}"), // ⚙ OsString::from("coffee") => (185, "\u{e61b}"), //  OsString::from("conf") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("") => (52, "\u{e791}"), //  OsString::from("cp") => (67, "\u{e61d}"), //  OsString::from("cpp") => (67, "\u{e61d}"), //  OsString::from("cpy") => (25, "\u{2699}"), // ⚙ OsString::from("cr") => (16, "\u{e24f}"), //  OsString::from("cs") => (58, "\u{f031b}"), // 󰌛 OsString::from("csh") => (59, "\u{e795}"), //  OsString::from("cson") => (185, "\u{e60b}"), //  OsString::from("css") => (39, "\u{e749}"), //  OsString::from("csv") => (113, "\u{f0219}"), // 󰈙 OsString::from("cxx") => (67, "\u{e61d}"), //  OsString::from("dart") => (25, "\u{e798}"), //  OsString::from("db") => (188, "\u{e706}"), //  OsString::from("d") => (64, "\u{e7af}"), //  OsString::from("desktop") => (60, "\u{f108}"), //  OsString::from("diff") => (59, "\u{e728}"), //  OsString::from("doc") => (25, "\u{f022c}"), // 󰈬 OsString::from("drl") => (217, "\u{e28c}"), //  OsString::from("dropbox") => (27, "\u{e707}"), //  OsString::from("dump") => (188, "\u{e706}"), //  OsString::from("edn") => (67, "\u{e76a}"), //  OsString::from("eex") => (140, "\u{e62d}"), //  OsString::from("ejs") => (185, "\u{e60e}"), //  OsString::from("elm") => (67, "\u{e62c}"), //  OsString::from("epp") => (255, "\u{e631}"), //  OsString::from("erb") => (52, "\u{e60e}"), //  OsString::from("erl") => (132, "\u{e7b1}"), //  OsString::from("ex") => (140, "\u{e62d}"), //  OsString::from("exs") => (140, "\u{e62d}"), //  OsString::from("f#") => (67, "\u{e7a7}"), //  OsString::from("fish") => (59, "\u{e795}"), //  OsString::from("fnl") => (230, "\u{1f31c}"), // 🌜 OsString::from("fs") => (67, "\u{e7a7}"), //  OsString::from("fsi") => (67, "\u{e7a7}"), //  OsString::from("fsscript") => (67, "\u{e7a7}"), //  OsString::from("fsx") => (67, "\u{e7a7}"), //  OsString::from("GNUmakefile") => (66, "\u{e779}"), //  OsString::from("gd") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("gemspec") => (52, "\u{e791}"), //  OsString::from("gif") => (140, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("git") => (202, "\u{e702}"), //  OsString::from("glb") => (215, "\u{f1b2}"), //  OsString::from("go") => (67, "\u{e627}"), //  OsString::from("godot") => (66, "\u{e7a3}"), //  OsString::from("gql") => (199, "\u{f20e}"), //  OsString::from("graphql") => (199, "\u{f20e}"), //  OsString::from("haml") => (188, "\u{e60e}"), //  OsString::from("hbs") => (208, "\u{e60f}"), //  OsString::from("h") => (140, "\u{f0fd}"), //  OsString::from("heex") => (140, "\u{e62d}"), //  OsString::from("hh") => (140, "\u{f0fd}"), //  OsString::from("hpp") => (140, "\u{f0fd}"), //  OsString::from("hrl") => (132, "\u{e7b1}"), //  OsString::from("hs") => (140, "\u{e61f}"), //  OsString::from("htm") => (166, "\u{e60e}"), //  OsString::from("html") => (202, "\u{e736}"), //  OsString::from("hxx") => (140, "\u{f0fd}"), //  OsString::from("ico") => (185, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("import") => (231, "\u{f0c6}"), //  