.AddressValueError: ClassType .AddressValueError <: ValueError .NetmaskValueError: ClassType .NetmaskValueError <: ValueError ._IPAddressBase: ClassType ._IPAddressBase. version: Str compressed: Str exploded: Str reverse_pointer: Str ._BaseAddress: ClassType ._BaseAddress <: _IPAddressBase ._BaseAddress <: ToInt ._BaseNetwork: ClassType ._BaseNetwork <: _IPAddressBase ._BaseV4: ClassType ._BaseV4. version: Str max_prefixlen: Nat ._BaseV6: ClassType ._BaseV6. version: Str max_prefixlen: Nat .IPv4Address: ClassType .IPv4Address|<: Add Nat|. Output: {IPv4Address} __add__: (self: IPv4Address, other: Nat) -> IPv4Address .IPv4Address|<: Sub Nat|. Output: {IPv4Address} __sub__: (self: IPv4Address, other: Nat) -> IPv4Address .IPv4Address <: EqHash .IPv4Address <: PartialOrd .IPv4Address <: _BaseAddress .IPv4Address <: _BaseV4 .IPv4Address. __call__: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes) -> IPv4Address packed: Bytes is_multicast: Bool is_private: Bool is_global: Bool is_unspecified: Bool is_reserved: Bool is_loopback: Bool is_link_local: Bool __format__: (self: IPv4Address, fmt: Str) -> Str .IPv6Address: ClassType .IPv6Address|<: Add Nat|. Output: {IPv6Address} __add__: (self: IPv6Address, other: Nat) -> IPv6Address .IPv6Address|<: Sub Nat|. Output: {IPv6Address} __sub__: (self: IPv6Address, other: Nat) -> IPv6Address .IPv6Address <: EqHash .IPv6Address <: PartialOrd .IPv6Address <: _BaseAddress .IPv6Address <: _BaseV6 .IPv6Address. __call__: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes) -> IPv6Address packed: Bytes is_multicast: Bool is_private: Bool is_global: Bool is_unspecified: Bool is_reserved: Bool is_loopback: Bool is_link_local: Bool is_site_local: Bool ipv4_mapped: IPv4Address or NoneType scope_id: Str or NoneType sixtofour: IPv4Address or NoneType teredo: (IPv4Address, Nat) or NoneType __format__: (self: IPv6Address, fmt: Str) -> Str .IPv4Network: ClassType .IPv4Network <: EqHash .IPv4Network <: PartialOrd .IPv4Network <: Sequence IPv4Address .IPv4Network <: _BaseNetwork .IPv4Network <: _BaseV4 .IPv4Network. __call__: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes or ((Str or Nat or Bytes or IPv4Address), Nat), strict := Bool) -> IPv4Network max_prefixlen: Nat is_multicast: Bool is_private: Bool is_unspecified: Bool is_reserved: Bool is_loopback: Bool is_link_local: Bool network_address: IPv4Address broadcast_address: IPv4Address hostmask: IPv4Address netmask: IPv4Address with_prefixlen: Str compressed: Str exploded: Str with_netmask: Str with_hostmask: Str num_addresses: Nat prefixlen: Nat hosts: (self: IPv4Network) -> Iterator IPv4Address overlaps: (self: IPv4Network, other: IPv4Network) -> Bool address_exclude: (self: IPv4Network, network: IPv4Network) -> Iterator IPv4Network subnets: (self: IPv4Network, prefixlen_diff := Nat, new_prefix := Nat) -> Iterator IPv4Network supernet: (self: IPv4Network, prefixlen_diff := Nat) -> IPv4Network subnet_of: (self: IPv4Network, other: IPv4Network) -> Bool supernet_of: (self: IPv4Network, other: IPv4Network) -> Bool compare_networks: (self: IPv4Network, other: IPv4Network) -> {-1, 0, 1} .IPv6Network: ClassType .IPv6Network <: EqHash .IPv6Network <: PartialOrd .IPv6Network <: Sequence IPv6Address .IPv6Network <: _BaseNetwork .IPv6Network <: _BaseV6 .IPv6Network. __call__: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes or ((Str or Nat or Bytes or IPv6Address), Nat), strict := Bool) -> IPv6Network max_prefixlen: Nat is_multicast: Bool is_private: Bool is_unspecified: Bool is_reserved: Bool is_loopback: Bool is_link_local: Bool is_site_local: Bool network_address: IPv6Address broadcast_address: IPv6Address hostmask: IPv6Address netmask: IPv6Address with_prefixlen: Str compressed: Str exploded: Str with_netmask: Str with_hostmask: Str num_addresses: Nat prefixlen: Nat hosts: (self: IPv6Network) -> Iterator IPv6Address overlaps: (self: IPv6Network, other: IPv6Network) -> Bool address_exclude: (self: IPv6Network, network: IPv6Network) -> Iterator IPv6Network subnets: (self: IPv6Network, prefixlen_diff := Nat, new_prefix := Nat) -> Iterator IPv6Network supernet: (self: IPv6Network, prefixlen_diff := Nat) -> IPv6Network subnet_of: (self: IPv6Network, other: IPv6Network) -> Bool supernet_of: (self: IPv6Network, other: IPv6Network) -> Bool compare_networks: (self: IPv6Network, other: IPv6Network) -> {-1, 0, 1} .IPv4Interface: ClassType .IPv4Interface <: IPv4Address .IPv4Interface. __call__: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes or ((Str or Nat or Bytes or IPv4Address), Nat)) -> IPv4Interface ip: IPv4Address network: IPv4Network with_prefixlen: Str with_netmask: Str with_hostmask: Str .IPv6Interface: ClassType .IPv6Interface <: IPv6Address .IPv6Interface. __call__: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes or ((Str or Nat or Bytes or IPv6Address), Nat)) -> IPv6Interface ip: IPv6Address network: IPv6Network with_prefixlen: Str with_netmask: Str with_hostmask: Str .ip_address: (address: Str or Nat or Bytes) -> IPv4Address or IPv6Address .v4_int_to_packed: (address: Nat) -> Bytes .v6_int_to_packed: (address: Nat) -> Bytes .summarize_address_range: ((first: IPv4Address, last: IPv4Address) -> Iterator IPv4Network) \ and ((first: IPv6Address, last: IPv6Address) -> Iterator IPv6Network) .collapse_addresses: ((addresses: Sequence IPv4Network) -> Iterator IPv4Network) \ and ((addresses: Sequence IPv6Network) -> Iterator IPv6Network)