# eren Stream & Download Cartoons & Animes # Install #### Linux/Android - Get the binary from the [release page](https://github.com/Based-Programmer/eren/releases) ## Build #### Linux/Unix/Mac/Android - First of all install rust then ````sh git clone 'https://github.com/Based-Programmer/eren' && \ cd eren && \ cargo build --release ```` - Then move it to your $PATH ````sh sudo cp target/release/eren /usr/local/bin/ ```` - Or Build it directly with cargo ````sh cargo install eren ```` - Then move it to your $PATH ````sh sudo cp "$CARGO_HOME"/bin/eren /usr/local/bin/ ```` - Or better add $CARGO_HOME to your $PATH - In your .zprofile, .bash_profile or .fish_profile ? ````sh export PATH="$CARGO_HOME/bin:$PATH" ```` #### Only Android Termux - In your .zprofile, .bash_profile or .fish_profile ? ````sh export TERMINFO='/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/share/terminfo' ```` ## Usage ```` eren ```` #### Example - Get data ````sh eren --debug demon slayer ```` - Change Provider ````sh eren -p Luf-mp4 death note ```` #### Multi-select - use Tab in the tui [skim](https://github.com/lotabout/skim) - use Shift + Enter in [rofi](https://github.com/davatorium/rofi) - select 1 & 12 & it will play 1 to 12 #### Rofi - you can execute eren from something like rofi or dmenu & rofi will spawn automatically - or you can just execute it from the terminal using the normie way given below ````sh eren -r texhnolyze ```` - Sort by top (best cope for occasional allanime's irrelevant search results) ````sh eren -t monster ```` - Sub ````sh eren -s great pretender ```` - More at help ````sh eren -h ```` ## Dependency - mpv or mpv-android (best media player) - ffmpeg (merging downloaded video & audio) - [hls](https://github.com/CoolnsX/hls_downloader) (for downloading m3u8 from provider Ak & Luf-mp4) ## Optimal Dependency - rofi (external selection menu) ## Acknowledgement - Heavily inspired from [ani-cli](https://github.com/pystardust/ani-cli) - Special thanks to KR for decoding the [encryption](https://github.com/justfoolingaround/animdl/commit/c4e6a86) - fuzzy tui [skim](https://github.com/lotabout/skim)