OsString::from("ini") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("java") => (167, "\u{e738}"), //  OsString::from("jl") => (133, "\u{e624}"), //  OsString::from("jpeg") => (140, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("jpg") => (140, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("js") => (185, "\u{e60c}"), //  OsString::from("json5") => (185, "\u{f0626}"), // 󰘦 OsString::from("json") => (185, "\u{e60b}"), //  OsString::from("jsx") => (67, "\u{e625}"), //  OsString::from("ksh") => (59, "\u{e795}"), //  OsString::from("kt") => (99, "\u{e634}"), //  OsString::from("kts") => (99, "\u{e634}"), //  OsString::from("leex") => (140, "\u{e62d}"), //  OsString::from("less") => (60, "\u{e614}"), //  OsString::from("lhs") => (140, "\u{e61f}"), //  OsString::from("license") => (185, "\u{e60a}"), //  OsString::from("licence") => (185, "\u{e60a}"), //  OsString::from("lock") => (250, "\u{f13e}"), //  OsString::from("log") => (255, "\u{f0331}"), // 󰮩 OsString::from("lua") => (74, "\u{e620}"), //  OsString::from("luau") => (74, "\u{e620}"), //  OsString::from("makefile") => (66, "\u{e779}"), //  OsString::from("markdown") => (67, "\u{e609}"), //  OsString::from("Makefile") => (66, "\u{e779}"), //  OsString::from("material") => (132, "\u{f0509}"), // 󰔉 OsString::from("md") => (255, "\u{f48a}"), //  OsString::from("mdx") => (67, "\u{f48a}"), //  OsString::from("mint") => (108, "\u{f032a}"), // 󰌪 OsString::from("mjs") => (221, "\u{e60c}"), //  OsString::from("mk") => (66, "\u{e779}"), //  OsString::from("ml") => (173, "\u{3bb}"), // λ OsString::from("mli") => (173, "\u{3bb}"), // λ OsString::from("mo") => (99, "\u{221e}"), // ∞ OsString::from("mustache") => (173, "\u{e60f}"), //  OsString::from("nim") => (220, "\u{e677}"), //  OsString::from("nix") => (110, "\u{f313}"), //  OsString::from("opus") => (208, "\u{f0223}"), // 󰈣 OsString::from("otf") => (231, "\u{f031}"), //  OsString::from("pck") => (66, "\u{f487}"), //  OsString::from("pdf") => (124, "\u{f0226}"), // 󰈦 OsString::from("php") => (140, "\u{e608}"), //  OsString::from("pl") => (67, "\u{e769}"), //  OsString::from("pm") => (67, "\u{e769}"), //  OsString::from("png") => (140, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("pp") => (255, "\u{e631}"), //  OsString::from("ppt") => (167, "\u{f0227}"), // 󰈧 OsString::from("prisma") => (255, "\u{e684}"), //  OsString::from("pro") => (179, "\u{e7a1}"), //  OsString::from("ps1") => (69, "\u{f0a0a}"), // 󰨊 OsString::from("psb") => (67, "\u{e7b8}"), //  OsString::from("psd1") => (105, "\u{f0a0a}"), // 󰨊 OsString::from("psd") => (67, "\u{e7b8}"), //  OsString::from("psm1") => (105, "\u{f0a0a}"), // 󰨊 OsString::from("pyc") => (67, "\u{e606}"), //  OsString::from("py") => (61, "\u{e606}"), //  OsString::from("pyd") => (67, "\u{e606}"), //  OsString::from("pyo") => (67, "\u{e606}"), //  OsString::from("query") => (154, "\u{e21c}"), //  OsString::from("rake") => (52, "\u{e791}"), //  OsString::from("rb") => (52, "\u{e791}"), //  OsString::from("r") => (65, "\u{f07d4}"), // 󰟔 OsString::from("rlib") => (180, "\u{e7a8}"), //  OsString::from("rmd") => (67, "\u{e609}"), //  OsString::from("rproj") => (65, "\u{f07d4}"), // 󰟔 OsString::from("rs") => (180, "\u{e7a8}"), //  OsString::from("rss") => (215, "\u{e619}"), //  OsString::from("sass") => (204, "\u{e603}"), //  OsString::from("sbt") => (167, "\u{e737}"), //  OsString::from("scala") => (167, "\u{e737}"), //  OsString::from("scm") => (16, "\u{f0627}"), // 󰘧 OsString::from("scss") => (204, "\u{e603}"), //  OsString::from("sh") => (59, "\u{e795}"), //  OsString::from("sig") => (173, "\u{3bb}"), // λ OsString::from("slim") => (166, "\u{e60e}"), //  OsString::from("sln") => (98, "\u{e70c}"), //  OsString::from("sml") => (173, "\u{3bb}"), // λ OsString::from("sol") => (67, "\u{f07bb}"), // 󰞻 OsString::from("sql") => (188, "\u{e706}"), //  OsString::from("sqlite3") => (188, "\u{e706}"), //  OsString::from("sqlite") => (188, "\u{e706}"), //  OsString::from("styl") => (107, "\u{e600}"), //  OsString::from("sublime") => (98, "\u{e7aa}"), //  OsString::from("suo") => (98, "\u{e70c}"), //  OsString::from("sv") => (29, "\u{f035b}"), // 󰍛 OsString::from("svelte") => (202, "\u{f260}"), //  OsString::from("svg") => (215, "\u{f0721}"), // 󰜡 OsString::from("svh") => (29, "\u{f035b}"), // 󰍛 OsString::from("swift") => (173, "\u{e755}"), //  OsString::from("tbc") => (67, "\u{f06d3}"), // 󰛓 OsString::from("t") => (67, "\u{e769}"), //  OsString::from("tcl") => (67, "\u{f06d3}"), // 󰛓 OsString::from("terminal") => (71, "\u{f489}"), //  OsString::from("test.js") => (173, "\u{e60c}"), //  OsString::from("tex") => (58, "\u{f0669}"), // 󰙩 OsString::from("tf") => (57, "\u{e2a6}"), //  OsString::from("tfvars") => (57, "\u{f15b}"), //  OsString::from("toml") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("tres") => (185, "\u{e706}"), //  OsString::from("ts") => (67, "\u{e628}"), //  OsString::from("tscn") => (140, "\u{f0381}"), // 󰎁 OsString::from("tsx") => (67, "\u{e7ba}"), //  OsString::from("twig") => (107, "\u{e61c}"), //  OsString::from("txt") => (113, "\u{f0219}"), // 󰈙 OsString::from("vala") => (5, "\u{e69e}"), //  OsString::from("v") => (29, "\u{f035b}"), // 󰍛 OsString::from("vh") => (29, "\u{f035b}"), // 󰍛 OsString::from("vhd") => (29, "\u{f035b}"), // 󰍛 OsString::from("vhdl") => (29, "\u{f035b}"), // 󰍛 OsString::from("vim") => (29, "\u{e62b}"), //  OsString::from("vue") => (107, "\u{f0844}"), // 󰡄 OsString::from("wasm") => (99, "\u{e6a1}"), //  OsString::from("webmanifest") => (221, "\u{e60b}"), //  OsString::from("webpack") => (67, "\u{f072b}"), // 󰜫 OsString::from("webp") => (140, "\u{e60d}"), //  OsString::from("xcplayground") => (173, "\u{e755}"), //  OsString::from("xls") => (23, "\u{f021b}"), // 󰈛 OsString::from("xml") => (173, "\u{f05c0}"), // 󰗀 OsString::from("xul") => (173, "\u{e745}"), //  OsString::from("yaml") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("yml") => (66, "\u{e615}"), //  OsString::from("zig") => (208, "\u{f0e7}"), //  OsString::from("zsh") => (113, "\u{e795}") //  ) });